What is a map pencil?

Trying to find a 'map pencil'. What is it and where do I get them? I've even looked online and cannot seem to find what they are or where to get them. Please help me!! Anyone else notice that red checking pens are scarce? I've been to 4 different stores and they have all been out. When does Walmart and Target restock during back to school times. Do they just let everything run out?

Map pencils are just a box of colored pencils. Crayola makes 'em. I bet even Rose Art makes them. I'd try Office Depot for the red checking pencils if you cannot find them at Walmart or Target. My husband works for Target. They do restock back-to-school, but only for a short time period. They will start clearancing items probably starting next week. They won't be restocking things like back packs and lunch kits.

They are just colored pencils. Usually used to color maps or graphs.

A map pencil is a colored pencil - for coloring maps. I think you can get them at Walgreens, too.

A map pencil is just colored pencils

This time of year you have to get creative about looking for school supplies. Check CVS, walgreens, office supply stores. For only a few items they might be a tad more expensive but it's only a couple of items. I see someone has already answered your question regarding map pencils. I suggest that you keep the school supply list from this year and prepare for next year early. They don't change much until the junior high/high school age. A few things remain the same. Spiral notebooks, bradded portfolios, wide ruled paper, pencils, crayons.....you know the basics. Buy them throughout the year or go by the list and buy next years supplies now if you can afford it, or at least get the basics. Especially watch the clearance items at Walmart or Target. For intance, this year I only spent $11 for supplies cause I bought almost everything last year and will do so again when the clearance things hit.

Hi Mari! A map pencil is just a fancy name for colored pencils. they're usually long and come in a box of 10 or so. Crayola makes them. For anything else you need (like red pens) try Office Max or Office Depot cuz they're more likely to be stocked up still! Good Luck!! :)
Jennifer C.

map pencils are just colored pencils. i don't know why here in texas they call them map pencils i had problems with that about 1yr ago when we moved here and i asked the teacher she said they are colored pencils... as far as the red checking pencils my friend found her little girls at walmart they come 2 in a pack she got them like about 2 weeks ago. hope this helps. cindy

Hi! Don't know if you've heard an answer yet but I thought I'd respond because I know exactly what this is...it's a REGULAR pencil, the kind you get everywhere. I have no idea why they call it a Map pencil but they do. My friend ran into this problem too, and the Walmart employee set her straight (after numerous trips to all kinds of stores looking for pencils). Rest assured, you're not the only frustrated mother out there! All the best with the rest of your school shopping...

It's like a box of pencils with a bunch of different colors...I have 3 boxes here, I got them at Walmart.

I went to Target to get the map pencils and red checking pens. My daughter started 4th grade this year also. Good luck looking for it. :)

A map pencil is the long colored pencils that me come in a box of 8. Do you have a Fesita in your area? They are pretty good at having the hard to find school suppies. Give them a try.

Try Dollar General or Family Dollar

They are just colored pencils. Don't know why they have to confuse us by calling them map pencil.


I've had the same problems in the past. My daughters explained to me, that map pencils were just the short colored pencils. That's what they used. The red checking pens, are just red pens. Try one of the dollar stores or HEB. Hope I could help.

Michele B

Hi there! A "map pencil" are the colored pencils. I think crayola makes them. They usually come in packs of like 10. They look like pencils except they are different colors. I'm not sure why they are called that, but I still remember them from back in the day! Good luck finding what you need. Also, my mother-in-law is a elementary school teacher and said that she got everything she needed for school at the dollar store. Maybe you should try that to find your red checking pen. Good luck again!

Hi Mari,

All it is, is color pencils. I went through the same touble
and no one at the store could tell me what it was. I finaly figured it out.
have a wonderful weekend.

Bye Susan

Map pencils are just normal colored pencil. Fancy way of putting it I guess.

Map pencils are simply colored pencils. There are a few basic companies that make them and they are generally available at Wal-Mart or Target. Crayola and Rose Art are two that come to mind. They are on the pencil aisle, somehwere near they crayons.

Good luck,
Linda Meeker

I think a map pencil is the same thing as map colors, colored pencils, people call them different things but they usually come in a clear package..they are about the length and diameter of regular pencils but they are all diferent colors...there is also a store in Longview called the knowledge knook in the shopping center off of judson rd and johnston st by the fishemans market....I think it's mainly a store for teachers, I haven't been in there in years, but they might have some neat stuff for kids as far as artsy type things.