Hey you all: I just got into an argument w/ the supervisor at the WAMU bank in which i place my minuscule fortune in daycare checks. When I opened the account w/ them they told me I have (and i quote) "$200 in overdraft protection."
What, exactly, would you expect that to mean?
To me, and maybe this is the olden days of 8 yrs ago, OD Protection meant a credit line upon which you pay a certain interest rate for the money that you go over accrued monthly. I was stupid, though, and didn't ask what WAMU's idea of OD Protection is. Their definition is:
SO you do not become embarrassed at the checkout line, even if you go 1 cent over balance, they will do you the favor of covering you, but then charge you a $32 NSF fee.
My question to the supervisor of the poor customer service folks was, IF THE MONEY IS NOT IN THE ACCOUNT, HOW CAN IT BE HONORED?? If I go over balance by buying soething at freakin STARBUCKS, i'd rather be embarrassed that the money isn't there than have to pay $32 more for a freakin coffee.
My questions to you are these:
1) What is your idea of OD Protection? Am I wrong for thinking that it was the tradtional OD Protection? I do understand it's my own fault for not personally looking into the agreement terms on the online bank site, but when they tell you you've got OD Protection up to $200, but don't explain the VERY IMPORTANT caveat that if you DO happen to go 5 cents over, you will be charged for every instance an amount of $32... Don't you think that's information the customers could use?
2) Does anyone have a bank they'd recommend? It's just for small change stuff, not to place my whomping fortune in.
Just saying, if I thought it was the traditional OD Protection, I'd never have spent the money, so it's not a matter of bank fees for me, but a matter of principal that the terms they use for what amounts, essentially, to highway robbery to quell the feeling of embarrassment (oh boohoo if you overdraw, you deserve the embarrassment! har) is a pretty stupid way to do business.
I'm also waiting to get my period, so some of this can possibly be due to the feelings of total bloat and irritability. Still...
appreciate any bank recommendations, is anyone out there totally happy w/ their bank, or even moderately? I've found the last 3 banks I've been to are just not as good as my good old Bank One....