I've been having tons of problems with my throat in the last year, and I was supposed to have my tonsils out as a child, but some other things came up and it never happened. Well the last 6mos my throat has been off and on sore, and my lymph nodes in my neck are constantly swollen from having to work overtime from my sick tonsils. My ENT wants to remove them, but I'm so concerned about being out for a while with two young kids. My brother in law had his out at 33, but he had no kids then and was able to rest without interruption.
If I do the surgery, it would be on a Friday morning so my husband could take off work, and I could have the weekend to recover before he had to go back to work Monday morning.
Just looking for some reassurance from other moms who have had their tonsils out after age 30. I'm not so nervous about the surgery ( actually after all the problems I've been ahving I'm looking FORWARD to them being out and done with), but I'm nervous about being able to get one kid ready for school and one entertained at home while I recover.
I had my tonsils out as an adult, and I never had strep throat again. I went from being sick all the time, to never being sick- so you are correct to not be afraid of the surgery. I am a freak about staying in the hospital, and when they gave me the choice between staying or going, I hopped at the chance to go home. For me this was a big mistake, because I started throwing up at home, and was in a lot of pain. I couldn't speak for a week, and I think they will tell you that the normal recovery is 2 weeks. I took one week off work, and it wasn't enough (and back then my job was WAY easier than being a Mom). Is there someone who can stay with you and help? For me anyway, the doctors weren't kidding about the recovery- kids can bounce back from this surgery pretty quickly, but it's really hard on adults. Good luck. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I wish someone would have prepared me!
I haven't had mine out but I wish I could. I have 2 kids myself and just the relief of having them removed would be awesome enough to deal with some pain for a few days. I am betting it can't be that bad. I've had my wisdom teeth removed and 2 c-sections so removing tonsils would be nothing I'd think. Good Luck
I have heard the same thing as Jennifer, I think recovery is more difficult as an adult. I am currently in the same boat as you, trying out my fourth coarse of antibiotics, and if this doesn't work we will probably go with the tonsils out also. My doctor warned me it is difficult recovery as an adult. I think two weeks sounds about right for recovery, and am hoping between my mom and husband, someone can be with me for at least a week. Good luck, I'm sure after the recovery time you will feel great and be glad you finally had it done. We are seeing and ENT today for my three year old, so she doesn't have to worry about this as an adult!
I had my tonsils out at age 25. It was totally worth doing for me. I would recommend doing it when you can have someone there to help you for at least a week. I went back to work after 10 days, spiked a 102 fever and was sent home for 5 more days. For me it was a good 2 weeks before I felt good enough to return to work, and there was no way I would have been able to stay home with a 4 year old after a few days. If you don't have anyone that you can find to be with you or help you out for a week, I would wait. It is very hard as an adult to get them out and you need much rest to recover. Remember, too, that you won't be able to talk and will be on pain meds, which will make it difficult for you to care for your pre-schooler.
I'm 30 and had my tonsils out in August. You will not be able to watch your children for a week! The doctor actually told me two weeks. It seems silly, but it's a lot of pain and taking pain medication constantly- I was in bed the whole time! I did my surgery on a Friday, my husband watched the kids all weekend and my mom came for Mon- Thurs, then my husband watched them Fri-Sun. He went back to work on Monday, but I still wasn't 100%. After the surgery my throat has felt much better, so it was worth the pain. Another bonus was losing 10 pounds because I didn't eat anything for a week!
I don't mean to freak you out, but i had mine out at the age of 22 and i was out of work for a week (this was before i was a mommy). I am glad that i did it cause i have no problems anymore, but i was REALLY miserable.
I'm in the same boat as you. I can't wait to get them out, but I have heard from EVERYONE I know that I'll need at least two weeks....well how do you take two weeks off if you're a single mom going to school with a not-quite-2-yr-old to take care of? I probably wont be able to have it done for at least 4 years- when he is in school and I'm done with college, and just hope that my future employer is okay with me being gone for that long!
ok, first off I have never had my tonsils out- yet, but have had gall bladder, tubal, parathyroid and several other surgeries since I have been a mother. The kid has been no problem :) But for some reason, when the doctor sent me home from the hospital it was a sign to my husband that I must be ok and back to normal :). I don't know if your mom is around or another neighbor or church friend who might be able to take your 4 year old during the day for a little while to let you rest some, but that would be good, or take him to a day care for a couple of hours in the afternoon. Little boys love their mommies, use that to your advantage, your 7 1/2 year old will help himself get out the door the best he can just to help you while you are down. My son is great for a few days anyways, while I am down. Good luck and prayers for a quick recovery!
