Anyone have the procedure for Essure done?

I got done meeting with my doctor about having my tubes tied and he suggested Essure. I like everything it has to say but am wondering if anyone has had this procedure done and if so how did it go and have you had any complications?

Please do some research on Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome. These are things your Doctor is NOT going to tell you. Also with only 1 child make very sure it is something you want to do. While most Tubal Ligations are reversible should you ever regret it the Essure is the hardest to do. When my tubes where tied I was only down for about 2 days but it was done using a different procedure. I have also since had it reversed and we are currently expecting. Good luck with whatever you decide, but please do your research, TL's can really mess up your body's balance.

Katrina, Wow! I just watched the Doctors last night. A woman had it on while being video taped for the show, she said she had mild cramping, like your period during the procedure and a few hours after. But by the next day she was fine. Best of luck to you! Cassandra

I had the Essure procedure November 08. I was given a pill to take the night before (can't remember what it was for, but it was to relax the uterus or something like that)and also given a Valium to take 1 hour before the appointment. Although the procedure is relatively simple, it can be tricky to get the coils placed right. I was fortunate to have a doctor that was certified in the procedure and had alot of experience. Not only did it make me more comfortable knowing that he would do it right, but it also wasn't as painful. It was definitely uncomfortable - cramping, and few moments of sharp pains, but it was quick and the end result is definitely worth it! Afterwards, I had spotty bleeding for a few hours and felt a little bloated, but no problems! 3 months later, I had the dye test which was done even quicker and much more comfortable. When they shoot the dye in, you cramp a little bit but only for 10-20 seconds. I have zero complaints. My periods are normal, no pain, cramping etc. I would do it over again in a heartbeat! Good luck! (Check with your insurance prior to having it done. Mine cost $20 copay since it was considered an office visit. But without insurance, it is VERY expensive)

i had this procedure done last year in april and the first 3 months is hard but was fine after that my sex life went from nothing to WOW i noticed that this makes sex better bc u know u cant get pregnant EVER again it is good when u really dont want any more kids but on the other hand if u do want more kids this procedure is permant never to be undone and that hurts sometimes but if u have a chance of double or more it is worth it. the procedure was fast and easy and had only 24 hour down time with mild cramping and alittle bleeding but nothing bad
I would say if u are interested in this procedure make sure u are really done having children first bc now i am regreting it. Ok good luck and best wishes

a girl i work with had it done & it dislodged itself from the folopian tube & went into her uterus & caused alot of damage. she had to have surgery twice. before i heard about it i was going to have it done myself & had talked to my gyn & he said it wasn't an option for me since i have an abnormal shaped uterus, so my husband got fixed instead. if you do alittle digging online you can find the pro's & con's for it & make a better informed decision. good luck.

I chose to go with the Mirena IUD and have LOVED it.
it took a few months for a my periods to stabilize, but now they are light and short. and i don't worry about getting pregnant. neither myself or my husband can feel it at all. my sex life has really improved. and my cramps and PMS are WAY less than before. i love that i can keep it in for 5 years. or take it out earlier, whenever i decide to have more kids . IF i decide to. i just wasn't quite ready to say no more kids forever, even thought i KNOW i don't want any more for a while. maybe never.
I felt like the IUD was a good choice, and it gave me time to think about it for a while.

and my insurance covered it, so it only cost me my copay!

Hi Katrina
I just saw this on the show "The Doctors" yesterday. It is less invasive than the tubal ligation. I had a tubal and would not recommend it for anyone. I'm glad there is a less invasive procedure for women these days.
Good luck to you.

I had this procedure done in Dec 2006 and it was the best decision we made. Other than mild menstrual type cramping, I was only in bed for less than 24 hours. In April 2007, I went back to have a special x-ray done to see if the tubes were closed off by the scar tissue and everything looked great. No complications since. Good luck with your decision.

Hello. I had Essure done Feb 23rd and everything went great. A little bit of cramping here and there for about 2 months, but nothing major. That's the only thing I wasn't aware of. I even got to watch them do it on the TV screen. It didn't take long and then 3 months later I had an xray done to make sure the tubes were blocked. They insert dye in your tubes and then take the xray. I was in and out of the hospital in an half hour. Dr told me it's been in the US about 10 years and in France longer. I have 3 beautiful children and knew I was done.
I don't believe anyone reported has ever gotten pregnant after the procedure. Good luck!

I just had the essure done yesterday I have 4 lovely kids and dont want no more have mild cramping but dealable I was completely knocked out (asked the doctor what she gave me she said its like morphin just stronger last thing I remember then recovery room) loved it woke up it was there. Now i gotta wait my 3 months to get my xray to make sure it is blocked... Not sure the charge I'm active duty so no charge for me !!! Yah for no more kids