Zyrtec & Breastfeeding

Hi. I'm a mom-to-be, and want to breastfeed when my baby is born. The problem is, I have chronic allergies, and have to take Zyrtec every day. It's the only thing that works for me. I've I don't take it, I get hives and my skin swells- it's not your typical runny eyes, sneazy type of allergies. Nurses, midwives and doctors have told me that Zyrtec will dry-up breast milk. I've asked them if there's an alternative. I really want to breastfeed, and want my baby to have all the benefits of being breastfed. I hope someone out there can help me. Any suggestions?

I have a very similar problem w/ chronic hives. I took Zyrtec for my 1st pregnancy (daughter currently 17 months old) and breastfed her for the first 12 months and currently am at 12 weeks w/ my 2nd pregnancy. I didn't have an "abundance" of extra breastmilk - but we did just fine and I was able to get her to 6 months exclusively on breast milk. I worked full time and had to pump - so it may be a little easier for you to maintain you supply if you can feed all the time. Best of luck to you. All I can really say is - give it a try and if it doesn't work - you can always think about alternatives! Let me know if you have any other questions!

I was having problems with my allergies after the birth of my third child. When I went to my OB/GYN, she prescribed Zyrtec knowing I am breastfeeding. I asked if it was ok to take while I nursed and she said there was no problem.

There's a supplement called OPC-3 that helps with allergies. My husband has gotten great relief from it this year. It contains the 5 most potent anti-oxidants, and is all natural so is completely safe for your baby too! I could get you in contact with an OB/GYN that recommends it to her patients if you had questions about it. Wouldn't it be great if you never had to take another Zyrtec again!

You can find it on my website.


Good luck!

Hi Jennifer! I am a pharmacist and Zyrtec is fine to take when breastfeeding. A great place to check for medications and breastfeeding is www.kellymom.com. Zyrtec is considered compatible with breastfeeding and is taken by many nursing moms. Enjoy your breastfeeding experience...there is nothing like it in the whole world!
Peace, Nicki

If you need to take the zyrtec, ask the doctors of how to increase your milk supply. I used fenugreek, i also had to be on medication for a period of time. Make sure to add in some extra time for pumping, don't replace the breast time with bottle. You will need the extra time to increase milk production naturally. It's much harder to do that, but believe me it will work. I was always told of the laws of supply and demand. If milk is demanded everyday at a certain time, it will be supplied. the demand from the baby is the best one as it will trigger the responses for milk production.

My OB prescribed Zyrtec for me while I was breastfeeding and I didn't experience any problems, but it was on a "as needed" basis for the sneezy, itchy eye type of allergies.

You will want to read about NAET treatment for allergies. I had one of the highest numbers ever seen(seriously) ever.(Did Mayo,etc.) and this is changing my life. I go to a practitioner named Karen Marshall in FIshers. Her number is
Good Luck!

Allegra is safe for breastfeeding too - kudos to your dedication to breastfeeding!!!!

I'm not on Zyrtec, but I do take Claritin and occasionally Sutafed and I have not had a problem. I've been exclusively breastfeeding for almost 4 months now. I've only used a couple of ouces of formula in times of "crisis". One thing that will definitely affect your milk production is stress! I almost dried up when I was graduating due to all the work I had to put in to graduate on time after my daughter was born. I know Benadryl is also save for breastfeeding, but makes me quite sleepy. On that note you should be resting after the baby's born anyways, so it may be helpful. Good luck! and Congrats on your new peanut!!!

I have 2 children. I also have chronic allergies and was not able to take my normal medicine, Allerx, during my pregnancies or nursing because it was too new and there was not enough information on that it would be safe to take and not harm the baby. Zyrtec was what my OB told me would be safe. Therefore, that's what I took. I nursed both of my children until nearly a year. I work outside the home so I had to pump during the day and I froze the milk. With my first one, I was able to stop pumping by around 10 months because I had so much frozen milk saved that it didn't get used up until a month after his first birthday. My second one, I dried up a little earlier, but it was still near 10 months or after, at which point my pediatrician had us go to whole milk, which she took just fine. In my experience, Zyrtec definitely did not hinder milk production.

