Twin Pregnancy Questions

I am 18w with dz g/g twins, and wondering if anyone could share their twin pregnancy experiences. Mine are a result of IVF, and I've had a couple of minor incidents during this pregnancy (bleeding at 4 weeks and light spotting at 17 weeks). Other than that, everything seems to be going well. I see an OB and a peri. Can some other twin moms can share their stories about their pregnancy? Any warning signs for PTL, etc. I am particularly concerned about that. This is my first pregnancy and since these twins are not spontaneous I may be in a more "high risk" position than those with natural twins, not sure. Any advice as to what I should be on the lookout for, and how to proceed would be so helpful!

Hi Jessica,
My twins are now 5 years old and I remember my twin pregnancy pretty well. I was put on bed rest at 5 months and then was kept on high alert b/c I was showing signs of gestational diabetes and preterm labor. I ended up delivering at 32 1/2 weeks b/c of pre-eclampsia and toximia. My twins were put in the NICU for a total of 3 weeks, not bad at all. They were fine and I was fine. I had joined my local twins club while pregnant and I have to say that was amazing and the biggest help. My twins club is in Westfield. I'm not too invovled anymore, b/c it's more for pregnant and new moms to multiples. The site is
My email is [email protected] if you'd like to talk to me more! Good luck!

Congratulations Jessica! Twins are the ultimate blessing! I have B/G twins who are 5 years old now! Mine were natural, however. It sounds like you're doing well...already at 18 weeks and everything going fine. I'm sure you're probably already a bit uncomfortable. In my opinion, the most important thing to remember is that twin pregnancies ARE different from singletons, so take any advice from moms of singles with a grain of salt. From this point on, I would recommend that you be more cautious, because your body is getting more strained every day! Carrying one baby is hard enough; carrying more than one can be brutal on your body. Eat healthy, exercise lightly (trust me, you'll need the energy that a healthy body brings after they're born!) and let nature take its course. I read incessantly about twins when I was pregnant as it was my first pregnancy as well. I highly recommend reading as much as you can as it definitely helped me understand more and be scared less. Listen to your body! If you're tired; rest. If you're craving milk; drink it! You are already half way...keep up the good work! Also, I have found that twins are much easier to get on a schedule than singles (I have 2 of those as well). Mine were easier as infants than the singles, no question! The way I thought of have 2 hands for a reason! I just don't know how those Moms of triplets or more stay sane!!...

Hi Jessica,

My twins (B/G natural) are now 6. I was showing signs of pre-term labor from about 20 weeks and was monitored closely. I was seeing a specialist (was in England at the time and things are done a bit differently). He constantly reassured me that things were going ok-there is so much about a twin pregnancy that is different than a single one. There isn't alot of research about what is normal-signs of pre term labor need to be watched but may not come to anything. I was dilated 2 cm from 32 weeks. I was resting but not total bedrest-they rarely do that in England. I was scheduled for a C-section at 37 weeks because of the position of the babies but I never thought I would make it that far-but I did without going into labor! One twin was 7lbs and the other 7lb 9 oz.! (I was absolutely huge and had a 17 month old at home too).Just continue with regular check ups, rest and eat well. I know it's hard to relax but try! I had a pre-natal group for twins and that was a big help for any concerns I had. Good luck with everything!

Hi Jessica,

I don't have any info on your specific question but I wanted to tell you about a support group for mother's of multiples in the Mercer County area. The group is called CJMOM, Central Jersey Mother's of Multiples. We meet the first Wed. of the month from Sept. thru June at Reynold's Middle School in Hamilton. We are meeting tonight at 7 and you are welcome to come as a guest. We curretnly have @ 80 members and @ 40 come to each meeting so someone may be able to give you the info/advice you need. You can join while you are pregnant or after you have the girls if you are interested. Check out our website at for more info.
Good luck with everything.
Renee M.

Congratuations Jessica! You are about to embark upon an amazing experience. My identical girls are 3 1/2 and I remember my pregnancy well. I was fortunate to not have any serious issues, aside from carpal tunnel, PUPPPS and general discomfort from being so enormous. I agree with the previous poster that you need to read and educate yourself as much as possible. Though this may not be the forum in which to recommend another website, got me through my pregnancy and the first year. Join a mothers of multiples group in your area. Though singleton Moms are well intentioned and often have good advice, finding other twin moms is SO important. No one understands it better than someone who has gone through the struggles of two infants at the same time.

I am happy to be a resource if you need it. [email protected]

Good luck!


