My 12 yr old started her period last July, and I am wondering when I should schedule her first GYN exam? Her ped doesnt think it is necessary until she has problems or issues, but I dont remember having issues just a yearly check. Any advice?
I asked my ob/gyn about my daughter and he said unless she is sexually active there is NO need for an exam, unless there is problems with her periods.
I was always told once you start your period you also start your yearly exams, but I think it is also your discretion when you would like her to start. I do think starting earlier could teach her good lessons in following through with her yearly as she gets older and it becomes her responsibility. Just a thought!
I started getting them done a couple years after starting my period. In my opinion, I think a girl could start getting them done when a girl starts her period, but also think that the girl is not a virgin then it might not be wise. I would suggest her start getting them done when and if she starts using tampons or like her ped said, if problems arise. I hope this helps..
If there are problems, extremely heavy flows, abnormal cycles (bleeding more than once a month or longer than normal) definifite see a gyn. If she's normal then don't worry about it until she's older 17, 18 y.o. If you know she's sexually active then she'll need an exam as well. I had my first at 18 when I went on bcp. My poor sister battled awful periods from agee 14 and had to be put on bcp to regulate her cycles.
good luck!
You do not need a exam until you are sexually active. Even if you have period problems they may not do a exam depending on your problem. IF your ob/gyn is saying this I would be worried about him.
I never had problems so I didn't go until I was 20 and was pregnant for the first time. I was a little nervous but my OBGYN said unless there are problems there is really no need.
If she isn't having any female issues I'd wait till she's sexually active or 18-whichever comes first. I'm a public health educator and mom of four girls ages 27, 23 and 18 year old twins. Arm her with all the info she needs re: stds, how you get them, how to avoid, pregnancy issues, the responsibilities of being sexually active are many-if you haven't started the dialogue by now, get going. I used color pictures when I showed my girls what STDs look like-that really brought the horrors of them home to the girls-warts and all.
If she has really bad cramps that's another reason to take her to the GYN.
Good luck. It's scary out there.
I believe the experts say that until your daughter is sexually active will she need to start going to the GYN. However, I have an 8 year old daughter and when she gets to be about 15-16 I may consider taking her to her first GYN appointment based off of my own personal life experience (it all depends on your relationship with your daughter as she progresses through puberity if both of you are open and honest with each other). Unless your daughter has other issues such has heavy bleeding or intolerable menstral cramps as she continues to develop, then I wouldn't worry about taking her until a later age that you would determine approprate for this type of medical exam. Everybody is different! :)
My OB-GYN told me that our daughter didn't need to be seen until she was 18. She said to bring her in earlier if she had problems or we thought (or knew) she was sexually active.
I have three daughters ages ranging from 15 to 22. Our gyn said the same thing. They don't need to come see him unless there are problems. He said unless on started having sexual intercourse, he would not need to see them.
I wouldn't bother with it unless you have to.
Good Luck
i went when i was 15, i would start around then. i seen a women that i loved at seven women health arcross from anderson hospital. i am 29 and it has been a litlle while since i seen her. but she specializes in younger girls before birth. i had to move to the midwives when i had my kids. and i cannot remember her name but i looooovveeed her. she was so gentle and caring. i did not want to switch when i went to have kids. even if you take her for the first time so she can not completely check her out. you know the stirrups. but so she can talk to her and get to know her . i remember i was so scarred going my first time.i have heard they don't have to get the actuall swab until they have sex. but most kids i dont know if they would tell there mom that sort of thing.
The general answer is when she becomes sexually active or turns 18 - whichever comes first. Unless there are problems, it's really not necessary to take her before then.
Remember, your first GYN? It can be a little frightening when you're 18. Now imagine it as a 12 year old - when everything is overwhelmingly embarassing! If there aren't any issues or problems, let her wait until it's time. : )
I am 52 and had my first pelvic exam at 18. I was married and pregnant at the time. I think unless there is a reason such as problems or sexually active I would never put my daughter through the embarassment. I would have been mortified if I had been younger.
I think the recommendation is to go around age 14, or as soon as she is sexually active. I highly recommend finding a CNM instead of an OB/GYN. Even so, your daughter would probably feel more comfortable with a female.
Here's a nice educational website for your daughter:
I believe the "magical" age for annuals is 18. However, if she is sexually active, I believe it is immediately. In any case, make sure she gets that new vaccine that prevents HPV - that should be administered at age 11 I believe.
as Doc Oz on Oprah said: "the vagina is a self cleaning oven"
as I recall my ancestors didn't go there unless there was
a problem. I recall not liking that exam, and I was 18 and there only for the pill... so I wouldn't become my mother who had 4 by 23.
A good friend of mine had her family dr explain to her daughters that they would need to have their 1st exam at 18 or when they became sexually active and exactly how it was done(showing them the stirrups and speculum etc) Both then said they were not going to have sex if they had to have that done! Maybe a good way to get them to wait until at least 18 to have sex!
I think a good age is 14 or when the first period starts. I would ask your daughter if she were more comfi with a female GYN and take her. She may have questions that she doesn't want to ask anybody else... I know here in the States girls typically don't have their first exam until they are 18 or older but I grew up in Europe and over there girls pretty much go at age 14. And in this day and age young kids are bombarded with so much sexual stuff in movies and shows that I think it's just a good thing to take them to the GYN when they are younger.
Unless your daughter is having heavy or painful periods, she can wait til she is 18 unless sexually active before that. You may want to check on her getting the cervical cancer vaccine though. It is given in 3 shots- maybe the pediatrician can guide you on that.