Trying to conceive

Hello! My husband and I are trying to conceive our second child. I just had an appointment with by OBGYN and he said I am ovulating and am pefectly healthy. I'm just curious how long it took other to get pregnant. Thanks!!!

It took us 6 months to get pregnant with #2.

it all depends if you were on birth control or not. and how fertile you are. be patient it will happen in time. The lets try getting pregnant while Im ovulating is very stressful..however if you do go that route you should be trying 2 days before the 2 days you are ovulating and 2 days after..if you are fertile (and have not used bc) you will more than likely get pregnant. best of luck

Unfortunately, it took us 3 years to conceive our last one. Turns out the problem was on his end (low count). I would have him get tested. It's simple and quick, and might be the place to start before you get worried.

My husband and I have been trying since april, and we still aren't pregnant. I do chart my temp every day but we just haven't had luck. Our problem is when it's time to ovulate, one of us ends up not feeling good, so we don't try as hard as we should.

Took me about 4 months...although we weren't really timing anything...just having fun in the process!

It took a friend of mine over a year and that's w/out any low counts or other fertility problems. My sis-in-law took one try!

Just don't get stressed and have FUN trying! Don't make it a chore or it'll get boring and stressful. The friend who took over a year told me that as soon as they "gave up" she got pregnant! Isn't that funny?

Good luck and enjoy!

p.s. my doc recommended taking prenatal vitamins while we were trying...just to avoid missing that first month of development.

HI Marie,
Just offering a tip that might help. My daughter read a book, 'Fertility Cycles and Nutrition' by Marilyn Shannon. Sometimes it is the quality of the sperm that is the problem, so this book references a study of 60 infertile couples. 30 of the men with poor sperm quality were given Shaklee's Vita Lea multivitamin and the other 30 were given a placebo. After a month, all 30 of the couples given Shaklee Vita Lea were pregnant. Sperm quality is becoming a big issue, as all of the phthalates in fragrances and plastics are blocking testosterone. There is a great program "The Disappearing Male" which can be seen at CBC DocZone- try to google this or I can email the link to you. Chemicals are affecting our health in many subtle ways- please try to green up your home. I am a healthy green home consultant, after being in health care for 31 years. I have lots of information if you want some advice.
Best Wishes,
PS I also have a file from the FDA listing 22 pages of prenatal and children's vitamins that contain lead- pretty shocking. Flintstones, Centrum, Twin Labs, Nature's Way, GNC- you get the idea. If you want this, I can also email you the file- maybe share it with your doctor!

Arbonne's Prolief cream has helped many ladies to concieve and continue to balance hormones. It's a progesterone cream and it has many benefits. Retails for $30. I offer my 35% off discount to all my clients. Let me know it you would like more info. [email protected]

All i can say is a thank you to Dr Babaka for making me and my family a happy home, i have been married for 2 years without a child and i had 4 miscarriage within this time, i saw a post that says contact Dr babaka for Infertility help, so i did, after he cast a pregnancy spell on me i get pregnant few weeks later after having sex with my partner as instructed by Dr babaka, and i am 7 months pregnant now without any complications and i will share another post here after my delivering and i will also give out my personal info, watch out for my next post, so i decide to drop this here for any body going through infertility problem to contact Dr Babaka on [email protected] and you will be happy you did, contact him for any problem you are having i believed he will help out

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Hi, have you hubby also done testing. Male factor can also contribute to infertility issues. When I need any reliable information from top experts, I also check out where you will find answers for your questions, and tons of recommendations. Hope this helps.