My 13 month old son will not eat. He used to be a fairly good eater until about a few weeks ago he wouldn't eat as much or as often. I didn't think much of it until now when he won't eat at all. He had two bites of his cereal this morning and that was it. I tried to give him his table food, I went back to the baby food, he just won't eat anything. I thought he might be sick, but he's not acting like it, no temp... nothing. I thought maybe he just doesn't like what I'm giving, but I've changed what I offer so many times, I don't know what else to try. He's drinking like crazy... but no food.
I know he wont wither away to nothing, but it's really bugging me. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Don't worry... Kids will go through stages like this. As long as he's getting plenty of milk and a daily vitamin he'll do fine on the days that he won't eat much for you. Just keep trying and eventually he will start eating better.. Trust me! I went through the same thing with my firstborn and my best friend just went through it with hers. Good Luck!
Hi Jen,
I wouln't worry about it to much. All kids go through this sometimes. I also have a 13 month that is starting to do this. I would bet that within a couple of days he will start eating again. Remember that the size of a childs stomach is the size of their fist. It isn't that big so it doesn't take much to fill it. Good luck.
hello jen maybe he is drinking to much i went thur the samething with my now two year old daughter and i even went to my doctor about it and she said that kids won't starve them self try cutting back on drink and see if that helps .
Hi Jen! Not to worry, my 20 month old just recently ended this phase. I talked to my pediatrician about it and it is normal for babies to go through this. He's experiencing new foods and deciding what he really likes and does not. Don't worry though, he will eat what he needs. Last year, we went through a similiar problem with my then 3 year old and the pediatrician told us that at that age they only need 6 oz. of food to sustain them. Just keep offering a variety to him and when he's ready, he will eat.
You need to remember the mommy mantra...THIS TOO SHALL PASS. -- It is only a stage..
My daughter (14 months) eats like crazy some days and barely eats anything the next day... I ignore it. I dont praise her when she eats and I dont coax her to eat more wehn she doesnt want to. babies are like that.
they will eat when they are hungry..dont worrry..
offer healthy options and a reasonable amount of milk to drink and he will be fine..
He may be teething. My daughter slows down on eating also when she's teething. Try offering soft foods like apple sauce etc. As long as he's still drinking, he's probley fine. If this goes on though for over a week I'd take him in just to get him checked out. Lori
I was going to say that my daughter is a picky eater and has been for a long time. THere's been days that she will only eat a few bites of something and that's the whole day. Some kids just don't like to eat alot. But when you said that he drinks like crazy, that makes me think that you should have his blood sugar levels checked. It could be a sign of a health issue. THat would be my first suggestion. And thenif all turns out ok with his health, make sure he gets a multi vitamin everyday, they com ein all different types, and offer him his food at the same time everyday. Maybe even consult with a nutritionist. But my daughter is still that way and she is 4, going on 5. And she is perfectly healthy. Good luck.
Hi Jen!
What are you giving him to drink? My suggestion is cut out juice and cut back on milk. They are very filling for a little tummy. Offer water to drink between meals and maybe he'll start eating his food better.
yes...I agree with what everyone here said. Kids aren't like adults. We adults will eat for any reason. Even when we're not really hungry. As long as a doctor says he has not other health issues, I would chalk this one up to normal.
Just one thing that hasn't been mentioned. Ear infections and sore throats don't always show signs. When one of my children stopped eating like that, he had an ear infection. No fever or any other signs. Check with the doctor, but this can be just a phase.
my Son who is 13 months also goes through those days, somedays he will eat a ton and others he will eat just a little bit or nothing at all. I would just wait it out a day or so, keep a sippy cup out or give him some formula if you are worried, but I think they are like us where some days we could eat half a grocey store and others we are just not hungry. But if it goes on for more than a few days I would call your Dr.
The other Mommas a probably right. This is likely going to pass. If it does continue though, consider asking your doctor about acid reflux. That is a possible reason to not want food, but still drink.
I wouldn't be to worried about it. Toddlers go through phases like this. My doctor told me that it is normal. My two year old goes through these spurts still. Give it another week and if you are still worried ask the doctor, but as long as he is still peeing and at least pooping once every other day he should be fine.
My kids tend to go through changes every now and hen where they eat once and then a week or so later they dont eat as much. Now they only do it in summer they eat less cause they are out playing and eat more in winter when they are inside more. AS long as he is drinking he is fine. But make sure what he is drinking has some nutirtial(sp) value. SOmething like smart water whcih has it electolites in it or white grape juice.
Are you feeding him? My 16-month old triplet daughter doesn't want us to feed her....she wants to do it all by herself....lots of finger foods work great. I hope this might help.
Thank you all for your advice I really appreciate it. I’m sure I’m just over reacting. I’ll wait a couple of days and see if he starts eating again before I get too worried. I think I’ll even cut down as much milk and juice and a little more water. Thank you all again!!