Army "low" crawling 8 1/2 month old?

My son doesn't crawl in a normal manner. Instead he uses one leg and his arms and scoots around on his belly? He uses both of his legs during other activities but for some reason he's adopted this style of movement and I want to know if this is normal? I'm concerned because both my sister and my brother had to go through crawling therapy to correct their reading skills. Neither of them could read well because they hadn't developed proper hand and eye coordination. I was told that crawling is vital for this development, and I don't want my son suffering through school like my siblings? Any thoughts?

hi .. my baby was 6 and half month when he stared crowiling and he did the same that yours for like 2 months and then he swich the normal crawl if we can said he is 15 months and walks normal...

Don't worry. Babies learn to crawl and walk in all sorts of different ways, including this technique! If it's clear to you that his limbs are generally functioning normally, then don't worry.

As far as the connection between "normal" crawling and reading skills -- well, yes, there does seem to be evidence that babies who crawl for a long time do seem to develop the part of the brain that helps with reading. However, I am not aware of any way that you can actually "make" them crawl the right way, to develop this connection to reading.

Instead, I suggest you focus on positive encouragement and acceptance of the way your baby is developing, plus make sure you are reading to him a lot. Strong self-esteem and early exposure to books and literacy are sure to help him succeed in the future.


I wouldn't worry at all about it. Many many many children do a low crawl before they get up to their hands an knees. Some never get up to their hands an knees. My dad has pictures and stories of me crawling on 1 hand, 1 elbow, 1 knee, and 1 hip. I never crawled on hands and knees, and reading is one of my favorite things to do. My comprehension has always been grades ahead of my actual grade, i.e. in 7th grade I was charted at a freshman in college comprehension level.

I wouldn't worry at all as long as he's hitting his other milestones.

Hope this helps,

My youngest just turned one on June 16. When he was 9 months, he started the army low crawl. He would lay on his belly and pull with one arm and push with one leg.

He crawled around low crawl style for about 3 months. A few days after his first birthday, he stopped the low crawl and started crawling on his hands and knees.

Don't worry about your son! Give him some time. We mothers always worry first, but most of the time if we just wait and give it time, it works itself out in the end. Then we see we had nothing to worry about. :)

Enjoy watching your baby as he grows . . . they grow up so fast!

Hi Bonnie-Jean,

My son, who is now 16, did what I always called the "jungle crawl," never did actually learn to crawl the "right" way, and he has always been a straight A/B student in all subjects. In fact, his WASL scores for reading were above average and always have been. He will be an AP English student next year. My daughters(17 and 9), who crawled normally, are exceptional readers also.

I tried teaching him to crawl the right way, even by getting on my hands and knees and showing him, and it just made him angry when I tried to force him to do it another way. Even his older sister, who's 17 mos. older, tried to show him, and despite the fact he wanted to do everything she did, he wouldn't mimic her in that.

I don't think that there is lot of correlation between type of crawling(or crawling at all) and better reading skills. I think better reading skills are learned through practice, quality time spent reading, first you to your child, and then exchange reading, where you read then they read to you.

Hand/eye coordination can be learned in a variety of ways. Block play, sorting toy play, and puzzles, drawing and coloring, writing, and later, even though you don't want them addicted, video games also teach hand/eye coordination. So, crawling isn't the only way that can be mastered.

By no means am I an expert, I'm just a mom of 3 kids, but like I said, my son never properly crawled, my daughters did, and they are all great readers because it's something we always practiced, stressed, and did together, and because they enjoyed it.

Bottom line, I wouldn't worry if I were you. As long as your baby is on cue developmentally in every other way, he should do fine even if he never crawls.

Have fun with your little man, and enjoy the time he spends on the floor. Pretty soon, he'll be up on his feet and into everything! :o)

Kat W

It's normal to crawl like that. It's okay! Also, crawling is not considered a necessary milestone. some babies never crawl and they are okay! My daughter did the crawl you are describing. I think it's called the military crawl or something similar to that. I think it was the only way she could figure out how to move her body. Then one day we were out with a few other babies that were crawling the 'normal' way, and sure enough, she started crawling the 'normal' way later that day or the next. I think she just hadn't figured it out until she saw other babies doing it.

If you have any concerns or questions, you should call your pediatrician. They will answer any questions you may have and will reassure you that it's normal and quite okay to crawl like that.

Good luck.

