Trying to decide between VBAC or C-Section

I am due with my 2nd child in July. My daughter was delivered via C-Section after 8 hours of labor due to her heart-rate dropping. It has been 3 1/2 years since that delivery and I would love to experience a natural childbirth. I am just scared to death of the slight possibility of having uterine rupture. I would deliver at Shawnee Mission and was informed by my OB that that have a labor doc that is always there, but that even an emergency c-section can take 15-20 minutes to get the baby out. Has anyone else done a VBAC? I'm 3 years older (33) and not sure that I will be able to bounce back as quickly from another c-section. We have gone through so much to get pregnant with both children (both were conceived from IVF) and we struggled for 5 years to get pregnant with our daughter. Any comments, suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

I won't be much help from the personal experience standpoint. BUT my sister did have 2 V-backs. With her first the doc insisted she have an epidural in the event of a rupture- They actually scared her into it b/c they told her if she did rupture and hadn't taken the epidural they would have to do the section w/out any anethetic. (Which I highly doubt they would do)
Her second vbac was completely unmedicated.

HOw comfortable is your ob with the Vbac (I had heard that it is getting difficult to find docs who will do it)

You might want to check out ICAN Here's the link

They might be able to give you more insight into the hospital situation and the issue of emergency sections...

Good luck!

Hi Michelle,

I have had both, vaginal and c-section. Trust me, without a vaginal, you are not missing anything. In my opinion, there are more risks in vaginal than c-section. And since you have had a c-section, I wouldnt risk it. The only good thing I can say about vaginal, is the recovery was easier, but thats about it. My sister just had her second c-section, shes 32, and she said the second was easier to recover from than the 1st. After having my daughter vaginally, I was just happy at that point to have her out. I wasnt able to hear her cry because she had a bowel movement in utero because of the stress of labor, her heart rate also dropped and I had to push for 2 hours and they had to use the vacuum to finally get her out. When I had my son by c-section (9 lbs!) I actually had that moment when he was born and I heard him cry. It was wonderful and a lot less stressful. So my opinion, C-section!

Michelle I have no experience with a C-section although they were pretty sure my second was going to end up going that way as she was over 10lbs at birth. Both of my pregnancies were vaginal and I'd tell you I would have had more kids if delivery hadn't been so bloody miserable. I never got an epidural or any pain meds for either of the deliveries and was utterly miserable. As much as the C-section scared me the pain of child birth was even worse.

On my second pregnancy they induced me (not thinking it was actually going to work)...well the nurse left and said she'd come back in 30 minutes and "wink wink" call it and give me the husband was out badgering her at 15 minutes telling her the baby was wasn't until one of the techs told her to move her butt that she realized the baby was crowning! She asked me if I was pushing and I informed her as politely as I could that since she couldn't see fit to give me the medications I had asked for, the only way the pain was going to stop was by getting my daughter out! LOL...

My first pregnancey was at 31 and my second 17 mos later at 33. The best advice I can give you is to listen to all your sources and go with your gut. You know what's best for you. Best of luck to you and congratulations!

I've had four babies. The first was VBAC, second was breach so C-section, and the last two were VBAC. I would've searched high and low for a doctor that would let me do VBAC after my c-section. Fortunaately I didn't have too. I had no problems with delivering naturally. It was a faster recovery than the C-section. If you have a doctor you trust they will monitor things and can usually tell early if something isn't going right. I wish you all the blessings of a good delivery and healthy baby!

This is just my experience, but...I have had 3 VBAC's! My first son was breech, so I chose to have a c-section with him. With the other 3 children, I was able to have a VBAC without any complications. Does your doctor advise you having a VBAC? Maybe you could also get a second opinion to help make you feel a little more at ease about it....? I'm sure no matter what you decide, it will be right for you. :-)

