baby wrap/slings...

Getting a little overwhelmed with all the wraps and slings they have these days. So i wanted to get some feedback on what people have liked! Right now I'm considering either the moby wrap or mei tai...then there's the question: "should i make my own, buy new, or used on ebay/etsy?" I would like one that can wear baby on front or back, and be able to nurse baby while wearing.
Thanks in advance =)

I have a Mayawrap and I really like it. I used it for both my kids, it is very versatile, you can nurse with it, use it front, back, hip, hold baby in front, hold baby up on your shoulder.

With the wraps that don't have rings you probably could make your own but by the time you got the materials and time in making it, I'd probably just buy. If they are in good condition you would probably be ok going with a pre-owned. Most of the dealer sites will have slightly used wraps at a discount.

I have several friends that SWEAR by their moby wraps, but I have never personally used one. I tried a Mei Tai and I didn't like it (I have very sensitive shoulders and upper back). Instead, I use a Becco Butterfly, which I completely love. It can be worn front or back, but it is not a sling, so I think the moby wrap is more versatile.

First, see if you have a babywearing group in your area. Check and yahoo groups. They usually meet once a month and you can go and try out other mama's slings, get recommendations, and sometimes get them used from each other. Here is a good website for help too:

Moby and mei tai are pretty different. I have an ergo, but it is bulky. I have used a mei tai, and plan to get one with next baby early on. I have a moby and I like it, but it is not good for higher weights. It is great for snuggling with infants and getting stuff done around the house. I think it is more comfy than a mei tai, but that might have been because my son was bigger when I used the mei tai. It is not convenient for out in public with all the wrapping that it needs. It can be hot for running errands too. Mei tai is more convenient and good for longer term. It's easy to put on, not too big and bulky, still holds baby close and can do skin-to-skin time in it. I haven't nursed in it so I can't tell you about that part, and I didn't use it with a newborn.

I bought cheap fabric and tried to make my own moby and it was a waste of time- too stretchy and unsupportive. I read all about people doing it, but by the time you buy several yards of quality jersey fabric it is just as expensive as a new one. If you can find one on ebay or otherwise used, go for it, you can wash it. Make sure it is a reputable seller so it isn't too worn or stretched out would be my only concern.

Making my own mei tai was not an option, I don't have the sewing skills necessary for that. I would think you would need a heavy duty machine to be able to go through multiple layers of sturdy fabric and I don't have one. I didn't trust anything I was able to sew to be able to hold up to baby's weight. I'm sure if you can sew and have the necessary equipment it wouldn't be hard. They are more expensive so it might be cost-effective where the moby is not, but I don't really know.

Hope all that helps!


I knew I should have just posted this info to begin with, but was trying to keep it shorter. In response to the other post, yes certain types of baby slings were recalled and are dangerous. I read this article a long time ago when looking at slings. It explains the difference between the recalled type and a hotsling/peanut shell pouch type pretty well. The reason for the recall was that baby's head gets forced down toward their chest in the bag sling, cutting off their airway and they suffocate. A pouch sling positions baby differently. Babywearing is something that should be done with a little bit of knowledge and safety should be kept in mind. You don't just stuff baby in a pouch and go.

I used and still continue to use "the sleepy wrap". The fabric is comfortable, you can use them until your child is like 2 I believe. It's great to use for nursing as well in public or in your home it offers the privacy you need and comfort for the baby. I paid $40 for it and it was well worth it!

I have a moby & absolutely love it. It is a little more complicated but simple with a little practice. I am definitely a baby wearer & therefore have several carriers. I also have a hot sling. My daughter didn't like to be cradled in it but now that she is a little older she loves to be hip carried. Moby wrap has a hip carry tie but hot sling is a lot less fabric & much more convenient right now. I have never used a mei tei. I would imagine that moby would be more secure & versitile.

