My husband (a non-believer) has finally decided to let me baptize my children ages 7 yrs and 8 months. We are Catholic and I was wondering how they would preform the ceremony for my son who's 7.
Hi Dawn,
I baptized all 3 of my kids this winter, 3, 4 and 5 yrs old. It was the same as any other baptism, but they had them stand on a stool next to the baptismal font and tip their head over it to pour the water on. We had them practice with the water, so they would know which way to turn their heads so the water wouldn't get in their eyes. They were great for the ceremony :)
good luck
every church is different, that's a question for your church..
Hi Dawn, I am also catholic. You can call the rectory and talk to the secretary or ask to talk to the priest . If he is busy, he can call you back when he is available.
From what I have seen at the church I attend on older children is the same ceremony. The kids in white, godparents there too and the candle ceremony, lighting of the candle, oil on the forehead with a special prayer and then the holy water on the forehead over the bapismal fountain. It is beautiful to watch and it is never too late to get baptized. It is the first sacrament . The second I'm sure you know is holy communion. My twins were baptized at 5 mths. I have seen younger and I've seen older . Doesn't matter the age, what matters is the sacrament your children will receive that day. Congratulations for both your children !! Take pictures and celebrate the day together with family !
Your oldest in about a year can receive communion, follow through on all their sacraments. I am Portuguese, it is so important in our culture and family.
My babies are 15 mths now and on mother's day they will be getting crowned with other children, holy spirit crowning. not sure if you're familiar with that ? It is also very beautiful to see. Well, pray for your husband that God can transform his heart and mind and he too will be a believer someday. It can happen, ask through his holy spirit. Ask in faith, not in doubt. For all is possible with God. Good Luck to you and your family always. Have a good day and enjoy this awesome weather we are having. spring has sprung here in Rhode Island right into Summer ! :)
I'm new to the Catholic faith, 2 years, but what happened this year with my 7 year old, during First Communion, is the church baptized the children who had not been baptized yet at the begining of the ceremony and then went on to confirmation and first communion sacrements. Since it's probably to late for your children to be a part of this years class you'll need to talk to your religious ed coordinator and find out what you can do this year, if anything. Otherwise if the church can't or won't baptize your children this year make sure you get them all signed up for next years CCD!
Congratulations and good luck!
Amy P
I'm pretty sure it is pretty much the same except now the seven year old gets to be a bigger part of decision to be a Catholic. I beleive he will asked if this is how he chooses to be brought up. I have seen one and thought it was nice that the child "chose" the path. Though they don't fully understand religion they have somewhat of a concept. When you call the church they will be able to answer your questions. Good Luck!
Hi Dawn,
There are slightly different requirements for each diocese. I'm not sure where you're writing from, but in the Diocese of Fall River, if the child is age 8 or over, they have to enroll in a year of classes. Depending on the church, this might be done through CCD, or a different class, with other older children preparing for Baptism. If you do the Baptism soon, while he is still 7, it will be done in pretty much the same way as any other baptism. The church might involve him a bit more, and they might decide to do it at a different time (like during the First Communion or during a regular Sunday Mass), but he wouldn't have to take the preparation classes.
Your diocese might have different requirements, and each church is slightly different, too. Call your rectory to find out exactly how it will be done. Best of luck to you and your family!
hey there. i had my two sons baptized at the same time. my youngest was a month old and my oldest was a year and nine months older. at the time they treated my older child just the same as any of the other children. i applaud you for getting it done no matter what your sons age is. my oldest is 7 now and he will be receiving his first communion next month.
My sister and I were baptized at ages 7 and 8 years. It was handled much like an infant ceremony except we stood by the baptismal. We wore white dresses, just like later at our first communion.
Hi, my 18 year old daughter was baptised at the age of 7. When she was born, I could not find a preiest that would perform the rite, because I was unwed! Years later a new priest allowed it. It was a group baptism, with all babies, but she wore a white dress, and flowers in her hair. Her godfather lifted her up to the baptismal, and the priest anoited her. It went very well. Perhaps your church will alow you do a family baptism, instead of public.
Our daughter was baptized a couple of months before her 6th birthday. She wasn't baptized with the babies, instead the priest had a separate ceremony a little later that day, after the other baptisms, with us and her godparents and anyone else that wanted to attend. It may be different with your priest.
At our parish,kids under 7 are baptized as babies,so when our daughter was baptized at 6 and a half she was considered and infant for the ceremony.We dressed her as an infant in the traditional white gown with the matching bonnet,lace anklets and white shoes.I did a cloth diaper and rubber pants on her under the gown with her under shirt.when she made her first communion,she wore the lace socks and shoes and her baptism diaper and rubber pants with her communion dress.
I have to wait until next Easter to get the kids baptized. My son has to start classes in September and will be baptized on Easter. I will wait until then to have the baby baptized because I don’t want my son to feel left out. If he was 6 I could have it done any time but he’s 7 so now he has to go to classes. I don’t mind because it’ll give him a better understanding of his religion and the sacrament he will be sharing with his sister.