Congrats on your soon-to-be addition to the family!
This is a great question...and no one can really make this decision for you. You and your doc have to decide what is the right approach for you (it might not even be a choice as time draws near if baby turns out breech or there are any other issues). BUT, for now, it's good that you are considering both options. I am glad to see that your OB seems to support your considerations. From a medical standpoint, there are fewer and fewer OBs who are willing to consider VBACS, especially now that the general population tends to be willing to sue in a heartbeat.
That said, many many women have successfully had VBACS, and the risk of uterine rupture for you, especially now that a few years have past since your last delivery, is quite low.
There are risks associated with VBACs and C-sections (and even "routine" vaginal births), but regardless of the "route" it's worth it, in my opinion.
I had a vaginal delivery with my daughter, with an epidural later in the labor, loved the was wonderful day...recovered easily (though now have some "issues" from pushing for 2 hours), and would love to do it again. My best friend had a C-section due to complications with labor, and thought it was just GREAT and plans to schedule her next as a C-section as well...and loved her birth best of luck with what you choose...the outcome is the same and so worth it!

Do the VBAC. Even though docs talk up risk of uterine rupture, the incidence is minute and very rare. An emergency cesarean won't take 15-20 minutes. Get a doula and find a supportive physician and get the birth you want.

I was in a similar situation. I chose to do a repeat c section. I too wanted to experience nat child birth. Repeat c section was better than the first bc I wasn't tired from 28 hours of labor. My recovery was a breeze. It is a tough decision.

This is just my opinion, do what is safest for you and the baby.
We did ivf adn I was able to deliver the twins vaginally and that is my preferred method. However, I know how hard you worked to have this baby. For me, IVF made the whole pregnancy feel more like a medical procedure (maybe because we were more cautious with the twins) than a "normal experience" and I felt a little cheated by that. With my second delivery I got the epidural as I was pushing. In retrospect I realize I didn't need the epidural and wouldn't I be awesome if I had done it all "natural". but, I have three beautiful girls and we have other, more important experiences every day. So, I think you should do what gets your baby here, keeps you safe to mother the baby and you'll adjust to any disappointment that may result. We all have things we wish we had done so if it's not this, it will be something else (should have nursed longer, why didn't I stick to feeding just vegetables, should have let them cry it out, blah blah blah :)

What does your dr. suggest as the safest option? I have had 3 c-sections.
My 1st child was born by "urgent" c-section so the dr. did a classical (up & down) insision on my uterus (bikini but through my skin). My second child (2 1/2 years after my 1st c-section) I went into back labor without knowing it & by the time I got into the OR my uterus was rupturing (my daughter was trying to be born through the scar in my uterus from my 1st c-section). Fortunately the Lord was with me & I did not bleed out. (I'm not trying to scare you but from what I understand a dr. doesn't know if you are rupturing until you start bleeding out & by then it can be too late.) My thrid child (20mo. after my 2nd c-section) was a scheduled c-section & I was told to never get pregnant again b/c it would be too dangerous.
If the dr.s would have waited another 15-20 minutes with my daughter, I might not be here today.
It is your choice as long as your dr. says that VBAC is a choice, but personally I would have another c-section just to ease my mind.

God bless!

Youv'e gotten so many great responses already! I had a c-section & then a natural birth. They were night and day experiences. Every woman on Earth can tell every detail of their birthing experience. It really does affect who we are and how we feel about ouselves. My Doula told me that the main reason women feel bad about their birthing experienmce is because they had to give up their power to someone else instead of it being a moment of empowerment. Our bodies KNOW what to do. We do not need a doctor to tell us how to have a child. #1 it is your choice. #2 There are risks with both choices #3 Use a Doula they will be YOUR advocate & help you with pain management (there was a huge difference when I used pain management and when I just had a contraction)#4 You already have the answer in your heart. Follow it. God bless you and your little angel.


My first baby was born with an emergency c-section and I choose to have the section by C-section too. My doctor told me you are successful with a vaginal delivery after c-section only 15% of the time and if you try and don't succeed you have to recover from the labor and the C-section. Also, based on the second C-section, it is a much easier recovery than the 1st. My friend tried to do a VBAC and was unsuccessful and her recovery was much more difficult than mine. It is a personal choice so you should choose what is best for you.