Hi Jessica,

Congratulations! My two girls are now 9 months old, and I remember being pregnant with them like it was yesterday. Two things that helped me tremendoulsy were: joining a local twin mom group. You can find yours here:

The advice I received from my local chapter was priceless. Like the women said on previous posts, advice froma singleton moms does not really work for us.

Also I read this book: When you are expecting twins, triplets or quads. Proven guidelines for a healthy multiple pregnancy. by Luke and Eberlein.

This helped me learn more about my body and what to look for regarding preterm labor. And how to eat right (how to eat a lot is the key)

Feel free to contact me if you want to talk more. Good luck!


I was pregnant with twins but miscarried,

I have also had 3 live births

Don't drink any caffeine,

it increases your risk dramatically with twins

No SEAfood

No stinky cheeses like blue cheese or feta


and rest and lots of it,

Eat plenty of fruit, water, meat, and veggies

More than normal

And make sure to go to EVERY Doctors appointment

Other than that you should be OK


and Congratualtions!!!


Hi Jessica -
My g/g twins are 8 mos. Also a result of IVF. Bleeding/spotting is normal, especially w. a twin pregnancy but check w/your dr. Having done IVF makes no difference in whether you are especially high risk. Once you are pregnant, it's like any other pregnancy. I was consider high-rish, however, simply b/c I was carrying twins (more monitoring, basically). One thing I will say is STAY HYDRATED!!! I drank a gallon of water a day, sometimes more and it is so critical. Your uterus is expanding so much it can get irritated and the only way to keep yourself from contracting and stave off PTL is to stay hydrated. Drinks other than water don't count. Otherwise, follow your doctor's instructions, don't overdo it on activities (listen to your body, it knows) and you'll be in good shape! Good luck and congratulations! It's a wild ride.

I have 11wk old fraternal boy twins at home so thought I may be able to help. Ours were a result of IVF, too. I was smooth sailing until 22 weeks when my TV US showed a slightly shortened cervix. The tested for fetal fibronectin as a result and it came back +. So, I was put on bed rest for 11 weeks (doing monitoring 2x a day and taking BP every morning). Repeat TV US's and another fibronection were all normal but they still made me stay on bed rest for precaution. Good thing they did, too, bc at 33 weeks my BP started climbing. I went into the hospital to be checked - all was fine. The next day same thing...except when I was about to be discharged my water broke! I had an emergent c-section and the boys were born at 33 weeks (4.7 lbs each). They were fine, had some mild respiratory distress, and had to stay in the NICU for 3 weeks...came home around my original c-section date. The night before this all happened I was extremely uncomfortable. I mean couldn't get comfy in ANY position, had mild back pain, and did not sleep a wink. Turns out I was in labor! I was 4cm dilated when my water broke. Best advice to twin mom - trust your body, take it easy ALWAYS (no lifting, etc), keep hydrated (I was drinking a bottle of water an hour), focus on eating protein (I drank Ensure on days I knew I didn't get enough protein and it made a huge difference in packing the weight on the babies but not me...I gained 34lbs only), and take a tour of the NICU (hate to sound negative but there's a good chance your babies will have to visit there, even if temporarily). My hubby stayed with me the entire time in the hospital which I loved. C-section recovery wasn't too hard. LOVE having the boys home with us now. They're such angels! Good luck.

Get in touch with your local Mother's of Twins group. If you go to the National Mother's of Twins website, you can look up local groups. The best support is local.


I'm a Mom of 2 yr old g/b twins, also conceived by IVF. I had no problems during my pregnancy, I think in part, b/c of the position of the babies. They were "transverse" for the entire 9 months which prevented a lot of the "pressure" usually associated with premature labor. The worst part of my pregnancy was the PUPS rash(common in multiple pregnancys.) I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy. Unfortunately, there's no preventing it. If you gonna get it, your gonna get it.

I think the best advice I was given was drink LOTS of water and just take it easy. Try not to think too much of "what could happen" and just kind of roll with it.

I wish you the best..! ENJOY EVERY MINUTE OF YOUR PREGNANCY! It's just the beginning of the greatest adventure of your life!!!!

Hey jessica congrats on the babies I had my twins this past june b/g I thank god I had a great pregnancy ended up in the hospital once with contractions entierly my fault I did not drink enough water... From what I understand some spotting and bleeding early on is normal for someone who had ivf it happened to a friend of mine who went to the hospital because of it but was never admitted.. And she has a beautiful healthy boy.Just take care of yourself get rest eat right and drink plenty of water..And enjoy them when they arrive... Deb

Congratulations to you! It's a fun and interesting adventure, being the mother of twins. I've been doing it for a year now -my husband and I have fraternal twin girls. It has almost been like joining a social club too - there are so many other twin parents these days. We did IVF. Although, twins run in my family too.

