Don't say anything until after you've been offered the position.
I was pregnant and interviewing for jobs. I completely agree with the HR person. Legally the company has no right to know this information, and could use this information against you. If you are equal with another candidate, and they know you are pregnant, they may most likely give the job to the other person. Tell them after you are hired and on the job. The job I took had phone interviews and not in person interviews. I showed up very pregnant on the first day of the job.
Get a plan in place for how your work could be covered while you are out, how long you expect to be out, and how you expect to transition back into the office. (These are a bit more difficult to answer if this is your first child). That's what I did. I told my manager my delivery date, I expected to be out for 6 weeks only, had child care already planned for, and said I would work up until I delivered. And that's what happened.
At my company, short term disability is used for delivery, not a separate maternity leave program. You can ask these questions of your new employer after you're hired, and there may be a benefits number to call and you don't have to talk to your manager about it first. Find out this information, then talk to your manager about what your plans are and work together on a plan.
Best of luck.
I was in the same position, only I was 5 months pregnant. I interviewed for a job that I really wanted and was honest, told them I was pregnant and when I was due. It was in the medical field, so I had scrubs on and they couldn't tell I was pregnant. After I told them they came straight out and told me they couldn't hire me because they already had 2 other girls in the same department that would be on maternity leave around that time and I did not get the job, so much for honesty! This is a tough call, because you are so early on, honestly I wouldn't tell them, but this is based on my previous experience! Good luck!!
I was looking for a job during my last pregnancy & was told point blank by headhunters to not even bother. Legally you can't be discriminated against, but they can always simply say another candidate was better. I also agree with the other posts (and actually a headhunter told me this as well) that if you don't tell them, you're starting your relationship with the company with dishonesty, and this could come back on you later.
I know it's hard - when you're adding a new person to your household, you absolutely need more money. Good luck!
Thank you to everyone for your responses! I decided to tell them at the 2nd interview about my pregnancy. My thinking was that if it made a difference to them, that it wasn’t the right job for me. When I told them, they said “Congratulations” and “No problem, we’ll work around it”. I have been offered the position. I have not accepted yet, because I am waiting to hear the cost for insurance and if there is a waiting period to be eligible for the insurance. If there is, it may cause a problem, since Cobra is $1400 per month! Anyway, I went with the complete honesty view, and am glad that I did. It was the right thing to do in my situation. Thanks again to everyone!