baby eating top of crib

My son is standing up in his crib and eating the top of his crib. He has chipped all of the paint off with his teeth and is down to the wood. Any ideas on how to fix this problem? I tried the rubber bumpers but he ripped those off. My friend suggested wrapping fabric around the top but I am scared he will get that off too and strangle himself or something.

Maybe put something in his crib, JUST for his crib, to chew on. And leave it there. And "show" him what it is for, using your own mouth and teeth to show him he can chew on it.

They often do this.

We have crib protectors on our crib is not a "rubber" one, but a hard clear plastic, and snaps onto the railing top. It went through both my kids, and it's still there intact. Someone else had gotten it for us, so I don't know where to get it. Perhaps look online on or something. I'm sure there are different styles of crib-railing protectors. (Here, this looks like the one we have: )
Or, this one:

Just do a Google search of crib railing protectors.

I would search around for another type of railing protector, AND also keep things in his crib to chew on. Often, by this age, it's good to have some safe toys in the crib with the child... because it helps them to entertain themselves, and or to go to sleep on their own (if this is a problem). My son really benefited from having his own toys in his crib.

But yes, at this 'stage', they will pull up and stand and what not. It's a phase. And maybe he is teething too. But it will pass! LOL

Good luck,

We put hand towels around the edges and zip tied them in place so our twins could't get them off and also couldn't continue biting the wood. It worked. It was ugly but it worked.

Good luck

Try this crib shield instead I had this one and my child couldn't get it off.

Hi, Katie...
I was pondering your question, as I haven't had that happen with my girls, but my son (7 mos.) is a chewer, and I think he may do the same thing. I was wondering if you can use some of that sour tasting stuff that's sold for thumb suckers and apply some of that to where he chews the most..? Maybe if it tastes unbearable, he'd be less likely to chew on it. Hmmmm just a thought!

Good Luck!

Laura M

My girls did the same thing - I have two 2 year old twin girls & it was about one that the one started biting her crib. I was concerned about the safety of the paint & made sure I didn't have one with lead in it (call the manufacturer). You might have it worse than I do, but....I didn't make anything of it. I might have said "no", but at one do they really adhere to "no"? She outgrew it & the other started doing the same thing! She also outgrew it. I thought about painting over it, but decided it would be a cute topic when they get a little older. It sounds like he is eating more than mine were; maybe call your Doctor & see if there isn't something safe you can dab on that will create a nasty taste in his mouth like vinegar or rub some baby powder into it or ???? Good Luck!

We use the BreathableBaby Crib Shield and love it. It's fabric and attaches to the crib via velcro and it works great. My daughter can chew on the railing all she wants and I don't have to worry about her ingesting anything.

Contact the crib's manufacturer. They probably have a website where you can buy accessories. There should be a plastic cover for the part your're talking about and it cannot be taken off by the baby.

Try wraping it in Tin Foil. It feels funky on the teeth. Maybe try spraying it with that stuff you put on kids skin so they stop sucking their thumb? Just a few suggestions.
Good luck!

Buy some bitter apple! I know they also make a no thimb sucking brand put it on the crib so when he bites it or licks it he will have a bad taste in his mouth. worked for me hope it works for you too. Krissy


I'm not sure how to stop that chewing, my old crib had lots of chew spots on it. You may just need to take him out of the crib altogether, and put him in a youth or twin bed.

My greater concern is in the paint he is eating! Are you sure there is no lead in the paint? Lead is a serious toxin, and causes severe disabilities. I think it would be better to have no paint for him to chew on, than to be poisoned by lead paint. Please check for that.

Maybe there is something missing from his diet, and he finds that in the crib. Be sure to give him vitamins. Melaleuca has great tasting chewables that taste like fruits. When you see his pediatrician again, I would definitely ask him about the chewing of paint and wood.

Good luck.
Working at Home to Live a Healthy Life

I am having the exact same problem!! Please let me know what advice people give you and what you try that has worked! Thanks.

We used the rubber bumpers, but held them on with zip ties at several places. There's no way a kid can pull those off. Cheap, easy solution!

Great Responses! I am going to try to buy a cover first and if not consult the Dr. about a product I can put on the crib to get him to stop gnawing on it. Thanks everyone and happy holidays~