Travel during first trimester

My husband and I were thinking of taking a nice trip up to the mountains (7-8 hour car trip) when I will be around 2 mos preg. My mother is very concerned and angry with me for thinking of this since about 3 years ago I miscarried, and with my last pregnancy I travelled in the first trim and had some heavy bleeding, but all was fine, and I doubt it was related to the travel. I am so early in the preg now, I haven't spoken to my doc yet (but will soon), but last time he had zero concerns with me travelling.

Any thoughts or experiences with travel in the first trimester?

hi. Last I knew from a doctor they didn't want you travel in your last trimester of pregnancy, but when I was 8 months I went for a road trip and I was fine, but if you had a miscarriage before on that I would check with your doctor first best wishes.

I have always heard that you can travel in the first trimester. I would still make lots of stops so you can stretch, but unless the doc has put you on at risk status you should be fine. I understand your moms fears but this is your pregnancy and you cannot stay locked up the whole pregnancy unless the doc thinks it is necessary.
Enjoy and dont be afraid!

Hi Leigh,

The only thing that I can suggest is to talk to your doctor and see what he says about it first. If he doesn't show any concern, then go and have some fun. I would then relay to your mom that you had asked the doctor and that he doesn't show any concern. I hope that this helps!


Hi Leigh,
I have traveled during all three trimesters between two successful pregnancies, and had a miscarriage without any travel. The two are not necessarily related.

Talk to your MD.

Ask your doctor!!!!! If you have a history of complications you may not want to take the risk. Again, TALK TO YOUR DOCTOR!!! Your doctor will best be able to help you determine what is best for you.

We went on our second honeymoon when I was 5 months along-one last trip before kids. I was just fine-nothing happened. THey discourage during the third trimester but I don't see any reason to not do it in your first.

Dear Leigh: Congrats on your pregnancy! Although there is no real evidence that travel during first trimester contributes to miscarriage, as a midwife I usually recommend that patients wait until second trimester to travel because by then risks of miscarriage is less and your energy level is higher making the trip more enjoyable. An episode of spotting during early weeks of pregnancy while traveling can really put a damper on your trip. Then there is always the question, "Do I wait till I'm home to see a Dr. or do I seek out emergency help?" Since you bled with your first pregnancy, you are more likely to bleed in the first trimester again (although that doesn't necessarily mean you will miscarry). These are just some things to consider. Best wishes. Rachel, Nurse-midwife for more than 10 years. Happily married SAHM since 2005.

It sounds like you really do think it'd be fine to travel but your mom's pressure is hard to take. Just for her sake, it's probably worth asking the doctor & having that to help calm your mom.

Personally, I've only avoided travel during the last month. In my first pregnancy, I went on a field trip for college that far away when I was just over a month pregnant and traveled across the country when I was 3 1/2 months. And this time I'm planning another trip across the country at the same point. (I'm about 13 weeks now.)

This early in pregnancy should be fine. If you were to miscarry, it wouldn't be because of the travel. And there shouldn't be any complications when you're that early. I traveled to Mexico when I was about that far along and I found out the night before we left, that I was pregnant. I didn't have time to talk to a doctor AND I was in Mexico for 2 weeks. All was fine, thankfully! I'm traveling this Christmas and I'll be about 20 weeks... this trip was planned a year ago... but you can talk to your doctor if you have any questions or concerns...