I have been having what it seems to be acid reflux - belching, discomfort in the chest, for about 2-3 weeks and the doctor said it may be acid reflux.I had GERD before but it cleared in a week upon taking ranitidine. I take Pepcid when the symptoms are bad and it seems to help. However, due to my anxiety caused by the whole belching/acid reflux situation, I feel my symptoms are getting worse or, better said, the more I focused on my GERD symptoms the worse I feel, as I fear it is something more sinister. During these almost three weeks I had days I did not have Pepcid as I did not experience any symptoms or they were very mild, but then when I get the belching, I start worrying and then I go to square one - symptoms seem worse. I am also taking sertraline and welbutrin every day for anxiety, and Pepcid, as I said, as needed. I tried to stay away for googling as I know i will find worse case scenarios so I am wondering whether any of you experience GERD like symptoms for a few weeks that were indeed GERD and not something else. Thank you in advance.
Some good advice for reflux
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