I am 3 classes from getting my associates degree in general studies. Then, I will have to declare a major when I apply to a university. I know what I don't want to do (I am horrible at anything math related), but have no clue what I do want to do. I will get career counseling and take a personality test (myers briggs) to help me narrow it down. But I wanted to know real world experiences in the job field and if it relates to your major at all to give me some ideas, because I am stumped. So, if you feel like sharing.
What did you major in?
What type of work do/did you do?
If you didn't go to college but are a working professional, what do you do?
If you have plans to work/go to school, what are they?
What would you have changed?
I major in wit, sarcasm, mommy-hood, and cooking (but I went to med school for a few years, weird).
My work now: mom, housekeeper, chauffeur, cook, nurse, psychologist, joker, referee, oh... and I run tech support for my friends online companies. That last one pays the second best; mom being the first ;)
I WANT to finish college, as soon as these kids are out of my house! ;)
If I could do anything, I would want to be a storm chaser, astronaut, doctor, surgeon, ghost hunter, doula, hippie, ambassador for world peace, musician, and a great fiction novel writer.
What would I change? Absolutely nothing ;) I love being all over the place. I have decades to decide what I want to be 'when I grow up' ;)
I'm an executive office administration major and I have 10 weeks left!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!
*Rachel D. I think we would get a long great :D
I really want to work in the cloth diaper world. I don't want to make diapers, but want to work in adm in the head quarters or something to that effect. A lot of Rachel D answers i would love to try!
I majored in Psychology and double minored in Biology and Women's Studies (that is less nerdy than it sounds, I swear).
I went to graduate school to become a school psychologist (Masters and then a Specialists degree) and worked as a school psych for 7 years. During that time I returned to graduate school and did another Specialists degree in school administration. I am now a special education school administrator.
When I was in college, I wanted to be a behavioral research psychologist (hence the major and minors). I did a fieldwork project during my senior year and fell in love with school psych. I withdrew my PhD applications for Social Psychology programs and applied to school psych program. It was a good decision for me, but it is certainly not what I set out ot do!
my major - Politial Science. I know that shocks you all deeply.
the hottest thing going is alwas going to be medical. You will make the most money and have the best job security in anything medical. Look into an RN program or BS in Nursing. My SIL is making ridiculous money with ridiculous benefits. She studied communication disorders. She's something like a speech tharapist. She's in high demand and her job is very rewarding. For a while she worked with little kids, now she works with the elderly.
I majored in Economics and Finance in my undergrad and I have worked as a Financial Analyst for Government Contractors. I currently work on an internal project for my company, but finances are where I'm happy. I'm getting my MBA in Global business. I think if you go business in general you'll be safe and can do almost anything you want.
went to tech school to become a dental asst. Worked in the field as one for 2-3 years.....hated it. Transferred to front desk. Ended career as office manager/insurance tech/receptionist/payroll/tax clerk.....for a group dental practice. Did everything & loved it. Hated working for drs, tho'.....they'd give a 25cent/hour raise & cut your hours. Over the course of 7+ years, not a single dr (3 different offices) was emotionally-stable.....I found it fascinating how unstable they were!
Spent the next 12 years as a sahm. Found it fun to be with my kids, loved my time with them.....did not enjoy my downtime. I found it to be wasteful for my soul. I prefer being busy!
Husband lost his dream job, took a pay cut of $9+/ hour......& I went back to work. Spent 2+ years at a daycare, hated it! I called it Camp Run-a-muck! Began my own inhome daycare......still loving it 10+ years later!
My next career choice is in the works.....trying to decide between the legal world (paralegal, etc) or accounting. Both are drawing me.....
I majored in history with a minor in theatre. Since I graduated, I have work in retail management (hated it), customer service/acct. management for a pipe manufacturer, development/fundraising for a private school and an agency that provides services for children and adults with developmental disabilities and now I am the marketing director for a performing arts center (love it).
I tried several majors that would get me a "good" job and really didn't like them and came to the conclusion that if I wanted to graduate maybe I should study what I liked and then figure out how to get a job. The problem with a liberal arts degree is that it has both limitless potential and limited prospects. You can do a huge variety of things with a liberal arts degree but you have to really look and be willing to try different things. Starting salaries are usually lower but if you work your career right you can end up making as much or more than some of the people who studied specifically for a career.
I went to community college and had several ideas of what i wanted to do and it changed all of the time. First i was going to major in Biology and go for physical therapy, then child development, then social work. Several years later i decided school just wasn't for me. I ended up taking a 10 month course to get my medical assistant certificate. I graduated with a 4.0 and i actually loved it. I only worked for a year and a half, but i was lead medical assistant of a lab when i quit to be a mommy.
I will be entering the workforce again soon and will look for a similar job.
