I was trying to decide if I should take my 6 year old to see the new Disney princess movie. I saw a clip with a witch doctor in it. I didn't like what I saw and wondered how big of a role he had. I've been selective about which movies she sees. For example, haven't shown her Sleeping Beauty because I don't have good memories of that dragon and witch!
I'd appreciate any thoughts on what age this movie is appropriate for. Thanks!
Just in case you forgot, before there were MD's there were witch doctors. Only they were called healers until there were demonized in the church and popular culture. Maybe you could take the opportunity to teach your child something rather than passing on your own fears and cultural persecution to her. There is good and evil in the world. Shadow and light. Have faith in your ability to teach her the difference. Merry Christmas....
We loved it! I took my 4.5 year old. There were some scary/dark parts where she sat on my lap. But overall she was fine. My husband and I thought it was great. Great music!
This link contains detailed elements (both positive and negative) of the film. I use this site often to review movies before my daughters see them. I don't always agree with their take 100%, but I at least have the opportunity to review it. Good luck and kudos to you for caring and being a conscientious parent!
I took my 3 year old (whose favorite movie is Sleeping Beauty) and she absolutely loved it! She is begging to see it again. The role of the shadowman is similar to that of any Disney villain. And as with all Disney princess films, good overcomes evil and a moral lesson is learned. In my humble opinion, it is a very good movie and probably my new favorite especially because of the soundtrack: great gospel, blues, jazz and zydeco... Good luck in your decision!
I am often concerned with the "scary" parts of movies and Disney is the group that makes the scariest movies for children. However, I took my 4.5 and 2.5 year old to this because my company gave us free tickets. I loved this movie. It is scary in some parts and does have dark moments...but the message in this movie is the best I've ever seen in a princess movie. It is by far my favorite princess movie because this is no damsel in distress. This woman can make it on her own and can love strongly as well. I love the message and am happy that I don't have to only watch weak women who need a man to make them complete anymore! I strongly recommend this movie...if for nothing else...the message that girls can be strong too!
Plus...the firefly is such a beautiful character...and "The alligator is silly!" according to my 2.5 year old. Go see it!
My granddaughter, who just turned 5 today, went to see it two days ago. I didn't go with her but my daughter didn't have any problems with it. I'm sure it would be fine. My children have seen all the other disney's movies.
My family saw the movie yesterday. Overall its a good movie with some scary and disturbing scenes in the movie that I think are too much for young children. Luckly, my 4 year old fell asleep.
Go with your heart. If your heart says, don't see it, then don't.
IMO -you are sheltering a 6 year old WAY too much! I'm taking my 3 year old boy to see it, and I'm sure he'll love it! When did we decide kids are never supposed to be a little scared? At what point are they supposed to be introduced to the concept of scary things? I believe ghost stories and slightly scary (increasing with age) movies are rites of passage and great parts of childhood. As far as "witch doctors" go, you're probably talking about a voodoo doctor since this occurs in the New Orleans area. You may not believe in it, but voodoo has a long and rich cultural significance in Cajun and Creole culture and Caribbean culture. I agree with the comment that it would be a great time to let your daughter know that she doesn't need to be scared of the unfamiliar -but use it as an opportunity to become educated instead.
I agree that you are being a bit over protective. I'm guilty of it too. But having some scary moments , like Sleeping Beauty, will help her learn how to deal with fear. Right now you may not be teaching her how to deal with scary issues because you're avoiding them. I've allowed my 7 year old son to see scary things but with me next to him to remind him this is pretent, you have nothing to fear from a movie, or teaching whatever the situation in the movie is I'll remind him thats why you shouldn't do whatever the movie is doing. Like in Snow White the witch scared him, I talked to him about accepting things from strangers and how it can be bad. He is a very confident kid and is not scared by much.
I think allowing your daughter to experience fear and guiding her through it is best. Good luck !
I urge you to go see the movie. The witch doctor is not shown very often. I have a 4 year old little girl and a 6 year old boy and they loved the movie. By the end of the movie I was in tears (from joy). I was so moved I went to the Disney Store and bought the Tiana and Prince Navine dolls. I really won't mind letting my kids see it again. The lighting bug had my son in stitches by the end of the movie.:-)
Hi Christina, I took my two girls to see the movie. I have and 22 y/o and 3 y/o and wish I'd previewed it. The "shadow man's" story line was a bit much for my small one. We've had some sleepless nights following that movie. Please understand that the movie has a great moral story but the presence of spiritually dark things like voo-doo is distrubing even for me as an adult...not to mention my 3 yr old. Hope this helps.
My 4yo daughter and her best friend (3 1/2yo) both loved it and never showed a bit of fear. They loved the music and were "dancing" in their seats through much of the film.
By the age of 6 children should be old enough to discern good from bad. If she is sheltered too much you can adversely hinder her emotional growth. Bad feelings are as much a part of life as good feelings. Perhaps you should let her see Snow White first and then The Princess and the Frog. This way her bad feelings about the characters are divided evenly. This is the first Disney movie featuring an African American princess and African American villain.
I took my 5 year old and 3 year old to see the movie and they both absolutely loved it! It wasn't scary at all "for my kids". But what's not scary for some kids may be for others. I never really thought about it being scary though. I thought it was a really cute movie!
my husband took our daughter to the movie yesterday. She will be 8 yrs. next month. He said the witch scene bothered her. He said she really didn't like it but we are christian home, other families may like it. If you have concerns, I wouldn't take her. Usually your 1st thoughts when it comes to something like this are something you should consider for yourself. I hope this helps.