I love my Moby. I really like that it sits wide across my shoulders and back. The part that wraps around my lower back is REALLY supportive. I don't feel like I have to lean backwards to adjust for the weight of my child. The Moby is a little tough to use at first, it definitely takes practice. Once I got the hang of it, I was able to use it anywhere and everywhere. I even nurse while walking through WalMart and no one was the wiser. I put mine on before I leave the house so I don't drag it on the ground in parking lots or stores. I just grab the baby out of her carseat, pop her in and way we go!
I would recommend sticking with the name brand Moby. I've known a few people that have made one and the material just doesn't seem to hold up as well. I would try to find a used one, since the new ones can be expensive. But, they are well worth the money, IMO.
Happy Babywearing!

Don't do a sling with a new baby! Please be cautious and don't put your little baby in one until they are older and have better neck control. Babies have died, and it's so sad:

And for packs, I vote for an Ergo pack--you can wear it in the back, front or side.

Don't let the fear-monger below scare you. Yes, there was one type of thick baby sling that was recalled after some deaths from suffucation.

Definitely try out several options (like the mentioned babywearing groups). Also, hospitals often have a nursing center where they also have babywearing workshops to try stuff out. (I've also found their prices to be cheaper than most retail -- at least with nursing bras.)

I like using a ring-sling with the extra padding at the shoulder for my little babies. They come with a long "tail" so that you can cover while nursing in-sling.

For regular baby-wearing, I prefer the Ergo. It's very comfortable and the weight is mostly on my hips and evenly distributed over both shoulders with big, cushy straps. There is an infant insert for the wee ones, and then you can continue through toddlerhood with the same carrier. My 2yo gets worn on the back sometimes. It's great so that she can "snuggle" while I get housework done.

As long baby isn't in a horizontal position, they will be fine (healthy full term babies, preemies do need extra cautions). That crap sling referred to was trying to be like a cradle, slings/carriers should mimic how you hold your baby--which usually means head near your chest, not your hip!

There are often babywearing groups, led by volunteers that have many different style carriers that you can try and often borrow. Ideally, have someone experienced help you with it--most people that don't like a certain style are using it very incorrectly. This might be helpful...
That said, I think my mei tai is the most versatile and probably what i'd for if I had to pick one (instead I have...more :)). has really good instructions for different carries. The upright position was the easiest for me to carrier-nurse in, and no one knows the difference from the outside.
I'd also suggest buying new, or used if it is a recognized name. Stitching quality is very important, people often just make the shape of the carrier without making it strong enough. is a good buckle carrier that is similar to the mei tai, if you don't want to do the tying. It's best for a narrow build, though. But if others would be carrying baby in it then buckles can be an advantage.
The most straightforward way to go with mei tai is to order from You choose your pattern, strap color, can add a head rest, get longer straps...get exactly what you want.
If your decide to look into something like the Ergo, check out Mama By Design. Ergo is much better than most, but anyone who tries MBD will realize the Ergo is just okay. :) Same idea, but much better thought out.

Have fun!

I love the Moby Wrap! It is so versatile and easy to use after you try it on a couple of times. The biggest thing I like about it over other carriers is the comfort level. There is no back strain, no pulling or pinching on either side, baby can be worn a multitude of ways and it adjusts easily as they grow. It's also one size fits most, so you and your husband can use the same carrier instead of having to get different sized one for each of you!

I loved how it could hold my baby as if in a 5 point harness as she was old enough to hold her head up. This allowed her to watch and see what I was doing without having to hold her like in a sling. We have done everything with a baby in a Moby Wrap from basic household chores, body care like doing my hair or using the toilet, to horseback riding, pruning bushes, picking up debris in the yard, shopping, etc, etc.

The thing I also enjoyed was the ability to position my baby to nurse in it in a comfortable and supported way. During growth spurts when my daughter wanted to nurse and sleep off and on for a couple of hours, I could put her in there and go about my life without being trapped on the couch. She was right there where I could feel her move, breath, etc. So I always knew she was fine and could tell when she wanted out or needed to burp.

We took my daughter to Panama when she was 5 months old and it was a lifesaver for the trip! I used it to help keep my hands free through the airport as we hauled our luggage and pulled out our tickets and ID. It was a great nursing cover, blanket and padding for the baby over the trip too! We did tons of walking and being able to wear our daughter made it easy to enjoy the trip and take in the sights without getting tired or exhausted carrying her.