Good Luck
I received a Bachelor's Degree in Communications, then went to acting/improv school to really fulfill my dream. Got married had two children, didn't really get started with acting much, thennnnn...got divorced. (Wish this was all as easy as I am writing it out). I had to do something to work and take care of my children to so I worked in schools the rest of the years. Went back to Paralegal school, got honors, high grades and couldn't get a job in it because I (HELLOOO?) DIDN'T HAVE EXPERIENCE. I even have a brother in law who is a lawyer who said the same (after I spent all sorts of money. Evidently in our parts even lawyers don't have as many jobs and are doing lots of their own paralegal work or relying on current office help. Not that I will totally give up, but I need a job. I remained in schools, have insurance and am now thinking about going to Medical assistant school or winning the lottery (whichever pans out first). Life definitely is amazing no matter how we think we have it all planned out, seems like some thing just push us back into a different path.
I wanted to be a nurse, so I started out pre-nursing. Then I discovered that I was horrible at science, so I switched to English. I graduated with an English degree with a minor in Spanish. I was a bartender with an English degree for awhile, then went back for my teaching certificate. :)
I started out in junior college, then transferred to a major university. I have a BS in Mechanical Engineering. I was in that field for 15 years.
An MS in Early Childhood Disorders and 90 hrs towards a PhD in Communication Disorders
When I had my second child, I quit working outside the home. Then became a distributor for a supplement company which had saved my life.
I am also a certified personal trainer, teach exercise classes and do professional free hand engraving.
My degree is in Psychology and Social Work. However, I now work in Business Intelligence (data analysis, data warehousing, reporting, etc). Once I changed careers I went to a community college and took a few courses related to databases. Work is interesting, pay is pretty good.
Would like to eventually go back and teach math or science once my kids are all out on their own and I can take a cut in pay.
I have a degree in Music Education. I also started grad school in music but never finished. I am now an Information Technology/Systems Analyst. And I LOVE it! Let me just say that love music just as much as I always did. But I love science too.
Originally, I was accepted into school to study meteorology, but due to the poor job forecast in that field, I decided to go to music school instead. Teachers are always in high demand. I was encouraged to pursue music by everyone. Since I know I am gifted musically, I guess I felt pressure to go that route. (I am not sure if anyone was pressuring me- I guess I pressured myself.) So, I auditioned and got accepted to music school.
I am proud of my degree. However, looking back, I wish I had of stuck with what I really love- anything science, data, and technology related. I guess that's how I naturally was drawn into my current career. :)
I majored in Elementary Special Ed, then went back to school 4 years later and got a degree in massage therapy.
I am now an Administrative Assistant for a gold mining company.
Prior to going to school:
- writer
- us marine
- air traffic controller
- see'er through'er
- underground music industry events
- beach bum
Currently in School (majoring in)
- Anthropology
- Fine Art
- Nursing
- (Psychology - an accidental degree, I padded my quarters and ended up w/ enough credits to qualify. Don't get me wrong, I like psych -obviously-, but I would never master in it to practice clinically)
Working towards
Doing double duty as an Archeologist and Staff Nurse, padding the season with some NGO work, and teaching (community college, hopefully, better pay and hours... I couldn't care a whit about prestige) off season.
I'm specifically going to school for job training. Again, don't get me wrong, I love school/learning... but I'm there to get the qualifications to do the work I love.
My current job: Homeschooling mama & student. What I could go out and get hired for today: Med admin or waiting tables.
Hi! I went to school for art. I started out with a concentration in painting but then decided to change to Computer Imaging as it made more sense to try to get a job in the field! I received my BFA (Bachelor in Fine Arts) in 2006 and I was lucky enough to actually get a job almost 5 years ago as a graphic designer! If I could change anything... hmmm... not sure if I would! I wish I could be more creative in my job, it's pretty cutesy, boring work... but hey, I am lucky to be in a creative position at all! I got half way through a Masters program at the University of Denver in Digital Media Studies and then... oops, got pregnant. So here I am. :)
My young life I was a Ballerina. I danced through college.
I was injured in the line of duty. My injury was going to set me back big time. It was one of those life changing things. I was in a tail spin after this happened for a while.
I met my hubby when I was nineteen. We were married and working retail jobs when we had our first kiddo....he went into the food service industry for awhile. Then was offered the chance of a lifetime.
I worked a few retail jobs in-between having kids.
I then was offered the chance of a life time. I have been working on a few books for some author's. It has proven to be tough work! I dont want to do it forever. but it is fun for now.
I will be going back to school as soon as all my kiddos are well into school.
I want to be a Midwife. I am hopefully going for a double major. I want to try and get into the Public School system. Working with youth who find themselves pregnant.
It took three kids and alot of praying to figure out what I actually wanted to do. I now see they path god had me walking on very clear. It took three kids and alot of CHANGING to figure out who I am. I now have a pretty good Idea of who I AM. Had I gone and finished College off after I got injured, I think I would have been a pretty miserable person. Although I loved ballet. I was amazing at it, it was TOXIC. I would have likely killed myself trying to be perfect. I spent alot of years pretty angry I had given up so easy. I the long run, I am pretty grateful I was given an out.
If anything else, I have been a MOM. That in and of it's self makes it a MAJOR career move. Seeing as we had not even talked about having kids when we started off...I think it was the BEST career move!