when did you start to feel the baby move?

Hi Ladies,
I am pregnant with my 2nd baby and was wondering when you all started to feel the baby move for the first time. I have heard that you can feel it sooner because you know what you are looking/feeling for. But, I was just curious as to what other moms thought. I think that I feel "it" move sometimes, but I am not sure. Also, I was wondering when you had to start wearing maternity clothes, cause my regular jeans are already way to tight!!
Thanks in advance,

Everything seems to happen sooner the 2nd pregnancy. I felt my second baby move probably 4-6 weeks earlier than the first. And yes, those clothes don't quite stay as small as long as they did the first time around.


Oh! Aimee's response does remind me- I had a 14 hours labour w/ #1, and a 46 hours labour w/ #2...so, very true, second & subsequent labours are not always shorter!

well, I was completely opposite; I felt my first baby move at about 4 1/2 months, but I did not feel my second baby move until about 7 months. I know, quite a difference; it did make me a little nervous. But it just goes to show you that the second does not always mean faster... I gained considerably less weight with my second and unfortunately, my labor was much, much longer (another misconception about 2nd babies). But I also think my situations were out of the norm. Good Luck!

I am also pregnant with #2 and I am 15 weeks. I started feeling the baby just a couple of days ago. It is a very active baby. Congrats

I started feeling my 2nd moving about 4 months where my 1st was at about 5 months. As far as the maternity clothes...with my first I did not wear them until 4 months and even then did not really need them, but I got sick to my stomach if anything was too snug. With my 2nd I was wearing maternity clothes the day before I took a pregnancy test (which was about 3 days before I was due to start my period)!! I gained about 30 pounds more with my 2nd than with my first. I thought I would never loose the weight.

As far as labor, my 1st took 11 hours. My 2nd was less than 2 hours (barely made it to the hospital)!!

Anyway, congrats.

With my second I was already wearing elasticated waists at 8 weeks. Maternity was still way too big, but nothing was fitting anymore either. As for feeling the baby move-I think it is different for every pregnancy. I'm not sure that knowing what to look for helps too much. I felt my first at 15 weeks and my second at 19 weeks. He was also smaller than my first so maybe that was the difference.


With my second and third I felt the little flutter at about 10 weeks, and girl about the maternity clothes, GO FOR IT!!. Unpack those things and get comfortable. With my second I was in maternity right before my second trimester. With my third I was 10 weeks and should have done it the day I found out. If I go for a fourth I'm going to put them on when I start trying LOL!!

With my third I started to feel her around 13wks...the more pregnancies, the faster you feel the baby.

I felt my second "fluttering" around 11 weeks...at which time I was also busting out of my regular clothes. Go ahead and get comfortable! Old Navy makes great maternity wear for the early weeks with that wide elastic waist. I wore the heck out of a couple pairs of their khaki/capris with my second. Not only was I in maternity wear sooner during the pregnancy, but I was bigger after the baby was born, so I broke out those comfy pants again for a few weeks. (Don't let this worry you..I actually lost the baby weight more quickly the second time around...probably because I was chasing a toddler!)

I can't remember exactly with the movement, but I definately remember that with baby #2 I had to wear maternity pants almost immediately. Like around 2 1/2 months none of my regular clothes fit around my waist.


Between 14-24 weeks depending on your body type and if you have a tilted uterus.there is no set time that you have to start wearing maternity clothes just whenever you are ready, i started as soon as i found out i was pregnant.

i statred feeling him move around 16 weeks. then at about 19 weeks it was real kicks instead of just movements.

im 13 weeks 5 days and i have felt my baby a cupple times but nothing big yet, just little bups

This is my first pregnancy, and I don't recall feeling my little one move until I was almost 19 wks...of course now she's all over the place. I've been using a belly band to augment the waistband of my pre-pregnancy clothes since three months, and now (23 wks) I'm starting to appreciate long loose skirts and maternity pants.

Its my first pregnancy and I'm 26weeks....I felt her flutter at 10weeks and they became kicks around 13-15weeks I believe. She is definitely a mover and a shaker because there hasnt been a day yet where she hasnt done gymnastics in my tummy :) Which is fine by me because I know she's still doing well.
I'm pretty petite and started wearing my comfy pants first then progressed to maternity with the awesome stretchy band at about 2.5months. I do have to say they are crazy comfortable to wear.