My 6 year old son keeps talking about a ball called a Mooshinii (sp) or something simular. He has some speech problems so I'm having a hard time understanding him. Anyone know what he is talking about and where to get one?
Also, I'm having a hard time coming up with a "wow" gift for him. What are you ladies getting your 6 year olds?
Lego, legos, and more legos for my 6 year old. If there is something you boy's into, there's probably a Lego kit for it.
I did a google on "ball toy TV", figuring maybe he saw it on TV. From that search, I think he may mean the Fushigi Gravity Ball? Looks like it's $20 at Sears. Sounds like he may be a kid who'd like a magic kit too?
There is something called "HexBugs Nano" that is real popular with kids, and at that age now.
Amazon has it or Brookstone or E-bay.
Not expensive.
Real fun. My kids like theirs.
Its pretty cool.
Or what about a bike? For a 'wow' gift?
Or legos
or Hotwheels cars with a race track
or, Imaginext toys
ASK him to describe that "Mooshini" ball he keeps talking about and ask him what it does? If it is "juggling"? Fushigi balls.... are on a tv commercial. Amazon has it too or E-bay. It is about "contact juggling." Which a person has to learn to do it.... first. The ball comes with a video, teaching how to 'juggle' with it....
If they like to build..and like cars...looka t Automoblox minis. I get them either online or at my local Barnes and Noble or Creative Kidstuff (local trendy toy store. They are fantastic wooden toy cars that come part and can rebuilt into new car creations. Not sure if they are, but have that European toy design..clean lines and such. I have been buying for all the little boys in my life, ages about 3-8 at this point, and all love them. For Christmas this year I am starting some off and adding to others collections with some fancier ones (street rod looking ones). Its a gift, that if they like, can be added to over time as they are all interchangeable to make new creations....very cool! My hubby wants some! LOL
It is a Fushigi Ball as others have 6 year old wants one, too (way too many commercials on Cartoon Network at grandma's house).
It is sort of a juggling type ball...that being said...My child and yours...unless incredibly gifted, talented, or willing to put in the time to learn it...will probably never really get it to manuever the way you see on the commercial (I foresee some serious frustration on my very impatient son's horizon)...but for $20 I figure what the heck. He hasn't asked for too many things and honestly...maybe this will lead to a huge career with Cirque du Soleil or Blue Man Group ;)!
PS: I am having a hard time with the wow gift, too...since there isn't that much my son gets excited about that I would actually purchase. I know some cool gifts for his older brother in the past were hockey skates, speed skates, electric guitar - used, acoustic guitar, Legos, Magnetix (my kids play with these constantly), and goofy stuff like a Marshmallow gun, science kits like making a volcano that erupts, making crystal kits, etc.