I had almost the same exact situation as you are in. I was 31 and had a urgent c-section with my daughter because her heart rate was dropping (the cord was wrapped around her neck) 21 months later I chose to do a vbac with my son. I was really nervous about that decision, so I can appreciate your concerns. My final decision came when I asked my aunt, a labor and delivery nurse. She recommended a vbac. Since that was someone who loved me and I trusted, I took her advice. Boy, am I glad I did! I recovered so much better from the vaginal birth (I did have an epidural, though) 10 minutes after the birth, I was talking on the phone! WIth my c-section, I was worthless for 12 hours immediately afterward. Since the size of the baby and my own pelvic structure were not a problem, I think the vbac was the best decision I made. I pray that you will do what is best for you and your baby and that no matter what you choose, everyone will be healthy. Good luck!

My mother-in-law had a VBAC and was really happy to have her last child vaginally. She said that her c-section took a long time to recover from. Either way, there is recovery time.
Ultimately, it is up to you.


I am in a similar situation to you as well! I had my first via section b/c she was breech so I didn't have much choice. I was scheduled and didn't go through any kind of labor. I was in my room talking on the phone, holding the baby, etc. immediately after surgery, in fact they even let me hold her as they wheeled me back to the room. Recovery is going to be MUCH easier when you haven't had labor to contend with! I am pregnant as well and struggling with the decision too. In the end, everyone is right, it's up to you and what you REALLY want. If you truly want to do a VBAC, do it. But there are, of course, risks to both options. Talk with your doc about it and ask as many questions as you need. In the end I decided for myself that it wasn't so much about my need to deliver vaginally as I just wanted a safe and easy delivery. So, I'm leaning toward c-section again b/c it's what I know and I'm okay with it. The risk of uterine rupture is low, but it's still a risk that can freak you out. Plus, the only drug (besides epidural) that they can give you in the event of an induction is petosin (sp?) and some people don't have much luck with that, so research that too. Lastly, I would seriously talk with your doctor about the liklihood of what happened with your first happening again. If it's a good chance, is it worth it?

Aaaaaah! So much to think about! You will know what your gut tells you to do and just do it!...even if other people are against you. You have to feel good about your decision. Good luck!

I went through the same thing trying to make the best decision for my faimly. I chose c- section because even with a few risks that can happen the safety of my baby came first. I recovered much faster from the second c- section. Another reason I was very happen about my decsion was this. My son had a respitory problem and was taken to the NICU at childrens hospital. I was talking to the nurses up there about the choices and such and she told me she was glad I decided to do c-section because she had seen about a dozen babies come through the NICU that would of been perfectly healthy babies that came out brain dead because of complications with the VBAC. I wanted to feel a part of my sons birth thats why I wanted a VBAC, but looking back I am glad I chose c-section, because really I was a part of his birth I got to carry him for 9 months and I got to see him right after he was born, and I am part of his life every day. Ultimatly the decision is yours, just do what you feel in your heart is best. I wish you and your family the best and congratulations on your upcoming new addition.

Good morning Michelle. I am excited to see that there is another and bigger hospital in the state of Kansas that does vbac's. I graduated from nursing school last May and the teachers told us that no hospital in Kansas would allow this type of delivery. My small town hospital does and thier comment made me nervous about our policy. I have not had a vbac, but have seen many successfull vbac's while I was in the Navy. The chance of rupture in minimal these days because most doctors do the horizontal cut on the outside as well as the uterine wall. The risk of rupture increases when you have a vertical on the uterus. Also the reason for your last section was because of baby and not your body. so I say go for the vbac. Good luck and keep us updated

I also had to have a c-section with my first. With the second, I really wanted to do a VBAC but my doctor was not supportive at all. The first was breech so there was no reason at all why I could not have at least attempted the VBAC. My doctor used every scare tactic in the book and convinced me to just schedule another c-section. There are risks for both the c-section and the VBAC but the doctors are leaning so much toward the c-sections now that they don't want to tell you about those risks. Now, I really wish that I would have been given the opportunity to at least try. I really think that people are more scared of c-sections then they should be but there is still something about doing it the natural way that I think everyone should be given the opportunity to experience. Be your own advocate with our doctor and don't let them scare you into a decision that you will regret later.

Hi Michelle:

My first delivery sounded a bit like yours. Pushed forever & then they docs decided on a c-section. My second one was a scheduled c-section & it went smoothly. You aren't exhausted b/c you don't have to go thru the entire labor process. I really think the recovery wasn't that bad. Just my opinion though. Go with what you and your doctor agree on!