Best Books for Pre-teens on body changes

Need to find a great book for boys and one for girls on what changes are going to occur over the next few years. I'm fairly open with the kids and have attempted talking, but it seems like they would prefer reading a book at this point in the game.

What books are good? Want something that is comprehensive, factual, yet written in a way that interests kids.

Hi Susan,
A good friend of mine recommended this book to me and I am going to buy it for my 11-year old son. "American Medical Association Boy's Guide to Becoming a Teen" (Paperback). I think it might be better for him to read this book and then ask me questions (if he wants). Also, my sister gave me some really good advice many years ago. If you want your son to talk to you and actually share his emotions, talk to him in the car. It seems if boys don't have to talk face to face they sometimes find it easier to share their personal feelings. Please don't misunderstand me. My son and I are very close and we talk all the time, but it does work when you have something to talk about (like sex) and you really want him to share his personal feelings on a subject he finds embarrassing.

Good luck, Kelly

My kids like "It's Perfectly Normal" by Robie H. Harris. It is comprehensive and very well illustrated and geared for the kids to read.

Hi Susan,
When I turned 13 (I'm now 42!) my grandmother gave my me two books. One was called "Where did I come from" and the other was called "What's happening to me". These are excellent humorous books written by Peter Mayle with tact and humor about babies and about puberty. As I became a bit older, she then gave me "Love & Sex & Growing Up" (I think that one was by Alex Comfort?) I recently became engaged and my fiance has a 14 year old boy who started puberty and we gave him these books as well and it was a good opportunity just to open the lines of communication and tell him to feel free to please ask us any questions he may come up with as we'd rather tell him the truth instead of have him get incorrect information from friends or school gossip. I also grew up reading every Judy Blume book I could get my hands on and a lot of her books deal with puberty, growing up issues and more! Hope that helps and good luck to you!
Rachel B.

The American Girl book, the Growing and Changing of You is excellent for girls. I have yet to find an equal book for boys, so will also be anxiously watching for the answer.

When I was that age, my mother (who NEVER talked about "that stuff") gave me a book called "Changing Bodies, Changing Lives." I see that there is a new version out of this book to reflect current practices (plus current pictures of teens,etc). The book was written in a fashion relevant to me at the time and the pictures were educational. I actually relied on that book for many years to answer questions for me. I would highly recommend it; I knew the FACTS while my friends were wondering if they could get pregnant from sitting on a public toilet. It also offered me ways to say "no" to sex in high school.

Our pediatrician had a great list that he gave me a few years back. Have you considered calling your doctor to see if they have a reference for things like that?

I have to second the American Girl book:

You can pick it up at Target, too.

My niece is a big American Girl fan and they have a book called "The Care & Keeping of You - The Body Book for Girls" which I thought was awesome. They also have a whole collection of books that deal all the other things tween girls have to deal with at this age. They are all on their website. I don't know about boys, but for girls, I think this might be just what you're looking for.

My daughter loves the American Girl Body Book for Girls.

I still remember the book "What's Happening to Me?" by Peter Mayle that my parents had for me, my brother, and my sister. I would definitely recommend it and I will buy it for my kids;)

When I was a teen, an aunt gave me the book "Our Bodies, Ourselves", which I used as a reference for years. It covers many woman's health issues, including puberty, breast self exams, sex, pregnancy, breastfeeding, and more. It was really great because it answered many of the questions I had. I also received "What's Happening to Me," but by the time I had that book I had already learned the facts of puberty in my school health class, so it wasn't so helpful.

Good luck!

The American Girl books are great. I gave my 10-year old daughter "The Care and Keeping of You." Suggested she read it on her own, and come to me with questions. A great way to start the discussions that will continue over these next few years. Good luck!

I love the idea of a pre-teen type book, but I also want to second the recommendation for "Changing Bodies, Changing Lives." (And Our Bodies, Our Lives is an absolutely fabulous - though quite militant at times - book to have around as a resource from young adulthood on.) Through a course at my church and the Changing Bodies book, I was the most informed of my high school and really even college friends. It's very open and leaves no stone unturned, so if your family is more conservative, you might want to take a look and make sure you're comfortable with it. I'm a big believer in comprehensive health education - and this book is definitely in that category!

There's a great series called "God's Design for Sex" by Stan & Brenna Jones. Book #3 is for kids ages 8-11 years and is called "What's the Big Deal?", and book #4 is for kids ages 11-14 years and is called "Facing the Facts: The truth about sex & you". You can look at them online at as well!!

Hi Susan - I'm Jan and am a consultant with Usborne Books & More. They have two books that are fantastic for pre-teens that are starting to (or will shortly) experience body changes. They are called "What's Happening to Me?" There is a version for boys and another for girls. You can check them out at

Bath and Body Works carries and American Girl line of products which includes a book on maturing. It is written and illustrated for preteen girls with an overwhelming positive message that there are many body shapes and that is ok.

For Christmas a couple of years ago, I filled a basket with new wash cloths, loofahs, and other hygiene products like deoderant, shampoo and lotion just for my daughter. I tucked the book inside and let her discover it. She liked the fact that she got all of her own things in her favorite colors/scents. She has read through the book on occasion and asked me questions as she has matured.

It is one of the best purchases I have made. I think it runs about $10-15 and is well worth the price.

Good luck.


My mom bought me "It's perfectly normal" It was all inclusive and I remember enjoying the read even though a lot of the information was not new to me.

Susan I am a little late in answering this but I have some books called Just For Girls and Just for Boys.
They are great books with cartoon drawings and explain everything well. They talk about why, when and what happens, health and fitness, the opposite sex, feelings, and possible real life problems. They are entertaining to look at and hold the attention well.
Here is the ISBN #'s 978-1-4075-1571-7 and 978-1-4075-1570-0. I actually purchased them from TJmaxx but You can just do a search for them on line.
Good luck
PS I have also heard good things about the American Girl books. I like the set I got because they had one for the boys too.