Yesterday I had to take my almost 2yr old out of school due to vomitting. The teachers explained that they believe is a virus and that other kids had not come into school because of the same symtoms. When I went and got him, there was another mom picking up her child from the school with the same complaints.
From my knowledge I have been giving him pedialyte, now to complicate things even more he has started diaharea (extremely watery with the smell of rotten egg and a yellow color). Its not yet 24hrs and he has vomitted 7times and diaharea 6times.
Has anyone lately had to deal with this and what do u give them to eat apart from pedialyte, anything to control these symtoms. Worse my medicaid has just been terminated. Help please!!! I have emailed his Dr. and plan to call him this morning and see him on monday but for the sake of getting thru the weekend- Any advise out there.
no sense in taking him to doctor unless he is dehydrated or has a fever you cannot bring down. virus's are very common at this age, even if you think one is "not going around". doctors can't do anything for them anyway.
put him on the brats diet.
bananas, rice, applesauce, toast and sports drinks or something like pedialyte.
he will get better but he will probably loose a few pounds. don't freak out.
look up signs of dehydration though so you can be aware if he gets really sick.
Pedialyte not any milk products. If you don't have any at home, or it's too expensive, an alternative is to dilute some Gatorade. They are NOT the same, but are similar, and will help against potential dehydration (which is the biggest danger from a stomach bug). And both are better than any milk products right now.
Only offer him very small servings of plain crackers, and don't insist he eat if he doesn't want it. His tummy needs to rest. When he has stopped the vomiting (or gone for 4 hours or so without vomiting), offer him something from the B.R.A.T. diet. (Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, plain Toast). Again, stay away from anything dairy or anything with high amounts of sugar. Dairy is harder on the digestive tract, and sugars can worsen diarrhea.
Watch him for signs of dehydration.. being sleepy and sleeping alot is normal, but if he is difficult to wake up, that can be a sign of dehydration.
These stomach bugs are part of life with a toddler. Seems like my little boy had one every 6 - 10 months from age 1 through age 5 or 6. He'll be okay. Just let him rest and if possible sit with him.. he'll get comfort from cuddling with you. Put in a calm movie (Winnie the Pooh..?) and let him curl up on the sofa with a blanket.. and a sippy of cold water/Pedialyte/diluted Gatorade. Offer him small sips frequently. No gulping.
If his bottom gets sore from the diarrhea, you can let him sit in a baking soda bath for a little bit, if he feels up to it.
I hope he is feeling better soon.
Dont get scared and start getting used to it if your child is going to day care. I took mine out of one because of this. Some children DO not experience this virus others DONT. It depends on many factors. I agree with the other postings, the BRAT diet is best. I have however and additional recommendation. Some children dont like the taste of pedyalite (like my son). Try the type tha you can freeze. You can hardly feel the taste, plus is good if he has a fever, it will calm it down. Two things you have to control: fever and dehydration. If you can't then take him to the dr. as they will be able to control teh vomiting with a shot. I have known of moms who did this with their children. This virus is a process that can last up to a week. Take care and best of luck.
That is alot for a small child of that age. If u are not able to take him to the doctor try to follow the BRAT diet. That would be bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast, that normally works. Keep with the pedialite, and watch diapers for wet diapers not just pooo diapers, more wet is good, less wet means dehydarted and that is not good;
As long as he is having wet diapers, I wouldn't give him any food. Give him very little fluids like, less than 1/4 of a cup every 30 min to see if he keeps it down. If so give him more fluids...a very small amount every 30 min. All you need to be concerned about is keeping the little guy hydrated. And call the dr when you can.