Pretty much the pregnancy was normal, except for the extra weight gain. I went a little over, gaining 60lbs. But, I worked in high volume retail so I was on my feet all day and the activity was good for the pregnancy. I worked up until about a month before birth at 8 months/36wks along. I went down to part time work (30 hrs/wk) during my second trimester. Unfortunatley, apparent kidney stones in my 7th mo meant a cpl dys in hosp. and no more working.

Since you're with a peri too, you'll be closely monitored. A peri visit lead to an emergency c-section for me because one of the babies was in distress. It meant a week in NICU for her, but both of our girls are beautiful and perfect!

Good luck to you and your family.

Hi Jessica
I was 36 gave birth to b/g twins (spontaneous) at 31 weeks-- my water broke! :( Fortunately, my twins were of good size and health and came home on their 31st day of life. In retrospect, I would say- drink as much water as you can, try to sleep or rest on your left side and rest and put your feet up as much as you can during the day. I was an elem. teacher and stood most of the day-- I tried to sit but always felt "guilty." Perhaps this is what caused the PTL... who knows?!? My doctors said they aren't sure what causes it and perhaps it would have happened no matter what I would have done. I read some VERY good books, Twinspiration by Cheryl Lage who gave realistic advice, in a conversational manor along with inputs from her husband, etc. Another book, Having Twins and More by Elizabeth Noble was also very helpful and even included comments from other twin Moms in the margins. One thing they stressed was gaining weight early on in your pregnancy-specifically to combat PTL and give the babies the best chance if they are born early. I am happy I did this as my guys were 4 and 3.8 lbs. Besides these 2 books, I'd suggest joining a local twin club. You can attend meetings and events while you're pregnant (usually for free) and join when the babies are born. There you'll get to talk to women in person, share stories and have a sounding board for products / advice.

As for the PTL, many twin Moms don't know they are having signs b/c there are so many pulling/ stretching/ aches / pains associated with the normal pregnancy. 5 days before my water broke, I had a baby shower. On the way home I felt awful-- real pain in my belly, pulling and pain in my back. I tried timing them to see if they were contractions, my husband said he'd take me to the hospital but I didn't know if it was anything or just b/c I'd stood too long / walked around too much (like my husband said). So we didn't go-- I did have a doctor appt. the next day- she told me it was time to stop working. I stopped Wed. and they were born Fri night! As you get further along, if you ever feel that something isn't right-- go to the doctor or hospital-- you are looking out for yourself and your precious bundles. You can't be too careful.

If you'd like to talk more, feel free to respond to me personally and I'd be happy to help out in any way.

BTW, my b/g twins are 9 mo. old- 20 and 18 lbs. and healthy and active, so if you do deliver early, don't worry-- they are fighters from the start!


Hi Jessica,
I had b/b fraternal twins with IFV too. I had bleeding around 17 weeks. Thought I miscarried!! Fortunately my ob was open and he did a quick scan to put my mind at ease. I've heard a lot of people have bleeding with IVF. Wish I knew that then! I saw my ob and a peri too due to the fact that I was carrying IVF twins and was 39 at the time. My pregnancy was great otherwise. Went to the gym up until 32 weeks. Worked until the day before I delivered. Had them at 37 weeks. My water broke and they took me in right after. 7lbs10oz and 6lbs5oz. They are 16 months old. The best thing is to enjoy your pregnancy and try not to worry so much.

Good luck!!!

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! I too have twins through IVF and know what a great gift this is!!! I gave birth Oct 2006 at over 37 weeks! I spotted at week nine and that was the only thing that happened other than my gall bladder acting up and having to be removed five weeks after their birth. Now a days they will monitor you closely though monthly sonograms so try not to worry too much. I can't help you with the PTL but I am sure your dr. can put you at ease. Stay active, get plenty of rest, eat right and enjoy the preganacy. Twins are truly a blessing. I'll be thinking of you in June!!! Good Luck

Hi, Jessica,
Congratulations! My fraternal twin daughters are almost 16 months now, and every day brings amazing moments (also challenging ones, but the wonderful ones outweigh them). My pregnancy was also the result of IVF, and I was considered "high risk" because of the multiples, plus I was 38 when I delivered.