One secret to my success... after my kids were done with a feeding, I would hand pump in order to empty that breast. That built up how much I produced as well as the store of what they could eat/drink while I could not be with them.

Hope this helps!

Have you tried Claritin? I'm not sure if it has the same effect or not. It's worth asking about


My son is 15 months old, and I must tell you that one of the best things I ever did was breast feed him. It was wonderful bonding (I was blessed that he took on to breast feeding very well). I was determined that even if I had to pump until my child was ready to breastfeed, I was going to do it. So if you need any support when your baby comes along, I am here for you. I and several of my friends have had wonderful experiences getting of prescription allergy medication by switching to Shaklee's Nutriferon. It is safe to take while pregnant and nursing. And it is also safe for children (In smaller amounts). Type in Nutriferon in the search engine of www.shaklee.net/gemsoffire for more info or we could talk by phone if you want.

I took Zyrtec & breastfed for 3 wonderful years. (not Zyrtec D, that's not approved, just Zyrtec)
Also Actifed is ok (not Sudafed)
I asked COUNTLESS Dr.'s, Pharmacists, Drug reps., you name it & they all assured me it was safe.
I hope everything works out well for you, allergies can just be awful! & congrats on your first baby!!! :o)

A product that I used while pregnant and nursing that helped with allergies and other things was OPC-3. It's a natural anti-inflammatory and heavy anti-oxidant. It's in powder form and you mix it w/ water (or other liquid) and drink. Tastes like grape juice and is great as you can take as much or as little as you like without any digestive issues to deal with. I really liked it b/c it was so easy and it didn't affect milk production at all. If you'd like more information or like to try it, email me directly @ jody.arnow@gmail.com.


I can assure you that this drug won't dry you up. I have the same issue (hives, etc) that actually has me on double doses of Zyrtec (2 of the 24 hour pills a day)and Zantac (150 mg 2 times a day) and have successfully breastfed 2 children. My doctor asked me why I was on the Zyrtec, and when I explained about the hives, he said it was a no brainer, that I needed the medicine and it wasn't going to hurt the baby, so keep up normal dosing (normal for me)during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Best of luck!

Hello Jennifer and congratulations on being a mom-to-be. I do not have to Zyrtec but I do know that the most important part of breastfeeding comes in the first week through the colostrum even before the breast milk comes in fully. There is a lifetime of antioxidents/vitamins much needed for the baby during this time. Drying up of milk is something many mothers deal with even if they are not on medication. I suggest you nurse until you cannot give enough milk supply. This will satisfy your desire of knowing you at least tried. You do not want to go through life thinking, I wonder if... As a mother of four, I did not breast feed until the 4th child. All of my formula fed children are just as healthy as my 6 month old. My formula fed children did not suffer from ear infections or excessive doctor's visits, so I am not saying breastfeeding is not the best option but I am saying they are just as healthy and beautiful. I pray all works well.

I have an 11 and a half month old son. I'm still breastfeeding and I take Claritin and Benedryl occasionally for my allergies. So far so good! Good luck to you. Breastfeeding is awesome and so wonderful for the child. You're going to love the experience. So will your baby.

My third child was born when allegies are the worst for me. I actully found for some reason, I didn'tneed my allergy med right after he was born. Maybe the same will work for you. I do know that Zyrtec CAN dry up your milk, but that doesn't mean it dries everyone up, or that it will you. Not everyone's body works the same. Until your milk supply is established, usually a couple of weeks, I would avoid taking it unless you have to. but if you have hives and swelling, you need the med. Hopefully the hospital you are delivering at has a Lactation Consultant. Make sure you work with them. If you have anyissues after you get home, they are still there for you and can help you with ideas and suggestions. good luck to you! And congrats on the new baby.

I'm taking Zyrtec (and have been for 11 years) and breastfeeding an infant and a toodler right now at the same time. I have plenty of milk! I cut back to 5 mg when I can, but throught the spring, summer and fall I have to take the 10 mg per day...we're all fine! I am breastfeeding my four month old exclusively as well. I'd get a second opinion or two or three!