
I am trying to figure out how $150 a months is unrealistic as expense towards all utilities for a home. We have a 2400 sf home and I just looked at the numbers and for Gas, Electric, Water, Garbage we pay $160 a months except Jan,Feb, and Oct where it comes out to be 189 (cold months in this state). I just saw someone post on how $150 is unrealistic for total cost and yet ours is only $10 more then that on average.

We pay 120 a month for gas/elec, 15 for garbage/recycle, 25 a months for water/sewer. Now we pay yearly for garbage and every three months for water/sewer, so I just divided those out.

With all this we keep the house at 68 in the winter and 70 in the summer.

I am just posting because I find it odd that another person has the idea that a home cannot run in this range for utilities...I know that it varies on where you live, we have lived in many different states the last 9 years.

Edit* our home was build in 1970 so not new...

Our square footage is about the same and:
Gas/ele: $185
Trash: Free
Water/sewer: $35

Our home is also a 2 story home built in 1920 and we keep our stat on 69 during the day and 70-71 at night.

I don't quite understand what prompted this post but $150 can be very unrealistic or it may be very realistic. Houses are different sizes, were made at different times and from different materials. They are also in different locations. Some municipalities cover water, water and trash, trash, recycling, heck some cover everything but gas and electric.

So saying 150 is one way or the other is stupid.

My electric for my 1000 ft apt is 130 in the winter and almost 200 in the summer.....its not unrealistic........and im on the lower end of the spectrum

Sounds pretty low to me! The size/age of the home, how well it is protected for weatherization, electricity and water usage... will make a big difference in cost.

There are tons of tips on ways to save on utilities:


I'm sure it depends on the rates charged by the electric company and gas company. $25 for water/sewer per month is just a little low for a family of four in northern CA; but $15 for garbage and recycle is definitely significantly lower that what we are charged. I think my garbage bill runs about $90 every two months for just the one standard can. Electricity and gas run about $150 per month and that's with keeping the thermostat at 68 during the winter.

Unrealistic as in too high or too low? I would say when we lived in VA, we paid more. In Texas our utilities cost less, in Maryland they cost more. Our garbage/water/sewer in our last house was $85 per month. Just depends on where you live and how big a house, and how many people in the family. Pretty sure out gas and power was higher in the winter, but lower in the summer.

It depends on where you live and how big your house is.

We lived in Arkansas in an old home (1200 sq ft) without a/c, a single floor furnace and a gas water heater and a gas stove and oven. We spent $60 per month for our utilities.

Now we live in California in a 2200 sq ft home with a/c and a whole home heater and a/c. Everything is more expensive. Now we spend about $130 month in winter and $160 during the worst of summer.

Good luck to you and yours.

Our gas bill can be well over $300 in winter and in Summer over $500. We have a 16'X80' mobile home so your bill is very inexpensive to me.

I say that $150 for utilities is a very reasonable amount. Your utility amounts are in an acceptable range. Actually, I think you're quite fortunate.

I think it depends on where you are.

I pay $185 year round for electic (lights and ac -we keep the house at 70 in the summer).

I pay $100 year round for gas (cooking and heat - we keep the house at 68 now. Last year it was at 71.).

Water is about $50 per month.

Trash is about $30 a month for pickup twice a week.

Our house is about 3200sq ft including our finished basement.

It really depends where you live.

Do you mean to tell me that you pay 160 a month for ALL your utilities? If so I am very envious!! This is the break down of our utilites:

Electric - $218 (on a level pay plan so this stays the same year long)
Gas - $15 in the summer, up to $80 in the winter
Trash - $45 a month
Water - $80 in winter, $130 in summer

We have a 1900 square foot, two story home in California with a large back yard and make a conscious effort to reduce our water and electric usage. Looks like I need to move to MN!! ;)

I'm jealous. We pay $50 per month for water/sewer, $91 for electric (budget plan), $25 for garbage, and $200 for oil heat. For the oil, i just took the total and divided by 12.

