4 year old girl birthday party in my home (What to eat, play, do, give?) in Feb.

I'm thinking of hosting a birthday party for my daughter. Since she's so young, I was going to limit it to a friend or two, plus 2-3 girls from her preschool (not all of the girls/kids).

I want to keep it low key, but this would be my first kids party planning (and we haven't attended a kids-only type party either). Anyway, what is the 'standard'? How many hours should the party be? What do I serve (is it just cake/ice cream - or do we do a meal (ie pizza) too? Any suggestions for goodie bags/item? Any game or activity suggestions?

Thanks for your help, Mama's!

Well cake is a must. A birthday party should b fun so try to have at least 2 or 3 games likes pin the tail on the donkey, cake walk. Pizza is the easiest thing u can have for a party and have some candy bags kids love it. Time limit on party i say 2 hours.well these r some suggestions 4 u.

My daughter turned 4 last june and she loves tinkerbell so we had a tink themed party with the tink table cloth, banner, napkins and plates, etc... And since tinkerbell is crafty we did a craft party. I purchased little ceramic figurines and accrylic paint and let all the kids (and the adults that wanted to) paint one and they could either take it home or leave it as a gift for my daughter. Since times are tough for everyone and many people couldn't afford to bring a gift. Now we have them on a shelf hanging in her room and everyday she can look at them and remember her 4th birthday, and she knows exactly who painted what for her. We also had a tinkerbell cake made and sent home candies, and little pictures we had done of her, and grab bag toys. For food we had cake, and i had cold sandwiches, and chips and drinks. Keep it simple and have fun with it. Good luck.

I just had a birthday party for my 4-year-old son. 2 hours was perfect. I did serve lunch also, but that depends upon the time of the party. Having a theme helped me with decorations, games, food, and goodie bag ideas. BTW all of the moms stayed with their kids (I put as an option to stay or drop off on the invite) because it was their first time at a "kid only" party. http://familyfun.go.com/parties/search/ has good ideas.

As far as favors, i always take a trip out to Gurnee Mills for the Disney Outlet. I found Disney cups with the straws for $2 and filled them with treats. Ive also found the Disney t-shirts in princess n cars for $2.99 at gave them at favors. You can find some pretty good stuff there!