God Bless,
Anytime a child is vomitting it is important to keep them hydrated but not with a full stomach. It is always best to give a spoon full of liquid (1 tbsp)(pedialite, sprite) every 15 minutes. If they go an hour or 2 without vomitting, up it to every 10 minutes, then another hour, every 5 minutes until they have not been sick for a couple hours. There is no need to eat unless they really need to b/c they are hungry. At this time I would give 1/2 a saltine cracker & if they keep that down for 30 minutes, give the other 1/2. It is never easy to see your child sick, but if they don't have anything in their stomach, they can't really get sick. So make sure they aren't overdoing it. When the stomach smasms, it will normally do it only if their is something in it. Help it get better before he begins his normal stuff. As far as the diahrea goes, sometimes people have it & it is also a way to empty the system. If it is just diaharea I don't usually worry about how much liquid I give b/c it will come out no matter what, but as long as he has both, I would keep to the every 30 minute rule that my doctors have always told me. Until he has gone 2 hours without getting sick, he shouldn't have more than what I said. Good luck.
Hi, we all had this same thing recently. My little ones didnt eat for several day and were very tired most of the time. My kids loved to eat ice chips just a little at a time and I knew they were hydrated and they didnt seem to throw these up. We just rested alot and if they have a fever and are vomiting you can buy tylenol suppositories at the drug store for infants without a prescription and I believe they are called feverall. Thanks and good luck but it seems like this bug just has to run its course. Stephanie
Hi Grace-Ann, when my daughter was 14 months she got a virus that sounds very similar and was sent to the hospital twice for dehydration so having said that keep your son hydrated. little bits at a time if he is still vomiting. you can try the BRAT diet, if he has stopped vomiting, which is Banannas, Rice, Apple sauce (the kind with no sugar added) and Toast. Good luck I know this sucks!!!
Try the BRAT diet (Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, Toast). Keep the rice plain and the toast dry (well, maybe a teeny bit of butter but nothing excessive). They are very mild on the system and also will help put some nutrients back in the body. When things get better and your child can tolerate more, add some yogurt to help rebalance the intestinal tract. Good luck!
Hi Grace,
I would try giving probitiotics which may help with the diarrhea. Probiotics are the good bacteria that live in the intestinal tract and are a part of our immune system. They can be destroyed with antibiotics and sugar so it is very important to maintain these for a healthy immune system. I'd give 10 billion organisms per day. They are usually refrigerated at Whole Foods or Nutrition Smart.
These symptoms are severe. I would see if you can get your doctor's answering service to call you back and advise if a trip to the ER is necessary. Do you have health insurance through your work?
Dehydration is a serious complication when a young child is vomiting and has diarrhea. I don't mean to scare you but I would call the pediatrician immediately for advice. If it were my ped, I know that he would recommend a trip to the E.R. My sister is an R.N. and whenever my children has had vomitting, she's always suggested that a child not having anything to eat or drink for at least an hour after vomitting. However, since diarrhea is also present, dehydration is very possible. Please call your pediatrician now.
There is nothing worse than sitting there watching your lil one puking and not being able to do anything about it. I have been there! My son is 3 1/2 now, and had a similar virus when he was 2, it was so hard and I think I cried more than him. But one thing I learned is that he knew what his body could handle. I made sure he stayed hydrated and if he would eat something I made him dry toast. I also gave him some 7-up, I know when I would get sick it seemed to help. A little mixed with pedialyte worked great. Dont try to push food on him if he does not want it. As long as he is getting fluids in then you are doing exactly what needs to be done. There is not much a doctor can do at this point other than tell you it is a virus and charge you an arm and a leg! Cuddle him as much as you can, let him sleep as much as he wants, and keep him hydrated. That is about all you can do until the virus runs its horrible coarse. Oh, and I hop you don't get it too! Good luck and take care of yourself.
Keep up the pedialyte you can freeze and make pedialyte pops also. You may also start on the brat diet once the vominting starts to subside. Brat diet is bananas, rice, appleasauce and toast. Make sure you start with small quanitities.
Hi I did have this when my son was younger and if your son can not hold water down it could be very serious. Don't wait until monday. Take him to the hospital. Dehydration is very very serious. GOOD LUCK