Anyone interested in a Richardson Early Childhood PTA?

I have been searching for an early childhood PTA in the Richardson area, and found out today they have had one in the past, but it is inactive now. My friends who have joined early childhood PTAs have found playgroups, got a jump on education, traded tips and made friends that lasted for years. The Richardson PTA president said she has had a few people contacting her lately and she hopes with enough interest, a new early childhood PTA could be started. She says the one in the past was wonderful.

If you are in Richardson and this interests you, please contact Karen Holburn at 972-701-9585 or [email protected]
(or feel free to comment here).

Hi Keri,

I just found out about this website so I'm not sure if you're still interested in a PTA. I realize you posted this request back in 2007. I moved to Texas in 2008 and this past March had a little girl. I am definitely looking for moms and I think a PTA is a great idea. By the way, today is the 7th not the 8th. Let me know if you are still interested.

Amy Francis