amt of kids at a B-day party

I'm new to this board and am looking for some advice. My oldest son is turning 5 this weekend and we are throwing him his first friend party at Pump It Up. We invited some of his friends from preschool and a two kids of friends of mine that he has playdates with. In total we invited 19 kids. The rsvp date was two days ago and only 10 people have taken the time to rsvp! I've now e-mailed the rest and 3 more have said they are indeed coming. Is it going to be crazy to only have 10 people at a private Pump It Up party? Has anyone been to a party at Pump It Up that is on the smaller side? And is it just us or are people just not doing RSVP anymore?

Thanks (I'm a little stressed about this party and could really use some advice!!)


I have been to a 2 year old party at Pump It Up...granted it's better to have less kids when it's young ones b/c more parents should be in there with them. There were some older kids there too (my daughter was 4 and 2.5) and the older ones were rude and pushy...and the parents weren't paying attention. My biggest pet peeve! So I personally think that 10-15 kids at Pump It Up is plenty b/c add the parents there and I assume some of them have siblings that are younger (will they be attending too?) Plus, your kid is 5!!!! At this point in life they only know what we teach them and what the world teaches them and kids are living in a world of "more, more, more" when I tend to think that less, less, less is really what they NEED in order for them to not be spoiled and unappreciative. (This is coming from a mom who does their XMAS shopping at a nice resale store b/c it's all new to them...they don't know the difference and I can stretch my money for the family vacation etc.) Good luck with your party! Oh and no one RSVP's's totally rude but I guess people are too busy or thoughtless.

In a venue like that you would need at least 10 kids so you should be ok. I have however noticed that it is quite normal to RSVP very late or not at all here (I'm from England). My son's party last year I had some people that never RSVP'd , even after I sent an email reminder and they still showed ap at the party! plan for more is my advice!

I don't know about the Pump It up Party size but I can confirm that RSVPing is a lost art. It's sad and frustrating. Somewhere along the line it stopped being taught as a manner. Disappointing to say the least. My children will be taught how though because I get so frustrated when others don't. And how hard is it if you forget to say you are sorry! In this crazy world of sue happy people no one takes responsibility for their own actions anymore either. Now I'm just venting. Good Luck!

We had my stepson's birthday at Pump It Up several years ago. Since he already had a party with his school friends at his mom's house, we invited some friends that he has here (and my friends' kids) but it only amounted to about 10 kids total. It was a lot of fun and I didn't think there were too few kids at all. In fact, it made it easier to keep track of everyone.

As far as RSVPing goes, I've found that many times people just don't. I'm not sure how to get around it. I've tried giving a date to RSVP by and providing my email address as well as my phone number, but it hasn't helped. Some people just don't RSVP. Some friends have suggested "Regrets Only", but I did that once for a large party and ended up having about 1/2 the people I planned for. So, unfortunately, I can't help you out on that front.

Have a great time!


Years ago, I was advised that you shouldn't have more children at a party than your child's age. I know that's funny but it was wise advice that I didn't follow. Led by emotions and the fact that it was my oldest daughter's first birthday party, we over did it...100 people+ at a one year olds birthday party. Five children later, wisdom has settled in as she is now a Sophmore at MSU and I have a daughter graduating from high school they laugh at how much I have scaled back. Don't stress yourself out. If you planned for 19 I would not go beyond that number. If they don't RSVP they can't expect to be served or partake in the celebration. So plan only for the one's that RSVP'd. Most times we tend to plan a couple over anyway. I wouldn't sweat over this any further because it takes the fun out of the planning for your child's special day. Move on! Celebrate and take lots of pictures.

God Bless,


I think it will be fine, i have been to a party there with maybe 12 kids, some of them brought their siblings, and all of the adults played too! You'll have a blast! Have fun and know that your son will have fun too!


PS, tell all the adults to make sure they wear socks...they may say they dont want to play...but they do! :)


10 kids is a good number. I had my daughters 3rd birthday at Pump it Up last January and we had approximately 10 kids and they had a blast. We are having her 4th birthday party at Pump It Up on Saturday and have 17 kids coming, which I have a feeling will be crazy with that many kids, but either way, 10 or 17 they will all have fun. My daughter and her cousins and friends had a blast last year, and so will your son and his friends. Hope all goes well.


This weekend we are also having a party for my soon to be 5 year old son. We invited 14 kids and pretty much have heard from everyone except a realtive that was invited. I feel I was pretty lucky to have everyone respond by the required date but I believe some people don't take the time to RSVP or may have set the invite aside and forgot about it. I think its pretty inconsiderate to not RSVP because this type of party requires a response. Hopefully, everything turns out for you and people don't just show up (when they didn't RSVP). Don't stress out, this is supposed to be an enjoyable moment.

It's common, and always has been in my experience, for folks to procrastinate or forget to RSVP. You just have to contact them, unfortunately. I think that's a good size for a kids party. Have fun!

My son is turning 4 and we're having a bowling party this weekend. We invited all his friends from preschool as well as his cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents. I think the number of people to invite is all up to you and what you believe you can handle. I have a teaching degree, so I feel comfortable with a larger group of kids. I personally feel that any size of a group can be fun... it's all what you make of it.

As for RSVPing... I agree with everyone else it's a lost art. I always ask for them, but rarely get them. It's crazy how you seem to have to stalk a person in order to get an answer out of them at times. It's a pretty simple guesture and a fairly simple decision to make in my book... if you want to come say yes and if you don't say no.

Try not to stress over the party, especially if you're having it at a place that does parties. Leave the worrying, mess, etc to them. Do your best to enjoy this precious day in your life and your child's life. Oh and of course takes lots of pictures to treasure the moments with later on... you could always put someone else you trust in charge of taking pictures so you can enjoy yourself more if picture taking isn't your thing.

Good luck.

I agree that people don't take the time to rsvp nowadays and it is so frustrating when trying to plan a party.
I went to a party at pump it up that had about 12 kids and it was perfect. It worked out great for the kids who had lots of space to go on everything without having to wait in line. My kids loved it.

We did a party last year and thought we would only have 10 kids or so. I think we ended up with only 12 kids (some had siblings that played). It ended up being fun because the parents got in on the bouncing action and everyone had a great time. We liked that we weren't all jammed in there running over each other. We thought it worked out great. Hope your party turns out well.

Um... I have a five year old, and I have never heard of this place. It could be that some parents don't know it like me or they are worried about 'germs' and their children becoming ill. I would be more likely to send my son to a party at someone's home as I am sure it would be more 'disinfected' vs. a party place (or something like it were parties can be booked, if that is what this is?).

But for us, my son's first two years of life were pretty rough due to illness, as were mine. So we do practice caution to make sure we do not repeat it.
(So this could be a reason ~ This is the time of year for Stomach Flu and other bugs. It could be parents are worried?)

It could also be that if a gift is required (and many bring a gift), that some parents just cannot afford one?

There could be many factors for why someone doesn't RSVP. I would not take it too personally. Just make this party as special as you can for your little guy. :)

I had my 4 years old b-day party at the one in wixom, we had about 15 kids. I thought it was perfect. There is plenty of room, but not too much. I had the same problem with the RSVP's and had to call a bunch of parents. A few said they would come and then didn't show up. I think the price is the same there up to 15 kids, so don't RSVP to them with more than 15. Try not to worry, just have fun, they take care of most things for you anyway. Oh, we did bring a case of mini waters for the kids who got thirsty will all the jumping..they let us bring it into the bouncing room. We also brought a fruit tray for parents..nothing fancy. Have fun!