Vicks VapoRub & Asthma/Coughing

Hey Alana,

My daughter also has asthma and her Peditrician told me that thing like Vicks Vapor Rub would throw her into an asthma attack. Might I suggest a cool mist humidifier.

Of course, first I'd call his peditrician and find out what they recommend.

Good luck,

This works wonders for allergy/cold coughs, but I'm not sure about asthma. I would talk to your pedi to be sure that it wouldn't irritate the asthma. It actually helped me sleep VERY well last night with an awful allergy attack. =o)

I have never heaard about the Vicks on feet, but it sounds interesting. I saw your comment about adopting your little guy. Would you mind telling me where you live and what foster agency you used? My husband and I adopted a little boy a couple of years ago and stopped fostering. I have been thinking about getting back in but I'm looking for a new agency-ours was pretty much useless. I hope all goes well with your adoption-it's an awesome experience!

Hi Alana,

Yes, I do that for my children and I tell you it works wonders. But I wouldn't recommend it on your 10 month old baby because they are very delicate and he could get allergic to vic's vapor rub. Either read the label and if it doesn't mention anything on it then call the doctor to check if it's ok....


Don't use the adult Vicks - it's toxic for infants. Vicks makes a camphor-free VapoRub called Baby Rub that is sold on the same aisle. It has a pink cap. We love the stuff.

I've done this with my daughter and it seems to work pretty well. I don't know why. I also use the Vicks cool mist humidifier.

I have tried it on my little brother, my husband and my 17 month old as young as 5 months old! (used baby vicks it worked just as well) and it has always worked wonderfully. I had some co-workers of mine tell me about it that she tried it and it worked really well.
Put the vicks or mentholathum on the back, chest and feet before bedtime, make sure to put socks on after rubbing them down. Since he is still little USE THE VICKS BABY RUB WITH THE PINK CAP!!! It has never failed me so far! Good luck!

Well, I don't think it stops the cough, but let me give you a pointer. I am 7 months pregnant and was sick all through the holidays. My dr suggested that I boil some water and add some Vicks to it. Needless to say, I was told that the smell filled our house (I had no clue cause I could hardly breathe), but it worked wonders not only for my congestion, but it helped with my breathing and actually relieved some of the pressure I was having along my sinuses. I would think the baby version would be safe for the baby as well. It was my first time doing this and will be something I will do for now on, especially for the kiddos (mine are 9 and 11).

I would caution about the asthma though. I have no idea how it would be on someone with asthma. Sounds like a pedi question.

I rub the vicks vapor rub on my sons feet and cover them with socks. Within 5 minutes he is sound asleep and no coughing. It's a miracle worker!!

Hi Alana

Yes I've used this and it seems to be the ONLY thing that works for my son when he's coughing at night. I've used the baby vicks and the regular vicks. both work well. He is 3 1/2. good luck!!

Having had asthma for awhile, and having dealt with a child who probably has asthma (just hasn't been officially diagnosed yet), I strongly recommend taking your son to a specialist (i.e. pediatric pulmonologist) and getting him on a maintenance asthma medication like Singulair or Flovent so that he doesn't have the coughing episodes. People with asthma need to have their asthma under control through maintenance meds, and then have a rescue inhaler (like Xopenex) available for emergencies. Vicks VapoRub is not going to do what he needs. God bless you!

Yes, it seemed to help my little guy when he was sick. Either I put socks on him, or put him in pj's with feet. I also made a sauna in the bathroom with vicks soothing vapors. I put some in the tub in hot water & then ran the shower while Clark & I sat in there! It helped clear me up too!!! Good luck!

Hi Alana,

I'm a 33 year old mom and have a 19 month old son. I heard that from a co-worker when my baby was sick as well. Well, my husband and I tried it on his feet with the socks, and no result. It did not work for us but some sware by it. If you do make sure you get the Baby Vicks. Also ask you doctor about a cool mist humidifier. My son has allergies and they suggested that instead of a vaporizer. We run the cool mist humidifier all the time now, the doctor said that was better for allergies and asthma. (which my son is prone to getting from his daddy's side) Well good luck, and I hope your baby feels better.

I am sure by now you 've gotten quite a response.
I had 4 kids and grew up with Vicks Vaporub, it saved us a lot of money and time.

we have learned a more effective way with a natural fruit. is a site where you can enter products you use and see how toxic they are. try it.

every thing we place in our skin penetrates and goes directly to our bloodstream, sometimes causing more harm than good.
so check out your products, and see why we get disease.

here is something interesting;
Watch this video, ABC news, the first 2 minutes are very informative.

