I am 12 weeks pregnant, have my 2nd interview for a possible new job this afternoon. Do I tell them in this interview, or wait until I get an offer? I don't want to be dishonest, but it may affect their decision to know that I will be out for 8 weeks not too long into the job. What is the right thing to do?
I would tell them because you don't want to start out your new job being dishonest. They need to know what duties you will be capable of performing. Also it is against the law for them not to hire you just because you are pregnant unless the job has specific requirements upon hiring. I work at wal-mart and they hired a bunch of pregnant women on our remodel crew. Sure the job was only ten weeks but one girl only had a few weeks to go so there are employers out there who will hire pregnant women. Good luck.
Depending on the job...it's not dishonest if they don't ask. But you may want to ask about the medical benefits of the company and you may want/need to tell them depending on coverage. The question that usually get people to talking is: "Tell me a little bit about yourself" This is where most people tell all personal business, which is not really necessary. People normally tell about their marital status, if any kids etc...That's how most employers get their information with out coming straight out and asking. That can't really asked those types of questions. Not even if you have transporation, unless it's part of the job description. That can be marked as discrimination.
You need to be honest and you can't wait any longer than your next interview. Yes, it may make a difference in their decision, but if they do hire you, they may let you go right away once they find out. You cannot keep something like that a secret. They will have every right to let you go for not being upfront in the interview. You need to reasure them that once you have the baby you will be returning to work. If they don't want to hire you because you are expecting, more than likely they will let you go once they find out. Telll them now and save both of you the embarassment later.
No, they can't let you go because you are pregnant, but trust me they will find a way to get rid of you if they truly are upset with you. Most people enter a job on a probation period. They have ways to make things difficult for you. If you are truly the best person for the job, it won't matter if you are pregnant.
You do not have to tell them, and I wouldn't, if you want the job. It's called discrimination, and though illegal, they will still do it.
I do not think you should have to tell them anything at first. Let them offer you the job. If you cannot do the job because you are pregnant then I suppose you could let them know.But don't cut your own throat so to speak. If you fell and broke your leg you wouldn't have know that was going to happen-they cannot let you go. They can give you some time to heal. If you had a stroke they still let you stay. My sister had a stroke and a heart attack - both unplanned for and she is at her job as a school counselor noless and she is fine. You are not supposed to be hired for how you look, what your condition is and with a predictable life circumstance so... Unless you are trying to get a job as a lifeguard or a construction worker, if your job will only be affected by the fact that you are having a baby (something that has happened to many women with jobs over the years) I would wait it out unless they say Hey you look very pregnant will that affect your job? And that I believe is illegal.
Legally you are not obligated to tell your prospective employeer that you are pregnant. In this job market I would hesitate to do so, as it could be a factor in you not getting the job. Wait until you are hire on. They legally cannot penalize you for not informing them prior to employment.
PS- Years ago I was also in this predicament. About a month after I was hired I informed my manager. All was well.
Don't tell them! You need an even playing field with the other candidates and if you do you'll never know if they would have given you the job otherwise. People are clever at coming up with other more legal reasons they did not hire someone. People who have been with an employer for some time don't always tell them this early, so I don't think it's a bad thing.
There's a reason prospective employers are not legally allowed to ask about that stuff during the interview process. Let's face it, in another situation, someone could get pregnant immediately after being hired and it wouldn't be that different which is why it used to be so difficult for women of child bearing age to get hired.
Good luck!
legally, you are not bound to tell them and they cannot ask about your health, or plans for having children. plus, if they make you the offer, they can't take it away because you are pregnant.
you are asking the question...you already know the answer
Dont tell. They don't know you well enough yet to evaluate that information.
I wouldn't tell them until you have started the job. If you tell them now, it will likely play into their decision-making even though it shouldn't. It is illegal for them to fire you for being pregnant and they are not allowed to ask you about it at the interview or any questions regarding plans for family etc. Prepare for the question that is sometimes a way to get this information "tell me about yourself" - prepare an answer that relates to your work life not your home life and your desire for this particular job as it relates to your prior work etc etc.
I wouldn't say anything until after a job offer has been made. They are not allowed to ask if you are married, have children, etc, so it is not their business in an interview to know you are expecting either. But once an offer has been made I would let them know. They cannot rescind the offer, but you are then being upfront with them as they become your new employer.
Be careful starting a new job and being pregnant. My niece started a new job and became pregnant 2 months later. When she told them they explained they would have to let her go after she delivered, because she had not been with the company for 12 months and did not qualify for maternity leave. This is in their handbook. As for FMLA, it also states that it applies after 12 months of employment. Check with them as to what their policy is for maternity leave. I even checked my nieces short term disability policy and it also applies after 12 months... It may save you a lot of grief to be upfront now.........
Good luck...
I would absolutely not say anything! In fact, I'd wait until I had worked for 20 days... in IL you can collect unemployment if they let you go after you've worked for 20 days (not including days off). If they can prove that you intentionally messed up at the job, then you might not get unemployment. Otherwise, after 20 days if they don't like that you're pregnant and make up a bogus reason to release you, at least you can collect unemployment while you're looking for another job.
hi sharon! first of all congrats what an exciting time...pregnant and interviewing for a new position. :) i'm in human resources so i can tell you that legally they can't make a decision on your employment based on your pregnancy. with that said...i still wouldn't tell them until you have an offer. i've come across this several times...it happens more than you think! i think the managerss would have doubts if you were to tell them in the interview, but if you wait until you have an offer they have to respect the fact that you are letting them know ahead of time. and if they act angry about it...then you probably don't want to work for them anyway. ;o) good luck!!!!
How it is dishonest? Laws exist to protect you from being discriminated against, which is why employers cannot outright ask you the question. That's the whole point of the law. Why would you think that you need to offer this information up to them, if they are not allowed to ask? Once you tell them, if they are not the most moral folks, they could simply choose someone else in the running. In this market, there are always other qualified people in the running. Allow the law to protect you against discrimination. On a side note, someone at my company was in the same situation as you, and she didn't tell, and she's in the HR department! She knows the laws. Take the tip from her. :-)
This is not something that should be disclosed in the interview. When you get the job, you can tell them shortly after, even up to several months if you dont show that you are pregnant. The pregnancy has nothing to do with the job. It is also not being dishonest by not telling them. Personal things like this should not be discussed in an interview. You are there to talk about your job skills and how well you will perform your job duties.
hi Sharon,
Do not listen to the two who say to tell the employer. I am in HR. Legally they can not ask you that for your protection. If you tell them you are putting them in a very awkward position because they know something they shouldn't. This has nothing to do with honesty. Obviously if you get the job you're going to tell them. This has everything to do with legality. Usually you'll be asked a question on an application as to if can physically do the job. If you can do this job while pregnant, then you're fine. If you can't do the job while pregnant (or with any other physical issue) then you would have to disclose that.
It will appear dishonest if you dont tell them and i wouldnt want to start a job like that. I hired someone who didnt tell me they were pregnant until after they started and i always felt they werent an honest person. I still wouldve hired them anyway, but felt deceived that i wasnt told during their several interviews. And my boss didnt trust her either because of that. They always kept an eye on her and ended up firing her a few months after she had her baby. She wasnt doing her job, it wasnt because of the baby, but i wonder if they wouldve given her another chance if she had been honest when she started. Its a hard decision, but from an employers side, its not a good way to start. From a moms side, im not sure what i would do. Id like to think id tell them, but i dont know.