A moby is great when they are wee little. I use a Bjorn or Ergo now that my dd is older (almost 18 pounds).

I loved my Ergo ( I loved it so much that I bought a second one when I had my twins. You wear the baby on the front when they are young and then when they are about four months old (depending on how strong their neck is) you can wear them on your back. Of course you can still wear them on your front, but a lot of babies this age want to look out at the exciting world and can't do that while nuzzled into your chest. I loved it because it has a waist strap and all of my boys were heavy from the get-go and by 4 months all were over 16 lbs, so it was way too hard to carry them in a Baby Bjorn or sling or moby or whatever as it just put too much pressure on my shoulders. The Ergo is just as it sounds - ergonomically correct. It comes with a newborn insert, but to be honest, you can just put a blanket in it and wear it with a newborn. I never nursed in it, but I think it would be possible. I did wear a playtex side carrier and nurse in that with my first...

i had the moby wrap and just sold it.... too complicated for "easy" use. i'm now looking for an ergo, but never tried one. we have a jeep carrier (like a bjorn) and it's super easy, but not so easy on the back..

I agree the Ergo is the way to go! I have worn it for 4-6 mile walks, and it was so comfy I could keep wearing it for hours after! My baby is three months and 15 pounds! You can use it for newborn and up, they sell an insert to use with newborn to 3 months. I used a rolled up towel instead. I tried a sling with this baby and the one before, one was ring, one was a pouch. I hated both, they are no where near as comfy as the Ergo! I heard the BECO(?) is another great option, but I have never tried it.

I have tried quite a few of the baby carriers out there. I'm on my third baby, now, and I think I've finally figured out what I like! I have a sling I love for hip carry and I've used it a couple of times with my newborn in the cradle hold which seemed to work pretty well (I made sure it didn't actually cover her up). But my favorite carrier for front and back carry is the Ergo. It is the BEST!! It distributes the weight really well and they seem really comfortable in there. There's also an insert you can get separately for the newborn stage. BTW, I made the sling. It was SO easy! You can find free patterns online. Also, I had the Moby last time and found it a little labor intensive to put on. Have fun carrying your baby!!

For the long term, mei tai's are more versatile. I also find my mei tai to be much easier to use. If those are your only choices, I vote mei tai. I have a nearly 3 year old and a 10 month old and both have been worn since week 1 of life and still are.

If you find an affordable used one that you like, go with that. You could make your own, but my sister tried that and she never wears it because she used the wrong padding and it's uncomfortable. There are some really gorgeous ones on etsy!

I have 11 carriers (I think) and if I could only have one carrier, I think it would be my ergo sport. If you haven't looked at those yet, I encourage you to do so.

I fully intended to get a Moby Wrap. But all we found at the store (I think it was Fred Meyer) was an Infantino Front 2 Back Carrier. It's good for up to 35 lbs. as I recall. The baby can be carried rear-facing (mandatory for younger babies(, front-facing and on the back. While the Infantino is fine to use for short periods of time, I would not recommend it if you will be using it a lot. Despite the "memory foam" for shoulder pads, yours will start to ache after about an hour, depending on how strong you are and how big your baby is. I'm petite and my baby is a giant.

Next time I will get a Moby Wrap. It's just you need to make sure the wrap is secured BEFORE you leave home. Otherwise you'd have to drag it on the ground to set it up. Never had one but that's what I read when I researched it.

Good luck. And congrats for realizing the importance and convenience of baby wraps and carriers!

The one I used all the time was The Ergo. Kind of spendy, but we used it from when he was born & still use it today. THe only one you'll really need. You can use a rolled up towel or blankie put in the bottom to support the newborns legs if you don't want to buy an insert. A used one still isn't that much discounted, so i would just buy a new one & resell it when you don't use it anymore. An adjustable ring sling is great for just around the house. Have fun!

ergo baby. hands down.