When is the right time to announce twin pregnancy?

Hi All,

I am pregnant with twins and we haven't shared this twins news with friends and relatives as we thought we'll keep it as a surprise.But now we are thinking that it will not look good if we don't share it before delivery.Everyone just know that i am pregnant and they don't know about twins.So can we announce this twins news on the day of my baby shower?OR is it ok to keep it as a surprise till their birth??Plz reply me ASAP..Thank You..

Hi, I am a grandmother of two beautiful little boys ages 2 and 4. I think you should definitely announce the twins. If you don't, after your shower people will be saying they would have gotten you thus and so if they had only known. This is exciting news. No one would think of it as if you were trying to get more stuff at your shower because you announced it. Someone could give you two matching outfits just as easily as two different onesies for example. Congratulations...now go shout it to the world. This is VERY exciting happy news that should be shared.

I do not think you should keep it a secret at all. If you wait unitl your baby shower then you will only be getting gifts for the one child. I think it would be neat to have twins. I would not keep it a secret at all. If you do not mind me asking, why woould you wnat to keep it a secret?

From another mom of twins...it's totally up to you. However, if these are your first babies, you might want to share the news before your showers etc. People will want to provide gifts for BOTH babies (and you might appreciate not having to go buy additional supplies). Also, as your pregnancy progresses, your needs will be different than those of singlton moms. Thus, people might understand you and your needs better if they are aware that you are carrying two babies vs. one.

Feel free to email me if you have other questions about carrying/having/caring for your twins. Congrats!

Mom to Chase and Noah (1-24-05)

I think you and your husband should do what you feel is good for you. Only thing about waiting is all the neat stuff they have for twins to buy for your baby shower. Just a lil advice
Good Luck & Best Wishes

Well, if you are going to share it before the birth, then I would definitely share it before the baby shower, too! If you don't, your shower guests are only going to buy enough for one baby instead of two. I think you should definitely share it beforehand, that way, you can get all the help you can before the babies arrive! Wouldn't it be nice to have enough of all the things you need - for both babies? But - if you really like the idea of a surprise (and boy, would this be a big one!), then I would keep it secret until the little bundles arrive. Although, I think, physically, it will be really hard to hide it! Congrats, by the way!

If you don't announce it, at your baby shower only one baby will get stuff, and with twins your belly will get alot bigger so they might know something is up. But it's your decision on how you want to do it.

Oh how exciting! Twins!

As someone who prides herself in looking out for her fellow mamas and mamas to be, here is my feeling:

  1. If I was a close friend or family member and I did not know about the birth of twins until delivery, I would be upset because I did not buy you gifts anticipating 2 babies. In fact, most of your gifts might be ill-suited.

  2. Having 2 babies at once is way more overwhelming than just one and you might want to get help lined up / prepare family and friends for the extra duties they may get.

  3. Announcing at the baby shower is a very cool idea, but again, your gifts will reflect one baby, not two. Many people may feel obligated to then purchase a second gift for the second baby.

  4. Maybe a cool idea when you send out the invitations for the baby shower, send duplicate invitations, or in some other sly way indicate there are two - pic of the sonogram or something - and announce it WITH the baby shower announcement.

At the end of the day, it is completely your decision, but friends and family, through I guess just close proximity, seem to usually think they are entitled to all news/decisions/etc. related to babies. The surprise in the end may be on you when you are scrambling to help reassure people you weren't purposely excluding them, etc.

Congrats again, though! Good luck! Shannon

Have they sent out the invites to your baby shower? If not, then have them put it in your baby shower. If they have, then call all your friends to tell them now. Also, put it on your registry that you will need 2 of everything. They may be upset if you don't tell them before the birth. And you are going to need extra stuff if these are your first children. If your friends know you are having 2, then they will be inclined to help you more with baby stuff.

First congradulations.

Second - Remember twins require twice as much stuff. I would definetly annouce it to the family. I know how much time and thought I went into while preparing for each of our children but grandparents and friends plan a lot of stuff as well.

ooo good question. i am a mom of twins myself and honestly if my family hadn't know about the twins then my PG would have been alot harder than it already was. i don't know what i would have done without them, of course i was on bedrest, and they were 6 wks early. I think, if you can keep it a secret and want to then go for it. However how are you going to ask for 2 of everthing or several of everything at your shower and explain it without anyone knowing?

Unless the pregnancy is high-risk or the doctor has express concerns, I would let people know by your 3rd month that you are having twins. I think it would be great to let people know before your baby shower because your friends and family are going to want to buy you gifts that would work for twins. For example a stroller that seats 2 instead of a stroller that is for 1. Congratulations!!! That is wonderful news.

Just my opinion - but how about sending out a cute announcement card..."Just wanted you to know - we're expecting twice as much joy in August" "...two times the fun"

If I were attending your shower it would be nice to know cause I might get you two blankets/whatever. Tell the shower coordinator whether or not you will be dressing the babies the same or not so attendees wouldn't give you matching clothing.

Plus your mom or MIL might love to pour over twin books and begin bragging early.

I would tell everyone before the shower and birth. Maybe make up a cute poem and give it to them or something fun like that. Just think, you will need double everything and what a huge expense if you have to buy it yourself. People love to shop for babies, so why not let them double up on the gifts....know what I mean? Congrats!

I would definitely let them know before the shower. You are going to be needing two of everything and they'll want to know that when they shop for your shower gifts. Babys R US used to give a discount when purchasing double items for twins. If you wait until the day of the shower, they'll all wish you had told them sooner so they could have gotten matching outfits or double stuff.

trust me that you will want to share this info before the baby shower. If you registered somewhere, you could also just request two of everything and everyone will get the idea. Twins are expensive, you will want to get appropriate gifts. Good Luck!

My twins will be 4 yrs this May. I shared with my family and friends after the first tri. Why would you want to keep it a secret until your shower? What people don't know will hurt you in the end. You will need more than ever with twins. I only waited to tell to avoid the heart ache if I miscarried. I had a wonderful preg. and it was great sharing everything with friends and family.

My husband and I have twin boys. We couldn't keep it a secret. Even though twins run in our family, we were still in shock! Share the news! Everyone will be sooo excited! Trust me! With twins, you really need to have things ready before the birth. I am not trying to scare you! But they are alot of work. I have an older daughter. I would suggest getting everything in order. If you tell people, they will help you prepare. Good Luck! Twins are the greatest joy!

Congrats!! I am a PROUD mommy of three year old boy/girl twins!! I would tell those you want to tell, but with regards to your shower ~ I would tell those attending prior to having them select their gifts. HOWEVER, it is very misleading to think you NEED two of everything!!! Some things will make your life easier, others are a waste!!

I would suggest checking out your local mother's of multiples support groups (of which I am a VP) and also the national and state websites for suggestions. You can check them out at www.tmom.net and at www.nomotc.org .
Again, congrats and I hope this helps!!