I am in serious need of advice. My 12 year old son hates going to his fathers house. His father has 4 other children ranging from 16 to 4. His father will leave all the kids alone putting the 16 year old in charge while he goes to work. He works from 3:30pm - 11:30pm. His father recently had a new girlfriend move in and now she sits with the kids. Now I have met the girlfriend and think she is a really nice girl (there have been a few girlfriends and a wife over the years) and I trust her with my son. My only problem is that my son is going to visit his father not babysit the 3 younger kids or to sit with the girlfriend. I have recently been fighting with my sons father about forcing my son to go over there. I have been letting my son decide whether he wants to go to his dads. I never tell him NO. Maybe I should be? I believe strongly that every child should have a good relationship with both parents. So when do you draw the line? He does pay child support when he works. He is also responsible for 60% of all medical bills but has not paid any of those for 4 years. My husband supports my son mainly as I don't work a job. I do pick up odd jobs to help with the load. I know being a good parent doesn't mean you pay lots of money but really how far does $40.39 go every week? I don't want to sound like I care about money only because I don't. I just think if he wants to be a parent it should be 24/7 365 and not just every other weekend and 4 weeks during the summer. He doesn't help out with school clothes or supplies and fees. He never helps pay for glasses or any other extra curricular activities. He has been in Scouting since the 1st grade and has been playing soccer for 6 years now. When he is with his father he is not allowed to attend those functions. His father tells him he takes priority over any and everything else. And for those of you who have kids in sports and other things you know how important these things become to our children. So what am I to do? I am looking for honest feedback. Yes even if I am told I am a horrible person for not forcing my son to go visit his father. I need to know what I should do. Thank you all in advance for the wonderful advice I know I will receive.
Just a little more info to add since I have received a few responses already. I was never married to my sons father and he never filed for visitation - we have always been able to agree on visitation. I have sole custody of our son. He is the non - custodial parent.