baptismal info

I havent baptized any of my kids my boy who is 7 yrs old and my girl who is 2.I am catholic and havent found the right church in ontario california.I have no idea what the requirements are to baptize my kids.Can anyone help me? would it be too late for my 7 yr old to be baptised?

You are never too old to be baptized. When you do find the right church, it should be pretty easy to find out what their requirements are. Call their office and they should be able to give you the information you need.

You can find your local catholic churches at

Good luck!


Congratualtions on your decision to have your children baptized. My experience is each parish has a Baptizim class the parents and God parents attend. It's actually a really neat class and they discuss the role of the parents and God parents in raising a Catholic child and the sacrament itself. You will enjoy the class and feel very bonded with the God Parents. Generally, the sacraments are held on certain Saturdays' and they will let you know the date of yours when you attend the class. I would begin by calling the rectory and they will give you all in information you need.

PS: No, there is no age limit and your 7 year old will enjoy it!



It is never too late to be baptized. Each parish has its own requirements. Our Lady of the Assumption in Claremont was a pretty easy program to go through with my son. As parents we had to attend a 1 hour class and then we had to attend a 1 hour class with the Godparents. They don't requireme a minimum time of church membership like some other parishes.

First of all, it's NEVER too late :) I'm not Catholic, I attend a Christian church, and we have LOTS of Catholics that attend. If you haven't found a Catholic church yet, consider a Christian church. If you want more info on my church (in RC), visit our website We actually don't baptize our children - we "dedicate" them to the Lord as babies or small children - and then as teens they choose to be baptized.

Hi Carolina! Here's what you can expect:
-You will need to select godparents. The god parents need to be catholic and may potentially need to show proof that they were confirmed. Depending on the church, you may be allowed to have one godparent that isn't confirmed.
-The godparents will need to attend a class.
-Chances are you will need to be registered at the church.
-You and your husband will need to attend a class, too. If you weren't married in a Catholic church (like me, my husband is not Catholic), you and your hubby may need to attend an additional class. Chances are they won't allow the children to be with you when you go to these classes.
-Think about having both your children's baptisms done simultaneously. This makes it more cost effective if you plan on having some kind of party after the ceremony.
-Expect to give a donation to the church. You are supposed to give what you can afford.
-Expect the church to have some kind of expectation from you to enroll your son in CCD or religious education. They will expect him to start catching up so he can be prepared for penance and first Communion.

Hope this helps! Good luck!

Hi Carolina
Other posters have pretty much covered all of the bases. We are in the process of getting our daughter baptized right now. This is our second child to be baptized. We are registered with our church and have established ourselves with them, meaning they have us in their records as members of the church. Just as we did with the baptism of our son we picked Godparents and are required to attend a class. It's very simple and only lasts a few hours. It mostly consists of sharing beliefs and what not. After that we may choose a date for the baptism.
I would suggest finding a church near you that you are comfortable with and calling their office and let them know your situation and they will guide you from there.
I'm not familiar with churches in Ontario but I know there is St. Anthonys in Rancho Cucamonga, St. Peter and St. Paul in Alta Loma, and St. Josephs in Upland.