I had my tonsils out at 31. It was not the greatest experience. My doc made me take at least two weeks off work - he recommended three. And ice cream, while it may work for the kids, stung like I just swallowed fire. I lost over 20 pounds in those two weeks because I simply could not swallow. Despite the pain and weakness I still was able to totally move my possessions - pretty much on my own except for the big stuff - to a different location. So, being a mom now of a 5 yo and a 18-mos old, I think you will have enough energy to do what you need to do. Just remember, you have to be careful not to rip the scabs out of the back of your throat so no aspirin, shouting, too much exertion, etc. I had percocet to take for pain but because I couldn't eat I could not take the pain pills because it upset my stomach too much. I just had to do without and even tho it was possibly one of the worst experiences in my life, you do what you have to do. I am really glad I did because I rarely get sick anymore at all - (knock on wood)!
Hopefully your experience will be better than mine!
I had mine out at age 28. My neighbor at that time was 30. She had hers out that same year and was good to go after 3 days! It took me a day or so for recovery but it took at least two weeks before I could really 'eat'. So everyone is different. It did totally fix my constant battles with strep as I haven't had it since. ;) Good luck. I think you will feel so much better once they are out.
I had my tonsils out at 31 and was totally out of commission for a week, and not back to work for two weeks. It hurts. A lot. You don't bounce back as quickly as an adult. Mind you, it was totally worth it! When they took them out they discovered that I had an abscess behind my right tonsil from all the infections, which, left undiscovered, could have caused me major problems. So, you are absolutley right to be doing it, just be prepared with extra help for at least a week, possibly two. It'll also take you a couple of days just to recover from the anesthetic, never mind the pain! It'll be a major inconvienience, but in the grand scheme of things, it is short term. Best of luck! Learn to love your blender!
You have gotten a lot of good advice. Just wanted to add to that. I second and third and fourth the suggestions to have help at least for the first week, if not the second one, too. You will need it.
I had my tonsils removed at 38. It was not that bad, (I also had a sinus work done at the same time). You should be pretty good shape by Monday morning. My throat felt better than any time I ever had tonsillitis.
It was worth it, I'm now 46 & only have the rare cold since.
My husband had his out in college--tried doing it over winter break to allow time to recover. He lost 20-30 pounds and missed the first semester of classes b/c the recovery was so difficult. Not sure if something went "wrong" in his recovery, but he was otherwise healthy prior to the surgery (except for the throat/tonsil issues of course). Sorry to not be reassuring. I think everybody heals differently!
I had mine out at 21 and recovery was pretty difficult! I was completely out of commission for 2 weeks. The first week and a half I had horrible balance issues and couldn't stand by myself.
My biggest reccomendation is to make sure that you have lots of help....stock up on pain meds. I only needed extra strength tylenol...I would crush it up and put it in applesauce.
Stay away from dairy...it will stick to your throat and make you need to swallow...which is the last thing you will want to do. I drank tons of water and koolaid and just tried to lay low for 2-3 weeks.
I'm 26 (about to be 27 in March) and I am also having my tonsils and adnoids taken out on February 3rd. I also am nervous but after all my issues I really am looking forward to my surgery. After this one is done, then I may also be having sinus surgery! Lucky me! I'm just really at the point that I will do ANYTHING!
Anyway... I am also a SAHM to DD that is 3 (4 on 01-30) and DD that is 4 months (5 months on 08-21.) But what caught my attention about your posting is that you are having your surgery on a Friday so you'll have your hubby around for the weekend. All I could do was chuckle because my Doctor has told me how painful this surgery was and that it is a 7 to 14 day recovery but can take up to 21 days. He suggested my husband be home for at LEAST the first 7 days to take care of the kids so I could "hole up" in my bedroom. You MAY want to see if he could take a few more days so that way you can have a little longer "recovery" period. Besides from my doctor, other people I know that have had this surgery have all told me how extremely painful it was and how hard it was to eat anything solid even after the 4th day! My surgery like I said is coming up... it's on a Wednesday and my hubby is off from that Wednesday til February 12th... I do understand that not everyone has built up vacation time etc. I just hope your surgery goes well and your recovery is as quick as you plan!Best of luck to you (and your hubby for all his "hard" work!)
I want to thank everyone for their advice and wisdom. I will be getting the surgery, and have recently had alot of volunteers to help out that next week.
Thanks again!