Willow/GarlicEar Oil ???????

Has anyone used this? I was wondering if it works or not.

Just today I was researching natural remedies for ear infections and came across a recipe for garlic oil ear drops so if it's the same thing, I hear it works.

I am not sure why you are asking, but if it is for ear infections you should try coning(sold in health stores). I have always suffered from horrible infections in the spring and was unable to stop the severe pain. Last year it was the worst so when my friend suggested trying this I was willing to try anything. The pain stopped almost instantly and hasn't returned as of yet.

Yes, My friend let me use some and it did not work for my kids, sorry!!!

Tina H.

I have never heard of such. Do you put it inside the ear, is it used to get infections/wax out?

I used to suffer from ear infections on a regular basis. As an adult that is kind of frustrating! However, since I started taking OPC-3, all of my infections are over. Read about the other benefits too at my web portal via Isotonix at www.marketamerica.com/TheVoiceOfTruth

I love it!

"Drink Your Vitamins"


I have used a homemade garlic ear oil on my kids since they were little and it has been extremely successful. Helps soothe the pain and cleans out the infection naturally. I make mine with garlic, vit. E, olive oil and cloves, warm it up and drop it in. Of course, rest, nourishing food and strong immune systems also help. Taking out dairy and sugar and also strong recommendations. I am a Holistic Health Counselor and this is what I tell my clients.

I have not used the above combo but have heard it works if
your gonna use it for pain. White willow is the equal of
aspirin in its natural form. Garlic oil is supposed to be
good for all around health. the garlic oil would be the
liquid you need to use it as an ear drop. if you are having
wax buildup or water in ear i am not sure if it would work
for that or not. sometimes if you put liquid in an already
plugged ear it would not do any good.

Yes, it works great! I've used it on my daughter twice. The second time was 2 weeks ago. I took her to the dr. and she said it is pretty pink and was going to prescribe an antibiotic, but I used the garlic oil and it worked great. I put 2 drops in 2 times daily. She put her head in my lap and I dropped them in her ear. Just make sure that if you do it this way that you put something between your pants and her when she turns her head (if you're treating both ears), so the oil doesn't leak out on your clothes and ruin them. I highly recommend it.

Im not familiar with it, however if your looking to just clean the ear my pediatrician recommends oil olive then a mix of peroxide and water.

I have not used that but my doctor recommended 'Sweet Oil' - I found it at Meijer and just put a little on a q-tip to apply lightly

I use Tea Tree oil on both my kids. Put a few drops in and their good. Never had ear infections!

Works great and it's 100% natural. I have a 16 year old and a 4 year old.

You can buy it at Meijers, Walgreens, Kmart, Health food stores.

Keep out of eyes, etc.

Thank you all for your help. My nephew has Smith-Maguinus(sp?) syndrom. One of the symptoms is cronic ear infections. His ears litterally puss and bleed almost all the time, I think he has had 2 or 3 sets of tubes and he is only 3 years old. So thank you all for your help. And I will let me Sister-in-law know all this wonderfull advice.