Anyone know of an extra-wide baby gate???

My son is 9 months old and is crawling EVERYWHERE! I am trying to find a gate to close off our dining room from him for safety reasons. My problem is this...I need a gate that is at least 86" wide! Our house is 70 years old and has plaster walls, so I really want a tension gate so that I don't damage the plaster. Does anyone have any ideas? Can you connect two smaller gates? I also would prefer to spend less than $100. Thanks in advance for the help!

I am an avid Ebayer There are a ton of baby gates like you are looking for!! Just go join if you arent already its free and easy!!!

Here is the largest one I have found.

There are very few tension gate that go that big. I was just trying to find one for my mom's dog and the opening was 70". The one below was one of the only ones that went that big... Good luck!!!

Can you possibly 'flank' the opening with solid pieces of furniture... like small (teeny 12") bookshelves or small end tables - something solid that will 'accept' a narrower baby gate between them?

We had a similar problem, in that our wall and the banister of the top of our stairs were 'staggered' - and the bottom and top were differing widths. I happened upon a 'not so gorgeous' tension gate at a garage sale - with no brand name attached :( - which worked for us.

Good luck!!

We have a very wide opening that has to be blocked off too. We have used this gate for 2 years and it has worked well. It is not a tension gate, it is free standing so we had to teach our son not to pull on it. It is more stable than it looks and than we thought it would be. The only problem we have had with it is we forget to loosen the tightening screws when we folded it and one of the panels broke. Totally our fault. We had two of them so we just removed the broken panel and used the other two pieces in a smaller area.
We currently have it stretched over 11 feet to keep our son from the large Entertainment Center. He weight over 30 pounds and doesn't tip it over.
It is a bit pricey but we think it is well worth it.

Good Luck!

Try they have a lot of gates to choose from.

You won't find a tension gate that wide, it is too hard to keep the tension strong and even over that big of a span, so they are too easy to "pop out" of the space. There are a few choices of hardware mounted gates for that size, though. We have two of these first ones I linked below, and they have been WONDERFUL! One goes around our Corn-burning fireplace and has prevented many burn disasters, and one around the bottom of our front stairs which are "open" with no banister or wall on one side for the first 4 steps - these are great cause they are jointed, so you can bend/curve themto fit any space, and with two, you cna even hook them together in a hexagon to make a play yard for inside or outside.

Now, it will depend on your baby's personality, but for our daughter, we didn't need to "mount" them on the hardware, just the visual barrier and the fact that something was there in her way stops her, and she is 2 now, and they are still working. But if your little guy is more persistent, you may have to drill in and mount them, BUT plaster is easily patched and will probably need the gate there for at least a year or more longer, so mounting would be good, and if you have any more children (like you say you want), the gates will need to be there even longer - better to have them permanently attached, so don't be scared to mount them and fix the wall later - a few holes to patch with spackle is not a big price to pay for your baby's safety and your peace of mind!

We ordered ours from and used the free site to store shipping and picked them up at our local store - it was fast, free and very easy!

This is the gate we have:

Here is another long one - could be stained/painted to match woodwork color:

Here is a third option: (this one comes with 76" of gate but extensions can be bought to make it longer - up to 13 ft.)

I didn't pre-read the responses, so I hope I'm not duplicating, but look on they have LOTS of gate options. Here is one to try, but again, they have lots of others. You'll have to copy paste this link:

Good luck!

There are metal baby gates that are "sectional", therefore, you can add to them. They come with a "gate" opening where you can step on a foot petal & the gate opens easily. I'm not aware of any suction type that will expand that long of a distance. We nailed a block of wood to the wall so that the screws went thru the block of wood instead of the plaster. When he outgrew the babygate we only had nail holes to repair, not large screw holes. Check the internet and if you live near any children's consignment stores, they often have baby gates that are less expensive than buying new.

They sell them at Menards. They are very wide.

I had the same issue and ended up screwing a gate into the wall, it almost fit but there wasn't enough tension. One option is a baby corral. a bunch of linkable gates that can act as a corral or just be used to wall off an area he shouldn't go in. I dont know how much they cost though, sorry. I would think that the wooden single gates should be able to be fastened together somehow as well, as long as you get creative and take safety into account.

wow. good luck with that.
i get a catalog... i think its called safety first?
they have various sizes of gates. try looking there.

My husband and I have a similar problem involving two sets of stairs and a propane heater on our main floor. We used a baby correll to just correll off the whole section of the room we bought ours for 60 at K-mar and it it sworking very well. they are a bunch of gates linked together and can bea adjusted easlily by taking out or adding more gates. they are also very sturdy.

Hi could try They are a catalog/internet childrens/baby store. I have found some things there I haven't seen in stores or on other websites.

We had a similar problem. Our door openings weren't as wide, but odd shaped and I wasn't crazy about the idea of attaching something to the wall. We ended up getting two sets of the North States Superyard XT. Technically, you're not supposed to put more than 8 panels together, but we have 10 panels in a circle in our living room and then remaining two panels used to block off the cat food dishes in the kitchen. Our almost 10 month old has now figured out how to move it if we have part of it open, so we screwed a small eye screw into the baseboard and used a plastic wire tie to attach it. It's not impossible to bend the top part over a bit and sqeeze through, but it's now enough of a deterent that she gives up or at least takes her long enough to get through that we catch her before she gets into trouble. That way we just have on small hole from the eye screw to deal with when it's time to put the gates away, not an entire mounting area. I got the Superyard XT off Amazon for just under $60 a set.

Another bonus of this system is that we can pack the panels up and take them with us when we visit grandma and grandpa and plan to use it camping next summer.

I don't know if this will work but look at those tension shower curtain rods get 2 then slide them through a valance at the top and bottom hems and see if that is enough to stop him. I babysit my grandson and have the same problem at my daughter's home I just slide the chaise in front of the doorway.

Try checking with a pet store for dog gates. They are very sturdy and some come with extra panels for extra width. The gate mechanism itself is very easy for an adult to open, but is not easy for the child. You could probably find some online also, at such as Doctors Foster and Smith.
Mama P

You can take either a wooden dowel or something stronger like an all threaded bolt. Insert one end into one gate top and bottom and then butt the two gates together. This will stop them from coming apart