Looking for a "Work at Home" career. Nothing that is a scam, nothing to buy or sell. This needs to be legit. Nothing fake!! Something other than childcare. I have a college degree. Thanks so much for your help!! :)
What's your degree in?
This isn't going to be much of a solution, so I apologize up front. I, too, have a college degree (a couple of them), but wanted to be home with my children. I looked into the different, "at home" jobs (stuffing envelopes, making crafts and sending back for sale), but it turned out that my state didn't allow those kinds of jobs (trying to protect its citizens from the scams--and I don't know that I would be able to have discerned the honest ones). I ended up making side jobs out of hobbies. I taught piano lessons (I went to their house because I didn't have a piano at the time), I made decorated cakes, and tutored neighbors' children in algebra. I continue to do these things, but now that my kids are all in elementary, I am subbing--can't be the hours or flexibility.
There was one website of home businesses (and I'm sorry I can't remember what it was) that had at home jobs of writing &/or designing (taking pictures for) greeting cards. I'm not sure why I didn't follow through with that one. Another possibility, depending on your situation, is to work through the public school system teaching children who are unable to attend school for various medical/emotional reasons. I have a friend who does this. She teaches 3-2hr. sessions and is paid for an additional planning session. A college degree of any sort qualifies you, at least where I am, and you figure out when you teach with your student's family, so you could do it in the evenings when someone could watch your baby.
I groom dogs and cats in my home. Of course, one has to be trained and have experience and clients, so obviously won't work for most people! If you are really interested though, you could learn how and work in a shop for a while, then go on your own and find clients through your friends and family. Also takes start up money for all the equipment and supplies, but worth it.
All I wanted was to Stay at home and raise my Own Children...I was
totally shocked at all the scams on the Internet that were targeting
people like me.
I spent months looking, and did pay some "fees" to find out
about legitimate work from home. None of them were able to offer
anything more than a few surveys for pay, crafts to assemble, or
mystery shopping (all of which were nothing more than some spare
change...not an income).
I am very excited to now Own my own Home Business.
I am working at my own pace and I have met and Teamed up with some
Awesome Mothers and others...that have the same Goals as I DO!
I would love to share this opportunity with you. Just visit my
website, and I will contact you with the details.
Mom's go to www.BeHomeNow.biz
It will depend largely on your professional background and degree, but perhaps you can become a consultant in your field? I'm a freelance writer and love it! However, I also have extensive work experience as a writer and a degree in journalism. The best way to avoid being scammed or paid like a high school grad is to start your own business.
Here are a couple of 3 minute calls you can listen to: . Roger Barnett, Chairman & CEO - 925-924-3333 and Project MAHMAâ„¢ - 925-924-3232
If this interests you, let me know and I will get you more information.
I was an engineer for years, then got a master's and worked with children with disabilities. Everyone in my group is very educated and loves this company.
i cant remember the name of the company but i saw this on good morning america about a year or so ago. you need to have a dsl connection and a dedicated phone line but it is 1-800 catalogue help desk for companies like jcrew and gap. i think they said you could work as little as you wanted or as much as you wanted. maybe you can search online or on gma's website for jobs for stay at home mothers and see what comes up.
Try the webite WAHM.com (Work at Home Moms). I saw it on Good Morning America or The Today Show, one of those. They post job listings from all over the country and supposedly do not put the scammers on their website.
Good luck!
Hi Mommy K.,
I have a great opportunity to share with you that will give you time and financial freedom. I have Master Degree, however, left a professional well paying position to work from home and raise my daughter. I love what I do and money is not an issue, most of all I make a difference and I have a purpose in life.
You are welcome to contact me for details or let me know if you can attend an hour Opportunity presentation on Tuesday evening in Addison.
Best Wishes,
Alem Feleke
The jobs posted on WAHM.com either require a registration fee or are no longer available. Be very careful, I haven't found a work from home job through a website that is legitimate yet. Occasionally, I find a WAH job thru an actual employer (has a local physical address and is listed with the BBB) on Monster.com or Careerbuilder.com but those are few and far between. If you find something - please post it and let us know.
I also have a college education but wasn't happy working outside the home after my daughter was born. I found Internet CEO Moms and have been very happy with my experience. It is professional and fulfilling on the business side so I don't feel like Im missing out on anything the corporate world had to offer but I'm with my daughter every day and I can take her to he doctor for check-ups or to the park, which is something that would have been a cardinal sin at my previous job. Take a look, I know you wont be disappointed.
I am college educated as well. Please visit my website at www.aturningpoint.net to read my article I wrote about MLM scams. I think you find it interesting.