Trying to conceive

I am just curious if anyone here had an IUD and then took it out and tried to conceive or did conceive and how long it took? I took my IUD out Feb 2nd and didn't get pregnant. I know it could take awhile but I got my second period and am hoping I get pregnant this month. I would love any suggestions and/or stories.
Thank you so much!

Hi Sara, I have two kids and we decided to try for a third. I had my IUD taken out in September and am still trying to get pregnant. I got my period back at month 2 of being off the IUD. I am on month 6 of trying. I never had trouble getting pregnant with my first two. My doctor said it MAY take up to 6 months to get pregnant again. My friend who had her IUD taken out around the same time as I did, got pregnant the first month. Go figure.... Good Luck to you. Katie

I have a girlfriend that swears by red raspberry leaf capsules and tea. It is good for your uterine health, so it can't hurt. Try to be patient. If you put too much pressure on yourself, it can make getting pregnant more difficult. Good luck!

It may sound crazy, but go to a chiropractor. They line up the structure of the body and help increase blood flow to areas. This can be essential in the body feeling it has the capability to handle another pregnancy.

I also have good things to say about raspberry leaf tea, I started it about a month ago to try to help heal from a c-section and I feel it has been a great help to decrease my uterus aches, which means it is probably great for conception also!

Hi Sara. How are you? I just wanted to tell you not to stress or worry. I know it took my friend about four months to conceive after taking hers out.

Read the book "Taking Charge of your Fertility" It is excellent and helped me get pregnant after trying for 7 months. There is so much about the cycle and fertility that I did not know!!!

Hi Sara,
I had an IUD after my first child, my son Jaden who will soon be 3, and when I was ready to have a second child, I had the IUD removed, also in February, but in February of 2005. I must have conceived the actual day I had the IUD removed, literally. My daughter was born later that year on Oct. 23, so if you do the math, I had to have gotten pregnant within a day or two of having the IUD removed. However, that doesn't mean everyone will. It all depends on when you are ovulating. It's only been a month since you've had yours removed, right? I wouldn't worry at all. You just have to figure out when you are ovulating, which there are many ways of doing that. You can get test strips at the store or what I found useful was a device called Fertile Focus. It looks like a mini microscope in a lipstick tube and you put your saliva (spit) on it and the way your spit dries tells you when you are ovulating. Pretty neat thing, actually. It cost about $30 and I got it online. Anyway, you've only been trying one cycle, so absolutely no need to worry!!!! Just have fun trying (hee-hee!) Feel free to email me!
[email protected]

I think its an indivdual thing. I got pregnant with in days but my ssiter and sister in law are still trying after months. so just relax and have fun trying.

Between my first and second child I had an IUD and it took us 6 months to get pregnant, but I don't know if that was because of the IUD or because that's just how long it took. I've actually never heard that having an IUD could cause getting pregnant to take longer. My dr. told me I could conceive as soon as the first month. I'm sure that doesn't help, but that was my story :) Good luck!

My best friend had an IUD for about 3 years and then took hers out so she and her husband could have another baby. He Dr. told her to wait 2 periods then start trying, she concieved right after her 2 period wait without any problems and has a healthy baby boy now.

I had my IUD removed last may and did not concieve until Jan 2007. It does takes some time. A few things to try is thee ovaltion montior or just have sex every other day. Take your time and enjoy.

I had an IUD and took it out after 3 years. Unfortunately, I have not tried to concieve yet but my chances of having another child are slim due to other reasons. Hopefully I will be able to conceive when I'm ready for the next child. I wish you the best with this also.

I took my IUD out after 6 years in June and didnt get pregnant until December. It seemed like forever, but my cousin was pregnant within 2 months so I think maybe everyone is different.

I have heard u can get prgnant 7 days after the start of ur period also if ur having sex often the sperm may not be strong enough so i heard it was beter every other day then every day

Hi, my name is Erin...I did have an IUD for a while, and I had it taken out about 5 or 6 months before we started trying to get pregnant. I did get pregnant on the second month of trying. I don't know that it would even take that long, we just weren't interested in trying any sooner. Keep trying, it will happen sooner or later, I would probably be a little patient with it for a couple of months though so your body can get back into a normal cycle and get rid of some of those IUD hormones. Good luck!

After reading the responses it seems this sort of thing really is highly personalized. My sister got pregnant with her IUD still in. She just had it removed and everything seems to be going just fine. Even though we share the same genes, I always had issues getting pregnant needed help both times. Go figure. I wish you the best of luck and will really hope this will be your lucky month!

my advise would be to get some accupuncture to help balance your hormones again and to relax your uterus.

I got pregnant and am expecting my baby December 7th! We found out on March 28th that we are expecting and the ride had been exhilerating ever since!
Thank you for all of your support, advice and kind words.