I'm the one who posted that those number were wildly unrealistic from my experience. I'm sure it has to do with location but before people think I'm from a more wealthy area and that's why our costs are so high think again. Carmel is a place considered high income but we share a county with some of the poorest residents in our state. Cost of living in Salinas where I used to live is almost identical and it is a town plagued by poverty, practically the entire east side is very poor as are most towns east of us. Those people don't get a break just becuase they aren't as comfortable.
Here's our basic costs:
We do have a guest house on our property that is occupied about 1/2 the time and our home is about 2000 square feet.
Mortagage & Property Taxes-well over $2500 per month and this is very low compared to other locals
Gas/electric average $350-400 per month average
Water $45
Garbage $25
Groceries $800 (includes household stuff)
We are not extravagent people but I do buy wine, coffee, seafood. We don't eat meat (hubby has occasional steak) so I think we save some there. I do buy organic and high quality so I know I could feed my family for less but we are very careful with lights, heating etc.
I just honestly cannot believe some of these numbers for cost of living. I would never trade where I live as I think it's the most beautiful place on earth but I cannot get my brain around how little some people pay for exactly the same thing.
I had better get off this site back to work so I can pay for all these bills!

is your home new? newer energy efficient appliances, sealed tight windows, all the seals in your plumbing are brand new?

My brother lived in a brand new, airtight house and it was kept ice cold frigid, a/c running constantly. His electric bill was only $60 a month. My home was built in the 1980s. It has hot spots and cold spots. Drafts, old insulation, 20 yr old appliances, and a/c. Old fashioned water heater. My utilities are closer to $300 a month!

well I just paid $115 for december's gas bill
37 for water
66 for the quarter's trash
112 for electric bill.
so yeah 150 is unrealistic.


My electric here in MO (there is a monopoly and no where to switch to) was 250.00 this month, with a checked out, new energy effecient unit. Even with all the warm days where heat wasn't even needed. Our house is about 2400 sq ft as well and we also do 68 in winter and 70 in summer. Peak months average 350 to 380 and off peak months can be around 120 to 150 if we are really lucky. They actually just raised the cost of doing business 12 percent for those of us here in MO and a different raise for those across the river in KS. Funny how everything can be almost identical yet due to differences in company prices the bill differences can be so drastic!

Our water is about 50 on average and they just started adding the trash to it (and recycling) so it will go up to about 65 or so.

As a whole, I think that 150.00 is almost unatainable anywhere. I'm glad you can. I can't even get close!

We are in Plano TX, northern Dallas burb. 4000 SF+ house:

Most recent utilities........
electric $158.26
water $80. (includes garbage, etc)
gas $211

We are quite happy with those numbers.

Our August water bill was just under $660 and September water bill was just under $750. YES, you read that correctly. We are in stage 3 water restrictions and our water is very pricey.

The highest our electric got this summer was just under $400
The highest the gas usually gets in the colder weather is just under $350

All that said, we are not ones to freeze all winter or burn up all summer.. We keep our thermostats set at our comfy levels. I run the washer at least once a day, usually 2 times, dishwasher at least once a day as or more if needed.

Before we revamped and re constructed our entire heating and ac units, furnaces, ducts,and added insulation, etc about 5 yrs after moving into this house we just built at the expense of about $20,000.... Our electric was never under $400 in the summer and was as high as $700.

It was well worth the investment to redo what the builder did.

Sounds like you are doing great!

I live in north Texas, so summers are HOT usually. Last summer was horrible. I'd say on the average, my water/garbage bill is $90.00/month, lat summer the most I paid was $150. My electric and gas on average runs $200, during the summer last year highest was $390. Our house is about the same size, built in the late 80's. My parents live mile away, her water is usually more than mine, and her electrical (she doesn't have gas) is about $20-30 less than mine, but she lives in 1800 sqft. She even has about 5% different rate. The only thing gas in my house is my heater. The one thing I hate is my electric company charges me in the summer for being a customer even though I'm not using any gas, it's only $8.00 but it's the principle, that's not right...