1-year-old Leaking Every Night

Every morning my daughter wakes up and her diaper has leaked through. We have tried different diapers and giving her a bottle earlier and waiting a half hour to change her diaper before putting her down. This has been occurring the last few weeks and the only time it didn't was the other night when she was too tired for a bottle and went right to bed. I'm not sure what to try next. She's in size 4 but is on the lower end of the weight requirement. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!


We went through this too. We found the only diaper that would hold our daughter was LUVS. And even then she would sometimes leak through at night. Now we are going through this with our son. If I make sure I change him by 6 AM then he doesn't leak through......

But I also started changing her half way through the night. She hardly even woke up for it. Just make sure you put jammies on her that are easy to do this with. And if you get up for any reason in the middle of the night just go change her.

She will outgrow this.

You could get up once during the night and change her while she is sleeping. Do it getnly and leave all the lights off. If you do not disturb her too much she should return to sleep if she wakes duringthe change.

Try sticking a feminine pad in the diaper to help soak of more. We've always had the best luck with store brands but usually use cloth. But I've heard the pad works well! Good luck :-)

huggies or babies r us diapers helped my daughter. I did see a product at babies r us that is an extra absorbent pad that you can add to the regular diaper to make them more absorbent.

Do not go by the weight requirements of the diapers. My daughter is only 20lbs and is 14 months, and we are in Size 5 Pampers diapers for the very same reason.

When my daughter leaks we go to the next size--we never go by the weight. Sometimes during the day we put her in size 4's because I can keep an eye on the leakage.

Good Luck!

My son was leaking through and we tried Huggies Overnights...they worked really well. Also, we started not giving him much to drink an hour or two before his bedtime.

Switch to a larger size diaper at night.

Have you tried Huggies Overnights? There is a pull-up version of an overnight too. They also have a big kid overnight where it goes up to 65lbs. or something. I started with Huggies Overnights and they work! I give my kids sippy cups of about 4oz of water to go to bed with and the Overnights still work!

My 11-month-old wears size 3 by day and size 5 by night. Forget the weight scale for nighttime and move up a size (or 2!) and your problems will likely be solved!
Best of luck.

I would suggest Huggies Nighttime diapers. They work great and seem to hold more that just a regular diaper at bedtime.

Go up a size at night - that's worked every time for both of our kids - that and we use Huggies Supremes.

Good question Lisa!! I have been double diapering my son since he was 1, he is currently age 2..and we have the same problem! And he just has a sippy of milk every night before bed and still, even double diapered, wakes up wet alot of mornings! I am a pampers lover so thats all we use, Ive tried others and they are even worse in the morning. I dont have an answer for you but wanted to let you know your not alone in the fight against wetness! Sometimes wonder how they can go that much when there sleeping..or is something wrong?? My son is very healthy so I guess he just goes alot at night..its going to make potty training a bit harder thats for sure! Good luck!

My daughter had the same problem, we used Huggie's Goodnights - they are little bit more expensive, but you only use 1 per day because we only used them at night time. They really did help out a lot and as she got older we cut back on liquids before bed, it use to be a glass of milk she would take to bed (yeah i know bad habit) but once we took my son who is older to the doctor we told them no more milk before bed and only water. Now both of my children take water cups to bed but both are waking up hardly wet if at all. We have since quit using the Huggies overnights, and now use regular Pampers on my daughter.

Hope this helps!

Emily Z

I usually get a bigger size to put on at night. Try a size 5 and I'm sure it will work great.
Good luck,
Mother of 5

My daughter started leaking through about that same time with regular diapers. We switched to Huggies nighttime/overnight diapers and never had a problem again. We use Target brand during the day.

if she leaks because she has too much urine in her diaper then maybe you will have to get up around midnight and change her again, if she leaks because of the diaper you probably haven't tried all the diapers and need to coninue your search good luck

My daughter who is 18 months had the same problem and what I have been doing is putting her in a diaper 1 size bigger than what she is in and that has worked. She normally is in a size 3 and I put her in a size 4 at night time. Try putting her in a size 5 at night. I use Luv's diapers and they work great!!!

My son was born 4 years to the day we were married as well! If you haven't tried already, Huggies Overnites were the only diapers that prevented nighttime leaking for us. You can't find them everywhere though--our best bet was Walmart. Best wishes!

HUggies overnights worked wonders for us at night for both our daughter and son. After they outgrew those we switched to the pullups nighttime and those are great too.