So I had a terrible morning this morning with my 10-year-old and I need help deconstructing what went wrong because I am truly baffled. Sorry it's kind of long but I'm trying to paint the whole picture so you guys can tell me what happened lol:
We have a household rule - no screens before 7am, because in the past our son seemed to be getting up earlier and earlier to watch/play before school. He woke up this morning at 6:30am, went to the bathroom to poop, and came out at 7:05am holding his switch. I asked why he was on screens before 7 and he said because he had to poop (he usually gets to watch when he's pooping). I said no #2 should be taking 35 minutes and clarified to him that he could not watch before 7am - EVEN if he has to poop. This is the first time this happened so I didn't make it a huge deal but I did say he couldn't watch until 7:30am this morning instead of 7am since he already watched when he shouldn't have.
I then asked if he had done his reading yesterday since he's supposed to read 20 minutes every night for homework and he sheepishly said no. I gave him a look and told him that just because it's not homework that's to be turned in doesn't mean that it's not homework, and he needs to read. He grumbled and muttered under his breath and was obviously annoyed but started reading as he waited for 7:30 to roll around so he could watch. The morning went on and then at 7:55am, he told me he had agreed to meet with his friends at 8:05 down the street to walk to school together. I told him fine, but please clear the table and fill the dog's bowls before you go. He ran around brushing his teeth, putting on clothes, etc. etc. and at 8:07am, he was rushing towards the door. The table was not cleared and the dog's bowls were not filled. I stopped him and pointed out to him that he hadn't done either of the two tasks I asked him to do. He said he didn't have time because he was getting ready for school, and I told him that he needs to manage his time better. I told him he didn't have to worry about the table and the dog today since he was already late but he should have taken into consideration the time and planned better. He then got all upset and was like "GOSH!!!" and started filling the dog's bowls (despite me saying don't worry about it) and stomped to the table to clear the dishes, and at this point, I was extremely annoyed (because I felt like he was playing victim - poor me b/c mean mom is making me do these things when I'm already running late) and yelled his name (probably louder than I should have) and told him to stop and leave it since he's already late, but that I was saying he should manage his time better NEXT time. So then he stopped what he was going, yanked his backpack on, completely ignored me as I said bye and stormed out of the house, very, VERY upset.
I know that preteens are moody. He's been going from 0-10 in a matter of seconds more and more frequently but this is wearing on me. Is this normal preteen behavior? Did I do something wrong that I'm not seeing (i.e. was it too much nitpicking and correcting in one morning?). And finally, how do I address this with him later on? B/c even if it's normal preteen behavior, I don't think it's OK for him to by flying off the handle on me for no reason (or again, is there a reason that I'm not seeing??). He just seems so angry and I don't think the sitaution warranted it... Thanks...