Baby's Only Formula - Corn syrup free and Organic

After doing my research on formulas because I have to supplement right now (usually only like 1-2 bottles per day) I found the Baby's Only Organic formula which seems to be the only corn syrup free formula on the market. I ordered a can of it to try and my 2 month old LOVES it! It smells better than the other formulas and imagine it must taste better as well. The only drawback is that it says it's Toddler formula. But I read on the website that it is labeled as such because they believe that babies should be breastfed only until they are one year of age. So I called my pediatrician and they checked it out and said that it seemed fine to give to my son.

My question is whether any other mamas out there have used this formula and how they like it?

Nope, I used Enfamil and my kids did great on it.

This was my back-up formula if anything happened to me or my supply was low. I didn't need it until my son was about a year old. He definitely liked it, and there were no upset tummies, etc.

I used it and loved it with my son. I also contacted the company, and the "toddler" label is only because the company wants to encourage breastfeeding - it is nutritionally comparable to other formulas. It is also the only formula on the market with BPA-free cans and does not include hexane-processed DHA.

i have been using it exclusively for the last 4 weeks. i sought it out bc of the bpa and hexane in the DHA supplement that is in nearly all formulas now. my 10 month old loves it, too, after being exclusively bf'd for the first 9 months. and yes, it smells so much better and more natural than most of the other formulas we have tried... i was so grossed out by the one that smelled like cheezits (nutramigen), so i can't imagine what the kiddo thought of that stuff!

I wish I had known about this. Where do you buy it?
I am actually going to switching my toddler to goat's milk, I have found it powdered at Henry's market. I read goat's milk is better for them than cow's milk, but in your case with a young baby, I'm not sure what I would do.
But I wish I had known about this formula when my baby was 3 months old and I had surgery and had to switch from breastfeeding to formula. We did lactose free formula, only to find out later it is LOADED with corn syrup. I was so mad! We switched to Similac Advance which has lactose instead of corn syrup, but I don't like the DHA stuff that isn't in it's natural form.