Women put on 168 chemicals in their face thru their makeup and skin products, (lead in lipsticks) and (Antifreeze, Brake fluid and more) What are you using for SKin Care? , search your product and learn and educate yourself. even KIDS products, Men's shaving cream has propane!! WHAT!!
What happens when a toxin enters the body
Once a foreign substance enters the body, whether it is ingested, or absorbed or injected, it has to be detoxified and made water soluble so that it can be safely eliminated.
The liver and the kidneys are the main organs responsible for detoxification, while the lungs, skin and intestines also play an important role. Despite the fact that we have these powerful allies working for us, our bodies just can't detoxify and eliminate all the chemicals that we ingest.
When the main organs have more than they can handle, the still active or partially deactivated chemicals are stored in the fatty tissues - possibly even in the brain and central nervous system.
The reactive and toxic compounds can be released into the bloodstream, disrupting the systems of the body and cause premature aging and disease.

Our bodies systems were not designed to handle the plastics and synthetic compounds. Recall the point that the chemical needs to be made water soluble, the sad thing is that many man made chemical are not water soluble so our body can't process them. Some of the compounds used especially in skin care are nanoparticle sizes meaning that the element fits through the pour size of our skin and gets embedded deep inside.
"But relatively little is known about the potential health and environmental effects of the tiny particles -- just atoms wide and small enough to easily penetrate cells in lungs, brains and other organs." -Associated Press

Staggering Fact
Out of 2700 chemicals that are marketed in quantities above 1000 tons per year, there is insufficient or no basic toxicity data on 86% of them. - data from 2003!

Is it any wonder why we are seeing the increase in premature aging and disease?
Just to highlight the effect of chemicals getting into our bodies. The US EPA analyzed toxins in human fat tissue samples.
Here is what they found.
Styrene (styrene based cups) found in 100% of the samples
1,4 Dichlorobezene (house deodorizer, moth balls) found in 100% of the samples
Xylene (gasoline, paints lacquers) found in 100% of the samples
Ethylphenol OCDD (drinking water, herbicides, wood treatments, auto exhausts, incinerators) found in 100% of the samples
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 HpCDD (wood treatments, auto exhaust, herbicides,Incinerators) found in 89% of the samples

OK, OK the list goes on but other than drinking water has anyone purposely gone out to eat one of these things?
Yet they are inside you, this is what I call the ticking time bomb.
For me the benefits of the mangosteen provide a solid defensive line against the effects of these chemicals.
The glimpse line also gives people a healthy chemical free alternative to health.

Art gave an experience of a women he was talking to in the plane and he was mentioning the statistics about the dangerous chemicals and the effects they have.
To make a long story short the bottom line is that she didn't want to know what was in her cosmetics.
SHE DIDN'T WANT TO KNOW! (Ignorance is bliss)
What a shame. Instead of benefiting by this knowledge and protecting herself and making healthy choices she would rather ignore the facts and do nothing.
I hope this information may help others to at least look at what they are doing now and make changes.
Glimpse is Pure Green and Focus, no chemicals , BioActive X3 Complex, Make a Choice! a Healthy choice

go organic, go natural.

god bless,

As an asthmatic who has two asthmatic children I strongly suggest that you NOT get any of the vapor stuff near your asthmatic child. On one of the web doctor sites (can't remember which one)says that the vapor stuff triggers the asthma. I can verify that this happens. I was using the vaporizer in my children's room and they got worse and worse. I looked it up and found out about this. Also, do not use the Halls cough drops if you have asthma. It has the same vapor ingredient and aggravates the asthma.

I suggest researching all the online web doctor sites to find out for yourself, but that is what I found out. At the time my son was 5. He is now 12 and doing well with his asthma.

I am sure that by now you realize that not all asthma sufferers do the wheezing. A great number of us show that our asthma has flared up by coughing. When either of my children or I start coughing I know it is time to get more aggressive with the asthma treatments.

I wish you a most Blessed Christmas season.


I have used the Children's Vick's Vapo Rub, which does work! The regular Vick's is a little too strong. There is a children's Vick's, so find it! I rub it on the bottom of my daughter's feet and then put the socks on. (She is 2.5 years old) and also on her back and chest-a small amount on back and chest. Someone also told me to dab on the tip of nose, which will clear their nose. This works too, but just a tiny dab on the nose. Hope this works for you like it does for me. Good Luck and Bless you and your family. Foster parents are a gift and your baby will love you forever!

Thank you so very much for all the advice! Because he has asthma, I’ve decided to go ahead and call his pulmonologist first to get the OK. However, I think the next time my husband or I have a cold with a cough, we will definitely try this remedy. Thanks again & Merry Christmas to you all and your families!