6 year old daughter wants to shave legs

It wouldn't surprise me if she was teased at school, and noticed that you have saved your own legs. In any case she is two young to be using a razor of any kind or bleach for that matter. And make sure you put your razor away after using it because at some point when you aren't looking, she will use it.

Talk to her about it. Listen to her feelings and respect them. Let her know you understand how she is feeling and that you are sorry she feels that way but that nothing is wrong with having hair on her legs at her age as most beautiful children do. Tell her shaving at her age is out of the question and explain it will not only grow back, it will grow back thicker and it will itch a lot as it does which will make her feel even more uncomfortable. Tell her sinse she is feeling this way, instead you will take her shopping so she can find the answer to her problem....

Maybe she'll turn her tights in for knee high cotton socks...and how about cotton slacks for those hot days instead of shorts???...lead the way. Take her shopping for these items so she feels that she's doing something about her problem and that you aren't ignoring how she is feeling about it.
Work on building up her self esteem. Tell her how special she is, the way she is....how pretty she looks...and that you love her.
When she puts on tights, don't argue with her about it.

Hopefully at some point she will begin focusing on other things.

Well, this is a very personal choice. Most people will say "Oh my God ...NOOOOOO, she's too young" or some comment of that kind....BUT....you as her mother have a pulse or sense of what she needs. I had a similar problem with my neice. We are Latinas and have dark hair and of course, as young as 6, she had hair on her legs. Thankfully, she was not teased until she was 10. Upon that happening all she could talk about was shaving her legs. Her mom said NO, she was too young...etc..etc. You have to take her feelings into consideration. She is the one that has to go out and face all her friends and peers. Sit and have a heart to heart talk with her and explain the pros and cons about shaving. Once you shave you cannot stop. Explain it to her in detail and just have a girls talk so she fully understands what it would mean to shave her legs. Then both of you decide together. As mothers, I think we know when it really looks bad and when we can advise them to hold out a little longer. Before you make any decisions, think about how you felt at that age? Hairy legs are gross at any age and it is a devastation when your friends start noticing and commenting. So just get to the bottom of why she feels the way she does and come to a decision together before she decides for herself and does it without your knowledge without knowing how and might hurt herself. My neice went that route, luckily at 10, she didn't hurt herself but went and did it as it was prohibited to her. Godd luck....and remember, heart to heart talk!

Don't let her shave. Let her wear the pants and tights as she pleases. As the summer goes on and it gets hotter she'll realize it's silly to keep wearing them. Help her understand that children her age are supposed to have hairy legs, and that it's just part of growing up. Tell her how many times you have cut yourself shaving your legs, and how much it bleeds, and stings when the soap hits it. She will not want to shave any time soon. And last, but definately not least, tell her how beautiful she is, just the way she is!

You've received so many responses and I hope that they've helped. The only advice I can give is that no matter what you decide to do, make sure you teach her how to use the razor (when the time is appropriate) and keep yours locked away. I took my mom's razor to my leg when I was about five or six and had a nice scar to show for it that looked much worse imo than hair on a young child. And truly when I think back to when I did it, I was so scared that it bled and bled. If she feels bad enough abut it, she will find a way to get around it. I think the important thing is to continue to show your daughter love, no matter what her choices, and if she chooses to wear tights with her shorts and then she is hot and sweats and is uncomfortable, but it makes her feel better about herself--so be it.

Wow, I cant believe she is worried about that already. I just wanted to tell you my story, I dont know if it will help but I can definately relate to your daughter. I was about 9 or 10 years old when a very close friend of the family was getting married and I was at her home while she got dressed in her wedding gown. I saw her shaving her legs and I hadnt seen anyone do that before. So I asked her what she was doing and she showed me what to do. She went ahead and shaved my legs (I did have hairly legs but not dark hair, it was pretty light). Well, as you know a few weeks later the hair came in very dark. I was too scared to tell my mom that I had shaved that one time so I hid it but I couldnt always hide it like at school. During Gym the girls would call me HAIRLY LEGS and teased me terribly. Later in High School I started to shave regularly but it was very tramatic for me. I promised myself that if I had a daughter I would allow her to shave if she felt embarrassed. I dont know that there is anything medically wrong with starting earlier than other girls. I just remember the embarrassment I felt at school and it was really rough to deal with. Well, I hope this experience can help you and your daughter. Take care. Dawn

Hi Jennifer
I feel bad for your daughter's feelings about her "hairy" legs.
I guess you feel they are hairy too. It's a tough call. Have you asked her what makes her want to shave her legs? Is the hair dark or light? I know if it were my daughter I wouldn't let her shave her legs at 6 but what about the Nair hair removal? I know it's similar to shaving but maybe she won't get the hair growth back as quickly and maybe it could slow it down a little. I'm not sure but if she's being teased about it then something, some how should be done about the teasing and the hair on her legs. Kids can be so mean and make other kids self esteem very low. I hope this suggestion may have helped. It's a tough call for such a young child. I think you need to talk to her about what and why she wants to shave her legs. Please let me know the out come of this situation. Good luck with your decision. Debbie S


First of all, let me tell you that I am the mother of a very self-conscious 10 year old, so I have found myself dealing with issues like this for a while...I know many people have said that she must be getting teased, but at 6, I would have a hard time believing that other 6 year olds would notice such a thing. I am fair skinned with lots of dark hair and in 1st grade became very self conscious about my hairy arms. I wore long sleeves the entire year! I wasn't teased, I just noticed it on my own. Then I must have forgotten all about it. I think you should focus on positively reinforcing your daughter's inner and outer beauty and let her wear the pants/tights or whatever she wants if that makes her feel better. She'll change her mind when she gets hot enough! Six really is too young to shave and please disregard all the advice to use Nair! It could really burn a child's skin.

