Baby eats the bathtub

My little girl recently noticed the handle you pull up on to stop up the tub. She likes to suck on it when I space out for even a second and I don't want her getting all germy. I think the shiny metal is attracting her. Anyone else had their babies suck on the little handle, and what do I do about it?

I have three children and my two year old puts every thing in her mouth. I thought she would be out of that stage by now but I guess not. My kids didn't find the tub tasty, but I think I know why your baby is doing that. It is shiny, cool and hard, the PERFECT teething tool. Toys R Us/Babies R Us sell tub knob and faucet covers. You can use them like you would normally but they aren't as "appetizing". If you can't find them there you can find them in just about any catalog for "Parents". I hope I helped you and good luck.

Michelle Barnes

Hi elizabeth, I have a 10 month old, and he loves our tub nobs. In fact he loves anything shiny, metal, and germy. We have a trash can that is metal and he loves it(yuck!). I just try to keep him any from it, and spray things down with sant (clorox anywhere hard surface) spray during nap time, they say it's safe for kids and you have to let it dry. Good luck and have fun with your little one

I have the same problem with my son... EVERYTHING goes straight into the mouth!
I asked our Dr and she says there is really no harm in it as long as it's not toxic or small enough to choke on. She said that is how some babies check out their world (orally) if it tastes yucky to them, they will probably still stick it in their mouths a few times just to be sure.
Mine tried his first doggie biscuit at the vets 2 weeks ago ! GROSS but we will spend the rest of our lives saying NO NO if we don't let them check it out. As long as it doesn't hurt her.. no harm... maybe take the metal part off, and just use the stopper part.

My 7 month old son does the same thing. I bath him in one of the portable tubs in the sink, and he's constantly trying to chew on the faucet handle. I think it's just something shiny and cool for his little mouth. Most of the time I just try to distract him with a bath toy. And I try to keep it fairly clean and not worry. There are worse things he could be chewing on!!


Do you nurse?? She probably just wants to suck. All babies, I don't care what anyone says, they have the urge to suckle. I would allow her more nursing or sucking time. Hope that helps... or you could just get in the tub with her and sit in front of the knob. That's what I do.

they have spout covers now... you can find them at many retail stores and I found them at Harmony Kids as well.

Hope this helps

I'd say if you can't get her to not suck on it, just take clorox wipes to it before you run her bath water, give it time to dry, rinse it off, and then run her bath water! This way you know she isn't getting all germy, and she gets what she wants!

My son is only four months old and he sucks on everything. I know it is due to teething. Kids just have a natural desire to taste everything.


Thank you for the advice. I am trying to get to Babies R Us but today it is snowing and I have forgotten every other day to do it. sighs She actually hasn’t been taking such an interest anymore. After I kept putting my hand on her forehead so she couldn’t get to suck on it and then turned her around so she wouldn’t see it, she stopped. She still goes over there and feels it with her fingers- which I don’t mind- but she hasn’t even offered to suck on it. I’ve had two other times where she did something I didn’t want her to do and she caught on right away that I didn’t want her to. That involved biting my nipple- she could see it hurt and could taste the blood- and then she tried to pull the gerbil cage over to her but it was going to let the gerbil out so I calmly removed her hand and she hasn’t tried to do it again since. I am a very blessed mom I know because she does catch on pretty quickly without me having to say no and get upset. So anyway, thank you all for your support and advice. :slight_smile: