Advice/Tips on Re-entering the Workforce

I'll be returning to the workforce in 3 weeks after a 7 year hiatus to start/raise my family. I had planned to be home with my youngest daughter (20mos.) for much longer; but, circumstances have dictated otherwise and I am happily re-entering the workforce.

I'm eager to hear what advice/tips all of you have that will help me and my family make a smooth transition into this new chapter of life. Thanks in advance for your responses!

Hello Jean,

How would you like to stay home with you children and work? Owning your own home based business is the answer for you. I work part time from home around my schedule and it's awesome. Take a moment and visit my website and view all the information on starting your own business. This business is awesome. Wouldn't you like to have residual income for life? Wouldn't like to spend more time with you family? Also view my Mammasource page for more information. I look forward to talking to you about this awesome business opportunity.

Hi Jean,
The biggest piece of advice I have is to start your new routine now.

If your daughter will be starting with a daycare provider, try to start her now, so that she will be comfortable with the new arrangement by the time you have to report to your first day at work. If you will need to get up and out the door at a certain time, start now so that you can try to work out most of the kinks.

Good luck.

I agree with Megan on starting your routine now. I work in the school system so I have my summers off. I kept my children home with me the whole summer to save on daycare expenses. When it was time for me to go back to work for the start of the new school year I made the mistake of not starting my routine earlier and it took my youngest about two weeks to get adjusted to being back at daycare. He would scream and throw tantrums because he wanted me. Good Luck.

I agree with Megan and Kristina, start as much of the new routine early and TAKE IT SLOW... it will be less tramatic on all of you! If part - time is an option, take it! And make sure you are very comfortable and can work with your childs' care-givers. Trust your instincts, and best of luck!

Thanks to all who responded. Things went off without a hitch! My youngest daughter adjusted very well to not having me around all day…no discipline problems or acting out; just lots of hugs & kisses when I return home. I arrive just as my oldest is coming home from school. So, her routine has gone uninterrupted! I’m enjoying the work that I do and feeling fulfilled in so many ways. Thanks again!