My son did the same thing and has developed quite normally. This was corrected when he had no diaper on and discovered the carpet did not feel so good. LOL And he was walking at about 10 months. But if you feel concerned it is certainly valid and worth asking your pediatrician. Good Luck.

My second child crawled this way, then went straight to walking. He never did crawl on all fours. He became my best reader, still reads voraciously, has a masters in education and teacher history at a high school. None of my other four "crawlers" read as well as he did.

All babies develop their own method of crawling and they do it in their own time. Let him get around however he is able to do so...and before you know it, he will be walking!

Hi Bonnie,
Sounds like you've recieved a lot of comforting and good advice. The only thing I'd like to add is that you do have a valid concern w/the family history. However, all is not lost at this early stage. If your son does go from from combat crawl to walking, it's ok. The benefits of crawling can be made up. You've been given some good ideas so far, others I would suggest include swinging on the monkey bars as he gets older.

My daughter did the same thing for months and eventually she started crawling on all fours, now at 14 months she walks just fine. My brother never crawled on all fours and he turned out just fine. I wouldn't worry.

I have never heard of that, but here is my thoughts. There is no point trying to correct his crawling just because you can't really do much about it. But there are plenty of eye and hand coordination toys out there, just stock on that. Now you made me worry, because my son actually never crawled at all. But on the other hand he has a play station and quite few games and even there is a strict game limit time he is very good (better than daddy). He also plays kids games on the PC and he is very good too. He can't read but he knows all the important words and he doesn't need help with the instructions. To play a game with him I need to read the instructions and he doesn't, he just knows what to do and "spots" the options. I might expand the game time now... Good luck!

I wouldn't worry or at least not yet - my daughter did this for quite a few months - then she crawled - then she walked a bit on the late side - now she's about 2 1/2 and she still will sometimes drop to all four and crawl - ok so mostly to get away from me.

I've heard about the crawling and reading - but don't worry about it until you figure out if he doesn't crawl at all. Plus even if he doesn't crawl - sounds like a lot of people say it doesn't matter and if it does matter crawling theory sounds like it works. Just tuck it back in your file and if he has trouble reading pull it out.

Crawling is an important developmental milestone. My sis-in-law is an Occupational Therapist, and has made more than several comments regarding this. She has told me that the thing that it is really working on is both sides of the brain learning to work together.

However, it is just a fact that many kids do not crawl, and are fine in the future. My mom didn't crawl,and neither did my husband. Many people that I know never crawled, and they are just extremely successful individuals. Crawling isn't the only way that the 2 sides of the brain learn to work together. It's just a big way. I agree with the other postings... relax and let your kid develop in his own way.

I would help him with his coordination by getting on the floor and teaching him the right way of moving his hands and legs. Crawl yourself to show him, but most of it is going to be you helping moving his arms and legs. He will get the hang of it.
I'm glad you said something about crawling therapy. 2 of my cousins that live in Alaska had to go to crawling therapy when they were in Kindergarten/1st grade. The floors of my Aunt and Uncle's home were so cold at the time that my cousins were crawling, she had linolium and tile floors that had sheets of ice on them, inside her house (this was in the mid 60's). So she didn't allow the babies on the floor, and they didn' learn to crawl.

So many parents say "oh, my baby skipped crawling and walked at an early age". Crawling is an important milestone that shouldn't be skipped. I know it sounds like an old wivestale, but it's true.

Good Luck with your little one.

Have you spoken to your Pediatrician yet. That would be my first suggestion. He will be able to make any suggestions as to what to do if you do need to do anything. I think all kids are different and crawl at different stages and different ways. My son used to crab walk. He didnt like his knees touching the ground. Good Luck

My son army crawled at 8 months. Then at 9 months he stood up holding onto things. He crawled "normal" at 10 or 11 months and then walked at 12 months. What I am saying is that he creaped around on his belly first and is completly fine. He is now 2 and runs everywhere.

I have never heard of crawling therapy. Every book you read and doctor I've talked to say it is perfectly normal for a child to crawl any way they want. Some don't crawl at all. I think you need to relax and enjoy your son the way he is. Reading doesn't happen for a long time after they are done crawling and I don't know of anyone who needs hand eye coordination to do so. He's fine!

The army crawl is very normal! One of my daughters and several of my friends kids did it and they have turned out just fine, no devolpmental problems at all!