What to do about the bully

I feel for you and your situation. Is your daughter involved in any sports or activities that could maybe help her gain confidence and make new friends? My daughter is in several activites, some through the school (cheerleading) and swimming at the YMCA. I think those experiences help her with social situations and she has met a lot of new friends.
My daughter has the movie Chrissa ( it is an American Girl movie) and it is about bullying. We got the movie at target, but you can probably rent it. It was a great movie with beautiful message. She could also maybe get some ideas on how to handle the bullies.

Also point out the fact that the bullies don't seem to think twice about hurting her feelings, so she shouldn't feel bad about sticking up for herself.
good luck!!

Hi Abby, I'm sure somewhere someone has said this, but I'll say it anyway. Talk to the Teacher & the Principal again....be professional but MAD! Tell them if they can't seem to get this employee's daughter under control ASAP then you will sail right over their heads and go to the superentendant! Then do it if you have to. YOUR child has the RIGHT to a peacefull education It doesn't matter if she has ADHD...it doesn't matter if her hair is green and her eyes are purple...every child in the USA has the right to attend school and feel safe and secure while they are there. No ifs, ands or butts about it. I've been through this, my oldest went through this (we were "fat") and it hurts and leaves scars that last a lifetime. In 2nd grade some girls are not ready to stick up for themselves....my daughter didn't until she was in 4th grade. The teacher sat in front of us (me, hubby and daughter) and told us she never got teased or taunted when she was "in the room". I asked my daughter and she disagreed with the teacher (that took guts I was proud of her!) I made it perfactly clear that I would not accept any more excuses and if she couldn't control her class then I would take my daughter out of the school and have her job in the process. You can only be reasonable for so long....and if they can't deal with it YOU have to do whatever it takes to make your daughter safe! Sure it's name-calling and making fun of clothes now...but soon it will become physical. Best wishes and good luck!

start by saying it hurts your fillings

Fuck the superintendent. Sue them for all they've got.

Does anyone here have a child who is the bully? These kids obviously have issues and they probably result from years of parents telling their kids to avoid them, no play dates etc. Perhaps this one-sided and unsympathetic approach is part of what makes some kids angry and helpless, and later labeled bullies?

Thank all for your advice. I am going directly to the superintendents office Monday morning. My daughter just told me that the little girls mother confronted her and told her that her daughter did nothing to her. My daughter said she is scared of the bullies mother. That is the last straw!!! This is going to STOP! Thanks again to all who answered.