At our 20 week ultrasound we found out our baby has enlarged kidneys. We have seen a specialist and will continue to be monitored. Does anyone have experience with this? What were you told by your doctors and what measures did you have to take before and after your baby was born? Please share any information. Thank you.
I am guessing that by enlarged kidneys you mean that there is extra fluid in the kidneys. Depending on how much fluid is there, it can mean different things. Anything below 3-4mm is perfectly normal. Below 7mm is most likely not a problem, but they will monitor it to make sure it doesn't continue to get bigger. Over 7mm can be a sign of a blockage in the tubes going from the kidneys to the bladder. It can just go away on it's own (and usually does) or sometimes it has to be followed after birth by a pediatric nephrologist or urologist.
This condition is more common in boys than girls, but happens in both. It really usually is not a problem. RARELY it can be a sign of other things going on- some babies with Down syndrome have this ultrasound finding- but most of the time it is isolated.
Here is a link (that basically says what I was saying!) that gives some info:
And here's another one:
Good luck!