

Formerly a corporate executive, I became a stay and work-at-home Mom that was homeschooling my two girls. I recently took in my husband’s niece and her toddler, whew… I was caring for my 95 year old Dad who passed away this year. He had Alzheimer’s Disease and was bedridden because of an Emergency Room error. I was truly in the “sandwich” generation with small kids at home and caring for elderly parents. I loved doing both. My oldest is now married and my youngest is now spreading her wings. I am once again in the work world…

I continue to spend a lot of time researching health and wellness because of the numerous errors from medical professionals that my family members have encountered over the years. My family lives a very natural lifestyle and we are healthier now than ever before.

If you want to know more about me…
go to the world wide web squidoo and forwardslash ifyourbabycouldtalk