Just want to know what mama's are cooking for dinner. I think i am going to cook crab legs and i am not sure what else.
Our traditional Christmas dinner is:
Ham (Heinz 57 sauce, ginger and honey) and pineapple rings held down by a clove
Candied Yams
Waldorf Salad
Mashed potatoes and gravy
usually corn or asparagus
A goose or turkey, swiss chard, another vegetable, mulled cider, spiced pumpkin.
Crab legs, mmm! : )
Merry Christmas,
M. D.
Our Christmas dinner will be prime rib, mashed potatoes, asparagus and corn. And wine with dinner . Merry Christmas to all!
Chinese food!
Christmas goose, wassail (fruity(orange/lemon) warm spiced cider - we don't put alcohol in it, but some people do), green bean casserole is a holiday favorite, another veggie side and probably a pumpkin pie for desert.
Hmmm, can't decide. I don't usually do traditional American. But I'm actually thinking a Ham might surprise everyone since it's not my style.
Course I'm also thinking a giant fondue configuation with a LOT of different veggies, meats, breads. And maybe I'll have sliced ham around the table too with some roasted baby yukons with rosemary, and some fruits to go with the ham.....
See I haven't decided either!!
Last year I did a Chinese style Fire Pot with an electric Wok in the center of the table with a zillion things all around for everyone to dip in the wok to cook, beef tenderloin, halibut, rice noodles, veggies, etc. It was a LOT of fun and an occupation for everyone to be involved in.
Personally I think Crab Legs is a great idea. Maybe a fish chowder for 1st course, crabs are messy so no sides that are formal or fussy, you know? Sounds like a blast, hope you run with it!!
Merry Christmas!
We don't make dinner on Christmas. We get Chinese from a local Chinese restaurant.
Growing up my family did a different theme every year. Every year we would have food from a different culture or a different part of the country. I always loved it when we would do foods from different parts of the world. It was really fun too and we loved it because we would also learn about that culture and the different things they ate.
My husband's Italian family is cooking lasagna with meatballs, sausages, brachiole - usually our Christmas Eve meal but a little schedule change this year.
My favorite Christmas meal is prime rib, yorkshire pudding, roasted potatoes, and gravy.
I like something diff each year
this year:
grilled chicken
2 other veggies (I Like to give MANY healthy options)
french bread
homemade lemonade/lime w/carbonated water for the kids
This year we will be going to FL and my mom will make her "famous" standing rib roast with roasted potatoes and all the fixings!
When I do Christmas Eve at our home, I do filets and crab legs with baked potatoes and roasted squashes.
I'm trying prime rib for the first time this year. Usually I bake a ham tho. I think I'll bake a ham on Christmas Eve just in case the prime rib trial goes haywire ;)
If Christmas dinner is at our house (I'm waiting to hear), I'll pull out all the fancy china and silver and do it up big! I don't often get that opportunity, and nobody is intimidated. We'll probably fix a turkey, because everybody in our family likes turkey and not everybody likes ham. We'll have several veggies because one DIL is vegetarian and veggies are good for the rest of us, too. Desserts, too, of course! Chocolate angel pie is a Christmas tradition.
If Christmas dinner is at my son and family's house, it will be for some health reasons. We'll have whatever is easiest to fix, even if it's hamburgers and hot dogs, and then we'll play the all new games I know they're getting (shhhh!).
Hubby cooks dinner he makes steak fajitas to his grandparents & calzones.I however bake cookies,make candies,chocolate dipped strawberries & pretzels for every home we visit
We don't have dinner here at our home we go to Christmas eve @ his grandparents home where it is always Mexican with a few other dishes puls a tremendous amount of sweets.Then his parents on Christmas day followed by my aunts which we bring whatever is requested then some where along between eve & Christmas day we have something at my parents home becasue she has 6 grand kids & they always have something big for them there dinner sweets presents
Wow, y'all are making me look bad! :) Must be a lot of awesome cooks on this site.
My mom and I always join forces and make a gigantic appetizer meal that lasts pretty much all day. We generally have cheeseball and crackers, meatballs, 7-layer salad, pomegranate salad, stuffed muchrooms, cranberry bread, etc. This year we live further away from my family so we are doing the appetizer meal next week and on Christmas day my husband and I are making baked ziti and breadsticks. We love it but have not made it in a long time!
Good luck, happy cooking!
We always have...
Prime Rib encrusted/baked in salt (my BIL is an excellent cook)
Mashed or Baked Potatoes
Fresh Green Beans w/ rendered Bacon (Yum!)
A Green Salad
and Crab! (X-mas is my nephews B-day and he always picks crab as his special dinner)
Birthday Cake!
HoneyBaked ham
stuffing w/baked apples (or perhaps pomegranate instead)
Homemade Mac n cheese
steamed fresh green beans
maybe some slaw
dinner rolls
I'm also doing Belgian waffles at breakfast.
And I keep almonds and peanuts, pretzels, fudge, decorated sugar cookies, etc. sitting out the whole weekend.
There will probably be a cream cheese poundcake for dessert. If there is room in the fridge, I'll prepare some strawberries the day before to slice and serve with whipped cream on the poundcake.
There will be wassail in the crockpot, too. We DO use wine. :))
Green Salad
Roast beef
Pirogi Potatoes
Green Beans
Cheddar Biscuits
Chocolate Mousse
Random Christmas Cookies/Pastries
Prime Rib, Lobster, Toss Salad, Homemad Bread, Mashed Potatoes, homemade gravy