Unusual legs cramps

My wife (soon to be 1st time mother in June) has been having cramps in her legs the last little while. It is only in one leg (calf to be more specific). It happens a couple times a week and then she is sore for a couple days. I know that she can't take alot of drugs to help with it. Does anyone know anything or have any suggestions. It is making her uncomfortable at night. She has tried to eat alot of bananas but that didn't seem to work either. Any help would be greatly appriciated.

John and Alycia,
Congrats to the both of you! The leg cramps are muscle spasms, (charlie horse) and are so totally normal. It might help for you, John, to massage her legs before she goes to bed at night to help her relax. After 7 pregnancies myself, it took the last 2 before I realized that helped me.Also, avoid stretching your legs at night, that seemed to always send mine into spasms. Keep them warm and drink TONS of water. I know, Alycia, that you already live in the bathroom, but remember that your muscles are being stressed to the max here and extra, extra water can't hurt! My OB also let me take some Tylenol right before bed to help me relax and help with the pain.
John, you are an awesome guy to be this involved with her pregnancy. Good luck!

I have been on a program that has helped my out a lot. Nutrition shakes that really help with joint and muscle discomfort. Let me know if you are interested and I can point you in the right direction.
And you are just gonna love fatherhood!

I had these with both my pregnancies and the doc told me I was low on iron... you may ask the doc about it and see if he/she would okay taking some extra iron! Good luck and congrats!

These are great suggestions so far! One other thing to consider is how much time she is spending on her feet during the day. When I was pregnant I was a full time retail manager it was the dead of Christmas! I was due Dec 26th!! The more you are on your feet the worse the swelling is, and the worse the cramps will be. As well, the shins themselves will be sore do to shin splints. Be sure she is spending time off her feet with her legs rested elevated above her hips each day 10 minutes for every 2 hours of the day. When she gets to that 8th and 9th month make it more if needed. I had to make it 10 minutes each hour. Doing this will allow extra fluid and toxins to drain from the legs and muscles more easily.

Does she drink caffinated drinks? When I was pregnant with my first son I had to give up caffine completley because I was having sever cramps in my right arm. They were so bad I had a hard time sleeping at night (like your wife is having). Someting to do with the combination of the natural swelling you experience being pregnant and the swelling that caffine causes it gave me terrible pain. If she does drink caffine have her give it up and see if that helps. The first night after I cut it out of my diet I felt immediate relief. Hopefully she will be able to find some relief!

I had muscle cramps with all my kids. The best solution was to walk it out and keep walking until they are gone. I never really found out a cure but it made me feel better.
Cathy B

Congratulations! I had these with my first son. Potassium and calcium helped me a lot. Translated, lots of milk and bananas followed by lots of water to keep things moving. Also, when the cramp first started to hit, my husband would stretch the leg against the cramp which kept it from being able to completely cramp. Also helped with the pain the next day. If it's any encouragement, as bad as it was on my first pregnancy, I'm now on my 3rd and have never had that problem repeat. Cramps can be a sign of dehydration, too, so the milk and water would help if that's the cause. GL Sounds like you're going to be a great father!

Sounds just like me! With both pregnancies I had awful leg cramps too. They always hit in the night and they were too painful to stretch out or walk off. My OB told me it was a sign that my body was low on calcium. He told me to take calcium pills--and a lot of them--in addition to the prenatal vitamin. Foods like milk didn't have enough calcium. I'd take two calcium pills a day for a while. That worked through the 2nd trimester. Then when the leg cramps came back I took four a day. And that took care of me for the rest of my pregnancy. He said I just needed a lot more calcium than some people do. I'd check with your OB but I'd bet it's calcium. Good luck. They are no fun.

John, she could be low on Potassium so have her start eating foods that are high in it.

Also, there is this weird thing I read about. People swear by it, but i don't have problems so I have never tried it.

Put a bar of soap, any kind and any size, between the mattress and the mattress cover at the foot of the bed. It supposedly stops the cramps and the restless leg syndrome too. Let us know if it works.

Good luck. Marciab

Leg cramps aren't unusual at all, and unfortunately, they often get worse the farther along one gets. There are ways to help alleviate them: She needs to make sure that she stretches frequently, and make sure that she stretches with her heel down and her toes pointing up as though she is stretching to try to make her toes touch her shin. Stretching with her toes pointed down doesn't stretch the muscles that are cramping properly, instead it bunches them up making things worse, and if she tries to point her toes down into a stretch WHILE she is cramping, it may be excruciating. That was a mistake I made when they first started happening to me and I thought I would pass out.

Also, there is no reason why she can't place a heating pad under her calf. It will help loosen the muscle. Also, if you might help her by massaging her calf incredibly gently, that will also help, as will drinking lots of fluids.

Best of luck to you and congratulations!

I used to have leg cramps when I was pregnant. (I've had nine children.) When I finally went to a lay midwife for my 7th, she said to increase my calcium... a lot. I did and never had another cramp with the last 3 kids.

I found that stretching out really well a couple of times a day really helped me a lot! And as someone else here said, don't point the toes! That makes it way worse. Good luck! This too shall pass.

YOur wife probably needs calcium. Most mothers to be think all they need is in their prenatal vitamins, but there is not enough calcium in them. She should be getting 1500 mg a day. She should not be drinking sodas of any kind, because this will take calcium out of the body. She should also be drinking a gallon of water a day. green leafy vegetables are a great source of calcium. Her leg cramps should be gone within a couple of weeks if not sooner.

Leg cramps can be due to a lack of calcium and magnesium. Make sure her prenatal vitamins contain those it might help

Sounds like she needs more potassium and maybe even water. Eat a bananna before bed and make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day. Also, stretching daily can help control this natural reaction to pregnancy. In fact that is how I knew I was pregnant both times before I even took a test, I had a leg cramp and knew!!!

Hi There,

I also had this problem... Have her apply a warm/wet compress with epson salts on her legs. This seemed to take the edge off so I could fall asleep. (Just soak a couple hand towels in a warm epson salt bath)

Hope this helps.

Please have your wife read this article. Most leg cramps are caused by imbalanced nutrition. I hope this helps!

Try extra calcium. Sometimes this is an indication that calcium is needed. Milk, TUMS, etc. Your wife should also mention this to her physician as there may be a potential for DVT, however, try the calcium first.
Good luck.

I too am pregnant, and get these same cramps. At night is when they hit, and if you stretch the wrong way during one, it can cause you swelling.
I have had it happen two times, where I stretched during one, and couldn't walk the next day, and it took a few days to start walking normal again.
Tell her to eat bananas, as I hear it is lack of potassium.
This will go away with the pregnancy.
Hope this helps! Good luck with your baby! It is an unforgettable experience.