What are some cute names for grand parents? *SWH Update

What are some cute names that you have called or heard others call grandparents. We found out yesterday that my oldest son's girlfriend is expecting. We are still in shock and told them this is not the order we would have liked things to happen but they are adults and we will be here for them. They both have full time jobs and she's also almost done with her Bachelors degree. They asked us what we want to be called and I am clueless. So I thought I would come here and get ideas.

Thank so much !

What wonderful news. If they’re happy, I hope you can be happy and I’m sorry you had to tell them it’s not what you would have wanted. As you say, they are adults, and they are past the point of running things by you.

Are her parents both in the picture? So do you have to juggle names with them? Are there stepparents? If so, I’d be sure to make a list of things you like, perhaps in priority order, so they have more than one choice in case your first choice is “taken.” If there’s anything you truly hate, you can put that at the bottom of the list as a “not my favorite” but be sure you have at least 3 choices above it. My guess is, once the baby comes, you won’t be the least bit worried about your name!

My husband and I are Nana and Grandpa. So were my parents. My husband’s mother was Grammy. My grandparents were Grandma/Grandpa on one side, Nana/PopPop on the other. My neighbor’s parents use Polish names. My college roommate, whose family is half Ecuadorian/Spanish speaking, uses “Buita” (pronounced BWEE-tah, a nickname for Abuelita/Little Grandma) and Papa for her husband. Her mother is Grandma to my roommate’s (now grown) kids. My other neighbors (French extraction) are Memere and Pepere, “Mem” and “Pep” for short. Many Jewish friends use Bubbe and Zaide (Yiddish) or Saba and Savta (Hebrew) Greek cousins use YiaYia and Papou. If either side has an ethnic heritage to honor, you could consider that even if the names weren’t used in your own family when you were growing up.

Mostly, I wouldn’t worry now about making a choice. Take your time with this because the name is going to stick for decades! The baby won’t be here for many months and won’t be talking for months after that. A wise decision will make you happier, so don’t rush. And do tell them you are glad you have the time to consider, and that you want to give her family plenty of leeway too. It will go a long way in your relationship with your son’s girlfriend, believe me.

In our family grandparents have always been Grandma and Grandpa.
What do your kids call your parents?
There are many names you could be called.


What do your kids call your parents? Mine call them grandma and grandpa. My German friend’s kids call theirs Oma and Opa.

One set of grandkids calls me Gram and the other set calls me Grammy (actually the 4 yr old calls me Gwammy). Honestly I never had the conversation on what I would be called. It was up to the kids to figure it out.

I’m not into cutesy names. I’m Grandma.

Could you use your heritage?

That’s what we tend to do - and I have friends who have Oma’s (Dutch), Mormors (Danish) for example.

My sister’s counterpart goes by Mimi.

:slight_smile: Congratulations!

Congratulations Heidi!!

I hope she is able to complete her degree!!

NANA Heidi.
MomMom (this is what my MIL wanted to be called - I personally didn’t like it - but oh well)

If you’re German? Oma and Opa

Why does it have to be “cute”?? Just be YOU!!!

my side of the family has always just used grandma and grandpa. my husband’s does pop-pop (which i don’t love) and grammy (which i do.)

it was nice of them to give you the option. hopefully at some point you’ll manage to eke out something a bit warmer and more excited than ‘not the order’ and ‘will be here for you’ which is pretty limp.


I don’t think I’d want a “cute” name.

I like Grammy, Nana and Granma (not grand ma).

CONGRATULATIONS!!! May your son’s girlfriend have an uneventful pregnancy and healthy baby!

I am Granny. Mr Fuzzy is Pawpaw.

These are all names that I’ve heard from kids for their grandma: Meme, Gama, Grammy, Gram, Nanine, Memaw.

For grandpa: Grandpa, Gramps, Pappy.

Well, congratulations to them! Grandpappy, gramps, baba, pop-pop, grandmama, nonna, nana…we speak foreign languages on both sides of the family, so we use the name for grandmother and grandfather in one language when she’s with one set of grandparents, and the names for grandmother and grandfather in the other language when she’s with the other set of grandparents. If you or your spouse have ancestry from other countries, you could do that too, just to be unique and keep your heritage alive. For example, Mamie is popular in France for a grandmother, they also use Papy for a grandfather, so if you or your spouse are French or have French grandparents, that is a nice way to keep the culture alive. English people use Big Paw for example, or Papa. Best of luck to your son and his girlfriend, for a healthy pregnancy.

My grandparents were Nana and Grandpa so my parents wanted to be something different as they have the same last name and didn’t want there be confusion. My mom picked “grammy” but my son turned that into Mimi and 21 years and 6 grandchildren later, that’s what they all use. My dad is Papa. My kids’ other grandfather is also Papa, so they just differentiate by last name.

I hope the baby can refer to you as “not judging my mommy+daddy’s independently supported life choices”.

That or “Granny”, are both solid options.

I grew up with a Granny and Papa and a Grandma Marge and Pop. My kids called my step mom Nana, until she left…lol

Why are you in shock? She’s finishing a bachelor degree obviously she’s not super young?? Be happy! My mom is nana and my dad is papa, I called my grand parents mama and papa. My husbands mother goes by nan Nan to my nephews. Congrats grandma!!


Why are you in shock? She’s finishing a bachelor degree obviously she’s not super young?? Be happy! My mom is nana and my dad is papa, I called my grand parents mama and papa. My husbands mother goes by nan Nan to my nephews. Congrats grandma!!


Why are you in shock? She’s finishing a bachelor degree obviously she’s not super young?? Be happy! My mom is nana and my dad is papa, I called my grand parents mama and papa. My husbands mother goes by nan Nan to my nephews. Congrats grandma!!

I don’t know if these are “cutesie” enough for you…but these are ones I hear.

Mimi and Opa

Congratulations. We just call all the grandparents “Grandma first name” or “Grandpa first name”, except my father in law who is 6ft4, we call him “Big Grandpa”
