She makes only a few sound every day. Very few times, I coo to her she will coo back and that is so adorable. She makes good eye contact and smiles. She made some good cooing sound a week ago, and not again.
she really likes tummy time, and if I put her on a firm surface, she will roll to her tummy.
I am really worried, anyone experience the same thing?
She’s fine. Listen, she’s had less time out than time ‘in’… she’s not going to be the most predictable little one. Love her up, enjoy her for who she is and what she has to offer. Babies are still at the ‘eat/sleep/poop/repeat’ stage at this age. NO EXPECTATIONS, okay?
my buddy’s step-aunt makes $68 /hour on the laptop . She has been without a job for nine months but last month her check was $99350 just working on the laptop for a few hours. check my source
I’m sure she’s fine. Usually babies who are delayed in one area are delayed in so many, it’s obvious.
So -
Does she hear? Does she respond when you speak or when there’s a loud noise? Does she seem to respond to music?
She looks at you, she smiles - all great.
Does she focus on a board book if you hold her on your lap? Not that she follows the story, but does she look at it?
If you put her on the floor with one of those baby gyms or other objects above her, or in her crib with a mobile, does she look at these things?
She’s already rolling from her back to her tummy - that’s great! Not all kids do that at this age.
Babies do things in a different order from the next baby. Some babble all the time, some say nothing. Some roll over young, some don’t. Some are easily startled, some are very calm. Some get teeth at 4 months, others don’t get their first tooth until much later. Some have a full head of hair, others are little baldies. It’s all normal.
You’ll find these difference play out later on - some kids walk before they talk, some sit up sooner while others are still falling over, some potty train a year before others, some are active climbers and others are more exploratory on the floor. For example, my child was on his feet at 8 months, but didn’t speak a word until 16 months. Other kids are just the opposite. He got his first tooth at 4 months, then didn’t get the second for a very long time. Again, it varies.
Try to enjoy the miracle of all these milestones, and understand that for every thing your child isn’t doing, she’s doing a dozen other things. Don’t miss those great moments because you’re worried about one thing she’s not doing yet. Even in kindergarten, their “report cards” check of skills with terms like “emerging” and “not yet” so that parents don’t worry that certain things haven’t happened yet.
What are you worried about?
She sounds normal to me!
Her personality will emerge more in the next few months.
Get a book on child development - ‘What to Expect the First Year’ was a great book for me - it answered a lot of my questions about what to expect and when to expect it.
Mine were like this. I only had one ‘chatty’ one - think he was trying to compete to be heard over rest of noise of house.
When mine learned how to blow raspberries (around 6-7 months) there was no stopping them. From then on, it was much more lively.
Welcome to mamapedia!
You have a 4 month well-child check up coming up, right? Video tape her and show it to her pediatrician when you go in.
Make a list of everything you are concerned about and make sure you tell the nurse you have new mommy syndrome and have a lot of questions that you want answered!
It’s OKAY to have new mommy syndrome!! I think all mom’s have it at some point in their kids’ first year.
Every child is different. Have you read the book “what to expect the first year”? If not? Do. You’ll learn things there as well.
My new mommy syndrome? When my oldest son was about 6 weeks old, I was scared to death he was blind. It had been 13 years since I had had an infant and everything was all brand new! I laugh about it now, but then? I was just as worried as you are right now. He’s now 16 and doing great! Breathe mama! Keep track of it. Make a list of questions and do NOT panic!
she’s practically a newborn.
she’ll be reciting shakespearean sonnets soon enough.
does your pediatrician express concern?
Please go to and register. Sign up for the daily, weekly, monthly emails that give your information on what to expect next, what to notice, etc…it’s very informative and it will help you know if your child is supposed to be doing something specific or if it’s not time for them to be doing something and if they’re behind a bit…then what to do.
I loved the information I got there when the kids were little and I loved not worrying that they were behind if someone else’s baby was already doing something that most don’t do yet.
She continued to be quiet. We sent her to daycare, and there are 4 other babies around her age. Everyone is a talker, except her. The teacher also commented o her being quiet … my pediatrician saw her at 3 month, and considered her “at the lower end of normal” and refereed us to early intervention. Heart breaking. The weekend before early intervention came out, she started cooing seriously and blow raspberries. She was 4 and half months by then. The early intervention people evaluated her in several different areas of development, language, social, communication, fine motor, gross motor, etc. She is evaluated at 5-month for every aspect except gross motor, she is at 6-month!