My almost 2-year-old (in diapers) has a bowel movement every 2 or 3 days. She SCREAMS and can no longer even complete it. I have grab baby wipes and help her. Before, she would just SCREAM but always do it by herself. As an infant she had a bowel movement every 2 to 4 days. This is beyond constipation now. Any ideas about this? She goes to the Dr. next week for a well visit. In the past it has been treated as constipation (sort of blown off as normal), but now it seems quite serious. It is EVERY TIME.
Both of my children have been given prescription Miralax for constipation. Neither of theirs got that bad though.
Also you can try prune juice.
Good luck.
ok this mite sound funny but my son when thought the same thing and i started giving him 3 to 4 figs in the morning it helps to keep the poop soft and comes out with out being in pain try that over the next few days and see i still give my son figs he was 3 when i started them and he will be 7 in 2 months good luck i hope this works
what happens if you feed her lots and lots of orange juice? Does that alleviate some problems? Also, is there anything that could cause her body to contain toxins? Constipation is often the body's way of saying "something toxic is inside me"
Hi Mommy The best advice will come from her doctor. He'll probably go more in depth as to what causing this. If he doesn't get another opinion from another doctor.
Try miralax it is a stool softener safe for that age over the counter, increase her fluid intake, if she's red in her private Vaseline for healing n pai
n relief my daughter suffered from something similar this helpedhope it helps u
To me it sounds like she's not getting enough water in her system.......
Have you had her tested for food allergies?
An internet friend of mine's son was diagnosed with a distended bowel from constipation related to food allergies. Since changing his diet to exclude all food allergens, he has been regulating & has very minimal residual issues.
Good luck!
My daughter (now 6) was the same way. The screams were horrible. She would be playing one minute and the next minute crying. Raisins & prunes are good, but if you have a picky eater that might not work. I noticed that my daughter had a hard time with milk & cheese. She loves both and since she is a picky eater I did not want to take these things away from her. I do limit both and pay close attention to her BM to make sure she doesn't get too much of either one. She only gets milk once a day now. I give her Benefiber once or twice a day (your daughter is only 2 so I think once a day is all she can have). It does not have a taste so you can put it in water and they can't taste it. The benefiber works great and makes her go more regularly so that it doesn't hurt when she does go. My daughter knows that it works so now she will ask for it if she is feeling like she needs it. Good luck, I feel your pain.
Could be allergies...but definitely make sure she's getting enough water and fiber. At her age, it's probably best to get that fiber from foods. Definitely do not give her suppositories as this leads to a bigger problem! (emergency doc only type thing)
good luck, see what her doc says
Here are the things our ped suggested when we went thru this with our son.
step 1 get juicy juice cherry juice. the others are great but cherry seems to really "move" things along. give her a good size glass of it each day.
if that doesn't work
step 2 mix up some clear karo syrup into a glass of warm milk. about 2 tablespoons and a little vanilla. it will taste like a vanilla shake. do that each day and see if that helps
if that doesn't work
step 3
mineral oil or castor oil a tablespoon should work for your daughters age. mineral oil comes in a big bottle for like 2 bucks at walgreens. you can either give it in a spoon or if she won't drink it that way then mix it in a little bit of juice. she will go within a short time. then jsut give it to her every day for a week or two till she is used to going at the same time each day.