I highly recommend the book that another poster mentioned: "When You're Expecting Twins, Triplets, or Quads: Proven Guidelines for a Healthy Multiple Pregnancy" by Barbara Luke and Tamara Eberlein. It is a little alarmist but really explores what's unique about a twin pregnancy, and includes a good deal of information about PTL. It also talks about the importance of diet and of eating a lot and gaining weight. Don't worry about taking it off later -- the weight will just drop off, particularly if you breastfeed (which I really urge you to do -- it's so great for the babies and for you, and there's no better way to soothe two crying babies than to pop a breast in each of their mouths (although it took me about 8 weeks before I was able to nurse my babies simultaneously with confidence. First, I focused on getting each of them to nurse well on their own)).

Someone else mentioned the book "Twinspiration" by Cheryl Lage and that's not bad, either, though I found it more helpful in preparing for the first hazy months after the birth than for the pregnancy (warning: the writer's style is a little cloying).

My pregnancy went pretty well up until about 31 weeks. At that point, ultrasounds indicated that one baby was getting significantly bigger than the other, plus my blood pressure was getting pretty high. I also had terribly swollen and numb hands (that was probably my most annoying pregnancy symptom). My OB monitored me closely for preeclampsia, but I never crossed over into that territory. I stopped work at 32 weeks to help keep my blood pressure under control, and for the next 4 weeks I took it easy -- although I wasn't on bed rest. At just shy of 36 weeks, ultrasounds indicated that the babies hadn't grown much over the previous 2 weeks, and that, combined with my high blood pressure, signalled to my OB that it was time to end the pregnancy. I had a C-section, the babies spent just 20 hours in the NICU before they were transferred to the regular nursery, and we all went home together 4 days after they were born. Baby A was 5 pounds, and Baby B was 6 pounds, 5 ounces.

Listen to your body and don't do anything you don't feel like doing! Good luck.

Please find a twin group wherever you live. He is a website to check out and put your zipcode in to get info on a wonderful group of moms that have lived it and can be of assistance to you as you grow and the babies grow. These women will be of even more assistance to you after you give birth.
national organization of mothers of twins clubs. in the whole USA.

Cheryl S.
newjersey mom of twins.

Congrats Jessica!! I have 5 month twin boys. I had a spontaneous twin pregnancy and cried the day I found out I was having twins!! My doctor said my feelings were normal. Now I know why I creied!!! I love my boys to death but it is so much work. They both hace Reflux/colic and it is very difficult. Pregnancy - well I thought I was doing great. I kept having this weird feeling of heavy pressure and then felt like the baby was moving or pushing real hard. The doctor's office kept telling me that the pressure was from carrying two babies and to try a maternity belt. I kept on going on with cleaning, working, etc. (p.s. I am a cleaning fanatic!!) Well at 20 weeks I saw the doctor with the same complaints and she said I was dilated. She sent me to the hospital and found that I was 1 cm and those feelings I was having were contractions!! What did I know as it was my first time being pregnant. Unfortunately I couldn't stay at my local hospital in Westchester County and was transferred to Columbia in NYC because they thought the boys were coming ASAP. I stayed at Columbia for a month (yuck!!) and then went home on STRICT bedrest. Well at 34 weeks and a couple days an US revealed that one wasn't thriving as well and scheduled me for induction (both were head down). I ended up blowing up like a balloon, getting toxemia and went in earlier than scheduled. Finally I was induced at 35 weeks and delivered two beautiful boys (4 lb 10 oz and 5 lb 7 oz) they stayed in the NICU for 10 days. The hospital I delivered out allowed me stay in the room free of charge (no nurses, food, etc) since I was breast feeding every two hours. Well my story doesn't end there. I kept feeling really dizzy and sick and high BP continued. Of course, no time to eat or drink - make sure you drink a ton of water - ended up going to the ER (walked down there myself) and had congestive heart failure. It was so crazy. SO my boys stayed in the NICU until I was ready to leave. Thank God they were there already as they wouldn't have been able to go back to the hospital with me.

So, my advice -
1) drink a lot of water to stay hydrated. They said that could have caused my PTL.
2) Take it easy, try to cut back a little as you get further along
3) Listen to your body. If you feel a lot of pressure, get checked, it can't hurt to go to the doctor. Be a pain in the butt patient if you have to. I kept back because I didn't want to keep bothering them...bother them all you need to!!

Please feel free to contact me any time if want to talk or have questions. I am not a pro but have been through a lot. ([email protected])

Best wishes,