Hi Jennifer

At this point you are probably fighting a losing battle. Someone or something (TV?) got her started.I would suggest telling her houw beautiful her legs are and that she is just a bit young to shave. If this doesn't work you may just have to let her do it. Try some of the creams instead of actual shaving. they are quite harmless. You would be amazed how young these girls are doing these beauty things. I did not shave and wax eyebrows until I was in my twenties but both of my teenage daughters do it. As long as she is pretty balanced and not wanting to go overboard it will probably be ok. She might even want to give it up after she finds out how much work it is! Good Luck. Ginger L.

Perhaps you could find books, resources and/or speak to her about the fact that it is a cultural thing for American "women", and women in many countries never shave; and most children, even in America, do not. May sound a little above a six year old level, but then again, shaving used to be too. Good luck finding a solution that works for you and your daughter.

I have 3 kids...and wasn't a kid too long ago myself. And from what I've learned if a child wants to do something they're going to try to find away. You may tell her NO, and maybe not right this second, but she will find a way to shave her legs...whether it's on her own, or with friends. So better with you before she hurts herself and gets an infection.

I may have a different perspective. I have 3 kids under 7 and am very young myself. I feel like a lot of these responses are coming from older mothers and even mothers that don't have daughters. Low self esteem does come from not being happy with the way you look, among other things of course. And if something as stupid as shaving her legs will make her feel better than why not. She's not asking for breast implants. My daughter is not even 1 and I swear to God, if she had a unibrow, I would take her to get it waxed. Kids are vicious and cruel...why let her be teased and be so unhappy?

But by all means you should talk to her and explain to her people will always criticize and try to embarrass you, and that they do it because THEY in fact have low self esteem. Most girls are shaving younger and younger. If she has that much hair there than maybe you should. If it's barely anything than explain to her that you can talk about it again in a few months. Let her sweat in pants then, she'll survive. You need to really talk with her and know where she's coming from....but the most important thing is don't let anyone make you feel bad for whatever decision you make. She's YOUR child and YOU have to do what's best for YOUR family...not anyone else!

Dear Jennifer,
Somewhere your daughter heard about the importance of shaving. It could have even been from TV commercials, or some teen - that would be my guess. I would give her a razor with no blade in it. Let her soap up her legs in the bathtub and go through the motions. Most likely, she will tire of it soon, especially if you can incorporate suggestions that shaving is a drudgery. You, and your husband, can make sullen comments that having to shave (men their faces, women their legs) is something that adults do, but is not enjoyable, is boring, a waste of time - something along these lines. Encourage that kids are lucky that they do not have to perform this task until they become adults. She'll get the hint.
Also, you can right out ask her where she got this idea. Her answer will help you direct the action taken.

Good Luck, Wendy

My answer would be NO.. This is way TOO young. This is the reason a lot of these "tweens" (can't stand that word) are over-sexed at such a tender age. Parents break under the pressure of their own children because of the crying, whining, etc. when asked to wear makeup at 12 or thongs!! And the parents give in just to shut them up. The young girls today are too sexed up and don't know how to be little girls anymore but who's responsible for this? Society, peer pressure, etc... perhaps that plays a minor part of the equation. But that's only cop-out in IMO. This responsibility starts at home and no where else. A young girl coming into "her own" needs to cherish their own purity and it's up to the parents to teach them how. I know I am getting a bit ahead but it starts with the shaving... Then next year she will want pedicure, manicures, then what is it the following year highlights, etc. Where do you draw the line? Only you know what is best. But for what it's worth, if that were me, I would tell my daughter that that day she gets her period is the day that she may shave her legs. Period (no pun intented), end of story, topic closed for dicussion. Whatever you decide it has to feel right in your heart Jennifer. Good luck.

I would just let her wear the leggings.She will find out that they are too hot this summer. also you can try to explain to her that everyone has hair on their body and some have more than others but that is natural. Show her that her dad has hair on his legs and you can get her a fake shaver like I did for my grandaughter. Sometimes they see mommy shave and they just want to be like them. I even got my grandaughter her own shaving cream which I think she thought she was grown up like me. Good Luck Anne R

i started shaving my legs at 8 yrs old (but i'm italian and was pretty hairy...which has all seemed to fade to a "normal" person lol. i would say if she really wants to shave, since she's SOOOOO young, and you don't want to risk her getting hurt, try the veet. it's kinda like nair, but you spray/gel it on, like a cream almost, and then you use a BLADELESS razor (basically just a piece of plastic that's molded to almost a sharp edge) and you scrape off the veet and the hair comes off with it! i would say it solves her insecurity on the hairy legs, and any fear you may have of her getting hurt with shaving. good luck.

You should tell her to stop all the crying and tell her she is speacil in her own way and that everyone looks different don't worry about how you look no matter how hariy your legs or even if you have a horrible hair cut.

                           Lauren D

I have an 8 year old daughter in Third grade. Believe me, teasing about hairy legs and arms starts early! My daughter was teased by boys in first grade (and it still continues). She now refuses to wear skirts, shorts or dresses without leggings underneath because she is so self conscious about people noticing her them, even in the summer when its 80+ degrees. She does have very hairy legs and arms and is not being overly sensitive. The best advise is for you to do what YOU feel is best for your daughter! I’m not going to let her shave, but decided to use my husbands hair clippers to shorten and thin out her hair.