good luck
My son (22 months) had/has some bowel movement issues since he was a baby- lots of straining and crying and we would have to hold him or help him with a bm. I talked to my dr. about it and she said its normal but her concern is when it comes time to potty train, if there is no consistency and constipation issues it will be really hard. So what she recommended was to give him lots of natural food help- prumes, dried fruit, etc. to soften it up and get him to go every day. I think this might be the best first step for you and then there is also medicene but if your like me, I'd rather try the natural way first! So, what I do is give him LOTS of fiber in his meals and have him eat or drink prumes or prune or apple juice or the other thing that really helps is to make your own apple sauce and add prunes to it. They get all ground up together after you bake it and are a better consistency. Also lots of water. Another thing that I learned from a lactation consultant is that if your baby has a red ring around their anus- they probably have a food allergy. My son had this and we had to cut out dairy when he was little but this is something to look for. This has really helped my son, I hope it might be helpful to you :) Samantha
constipation is NOT normal. She is either not eating enough fiber or has some sort of food intolerance. Try upping the fiber intake first and if that doesnt help check out the food issues possibility. You can give her liquid fish oil to help with the constipation, and ground flax seeds (put it in smoothies, oatmeal, cereal, etc.) doesnt taste weird and is so finely grounded he isnt going to even notice or call them sprinkles. Start with a little and work it up so she doesnt notice, but honestly it doesnt really have a taste.
O and some older kids know how it hurts when they are constipated so they avoid going at all until they are even more constipated so its a vicious cycle. If that is what is happening it will take months of her having soft ones to stop that fear. watch the cheese dairy intake and up all the good fiber containing foods as well as what I have suggested which should do the trick
With my daughter (she's 3 now) it has been a constant problem. She would scream, tremble, cry, I felt just awful for her. It would get to the point where babylax wouldn't work. We tried the natural way, prunes, fiber, but even when we got her to eat it, it wasn't enough. The doctor suggested miralax and we have been giving it to her in small doses daily just to keep "things" soft and it's worked great. Very, very rarely have re revisited old problems, and that's only when I haven't given her the miralax. I'm sure this is something she will grow out of, but in the meantime, I don't want to see her in pain or, maybe worse, develop a "holding" habit.
Mommy G,
After my son was born, he did not eat for 10-11 months. We had to give him an enema for babies. He would only eat milk with cereal (it was sooooo strange). After this period, he started eating everything. Make sure she is eating vegetables (soft broccoli w/cheese, spinach,bags of salad), fruits, oats, water, juice, milk helps you to stay regular. I was really scared during that period. Try some of these suggestions and hopefully they'll work.
All the Best!
My daughter is 7 now, and still has this issue every once in awhile. We had her on Miralax, and I still do this every few days. She will also take a teaspoon of mineral oil if needed. or if all else fails, I have her sit in a warm bath to soften it up.
The doctor may ask you to keep a food diary to possibly track if certain foods are causing, and will probably tell you to increase her fiber intake.
My daughter (almost two) has been going through the same thing, and it's hard to watch them go through that and feel helpless. Our daughter would scream, cry, shake and break into a sweat! Her doctor put her on lactulose (a prescription stool softener) and when that didn't work he also added sena (a laxative). The combination has been working for her, though her stool is very loose I think it's better than not going at all! She will be on these meds for about three months, the doctor says her colon has become lazy and needs to be re-trained in a sense.
I hope your daughter gets better soon!
My son had the same problem. My ped recommended giving him stool softner (which you can buy over the counter) it worked like a charm. Hope that solves your problem too. She's probably holding it in because it's so painful to poop. The stool softner will make her fear go away as well.
When my daughter went through that she was a bit younger (about 20-24 mos). She'd run around holding her back side. We took her to the chiro and he would push her "poop button" (adjust her) and she'd have a bowel movement later that day without a problem. Really, though, the issue was emotional. No amount of fiber made a difference. After each adjustment we'd go through the same thing all over again. She was too young to speak, so, her body spoke for her. What doesn't come out verbally, comes out physically. There was a lot of tension between my husband and I. Once we resolved that, her constipation issues went away.
Aw, poor baby. Try increasing water and fiber. Great sources of fiber include fruits, veggies and prunes or bran. If she doesn't take well to the fruits and veggies, try prunes - or even baby food jars of prunes can be mixed into different things, but keep in mind a little of this goes a long way! Start slowly with it. Then try to reduce constipating foods like cheese. If you need more information, probiotics can help a lot too with regularity and are safe for children if you are taking the right ones. I rep for Shaklee and can give you more information if you'd like. I do give this to my three year old though and have done so since she was little, and it helps us all a lot!